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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Ahhh. Ok Nils. Perhaps I used the wrong term by saying 'large scale'. I guess I was comparing it to my teeny tiny boats. What I should've said was a model that was perhaps, 2 to 3 feet long, at the most. That'd be roughly the same size as your wonderful Pandora. Just a thought. Totally your decision, of course! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Nils Now, here's a thought...how about doing a large scale model of a modern mega-yacht (similar to what I'm building now). You could even detail the interior! It'd be right up your alley What do you think? Cheers Patrick
  3. Many thanks, Igor. It's great to hear from you. I hope you're going well! Cheers Patrick
  4. Many thanks Nils. I have to admit that I've never thought about how many individual parts she's got, but one thing's for sure, Shadow's been challenging, whilst at the same time, thoroughly enjoyable to build. I'm glad that you're enjoying the journey as well. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Igor. Ok. Now, I'm officially gobsmacked! Those sails look so real, it's not funny. Top job. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Thanks for the compliments. I love what I do, so I guess that gives me the patience and determination to try to put as much detail as possible in my boats. Whilst far from perfect, at least they look good to my eye. Have a wonderful journey building your boat. I know that your Dad will be very chuffed with the final result! Cheers Patrick
  7. I'm in! I hope I've scored a front row seat, because this is such a lovely subject to model. I'm looking forward to following along. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Piet Thanks Piet. You're right about your next build being emotionally charged. Without a doubt, it will be my (our) honour and pleasure to join you on your next build. All the best. Patrick
  9. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes; all of which are greatly appreciated! I've done a bit more work on Shadow's Upper Deck; principally, her bridge (with the requisite bank of computer displays and control panels), her Captain's cabin, (that's the one with grey and black horizontal striping on the bulkhead to give it a masculine, yet hip decor and, other assorted minor details, too small and numerous to mention! I hope you enjoy the following photos. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hey Piet Yey. I've finally joined the O16 Club!!! Better late, than never. First of all...what an outstanding job on your sub. Tiny, finely detailed and packed with sentiment, history and emotion. Nice job! Secondly and far more importantly...mighty fine news on the melanoma front! That's worthy of a huge shindig. Congratulauons! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Nenad. Your little beauty is coming coming along nicely. Try and try again, is the only way to go. ...and, yes, you're right! Your hairy friend has indeed grown huge! All the best. Patrick
  12. Welcome back, Fabror!!! Great to see you back posting again. Your carvings are a treat for my eyes. Cheers. Patrick
  13. Oh oh Nils!!!! I feel a certain feeling of dread; fueled by a strong sense of dismay😏. It can't be true, can it??? You're building the display case now? That can only mean one thing ....Your wonderful KWdG's journey must be coming to an end. I can't believe it, because following your Build Log has been tremendously enjoyable. What's next??? Cheers. Patrick
  14. Thanks Piet!! You're most welcomed to ogle any time!!! Have a great week; both you and Gwen. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Carl That's true. Oh well, if you're really that desperate, there's always lots of water outside.... Cheers Patrick
  16. Hehe Denis. You're not wrong. There're five decks to get totally lost in; so it comes as no surprise that you're having trouble finding the bathrooms. I keep getting totally confused each time I look at the plans, so I know how you feel😉 Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Gerhad That's the best thing about MSW, isn't it? We never stop learning, until the day we cark it! Cheers Patrick
  18. Nice job on the hollowing out, Nenad! Sorry if I've been a bad influence on you😏! Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  19. Thanks Denis! You're not wrong about following lots of Logs! Looking through the many Logs on MSW that I follow is definitely one of my great means of inspiration and enjoyment. It's just a shame that there's never enough time in a day to get through them all. Roll on retirement, I say! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Nenad Mighty fine work, there! Cheers Patrick
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