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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Igor Micro-Mini-Miniature marvels....Very, very nice. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi everyone I'm having lots of fun whilst outfitting Shadow's Owner's Stateroom. In the latest photos you'll see that I've added a few more items of furniture, including two arm chairs situated at the foot of the bed as well as a writing desk to one side of the room. On the other side, there is another double seat sofa. I know everything looks very rough and temporary at the moment, but I've yet to glue things in and clean it all up. All in due time, I guess... I hope you all enjoy Shadow's progress. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Hartmut Very nice, very nice, indeed!!! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Frank Kathryn's definitely coming along very nicely. At the rate you're going, it probably won't be long before you start planking the hull. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Jeff Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your wife for the sad loss of your Aunty and father in law. I hope that you can take some solace from returning to the workbench. Take care. Patrick
  6. Hi Denis - yep, actually you're right! Given that this is a 200+ foot boat, there are a multitude of toilets to choose from onboard the full-sized ship! Thanks for for your comments. Greatly appreciated, as always. Hi Elijah - thanks. I'm also amazed at how good the shrubbery looks. The pots are tapered dowels, as you guessed, whilst the foliage are tiny pieces of sponge from the kitchen. I'll give the foIiage a bit of green paint later on. Thanks guys! Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks, Frank - I have that problem when I look at your work, as well as other notable participants in MSW as well!!!! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi folks Hope you're all going really well. A very quick update for you, once again. I'm still working on the Owner's Stateroom; principally, I've added the two bedside tables and the bedside lamps (they're the rectangular white lampshades, in case you were wondering). Also, as in the full sized ship, I've added the two large potted shrubs which adorn the bulkhead. These are a bit hard to see, but, please trust me, they're there...you may just need to look really close! Have a great week, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  9. ...red union suit and pitchfork!!!! 'Go get him, Denis', was my initial reaction, but of course, diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy, yada yada yada.... Seriously though, I don't know why Landlords need to be so difficult sometimes. I hope everything ends well. Cheers Patrick .
  10. Hey Nils I like, I like, I like!!! Thanks for sharing - it's aways a joy to open up your updates; this one being no exception. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Mark Now, that's one of those "Oh S..." moments, for sure. But, just have a beer, or three, and let your thoughts lie for a day or two. Don't make any decisions until you've got a clear head. All the best. Patrick
  12. Hi Michael Many thanks and I'm glad that you like Shadow. She's most certainly an absolute joy to build, but challenging as well, at the same time. I'm also glad to hear that you're out of hospital and back home. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hey Rob Many thanks. The mattress is yet to be completed, but when it is, it will indeed have some pillows on it....perfect for relaxing after a lazy day of cocktails and food😊. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Elijah It's great to hear from you! The shelves are indeed tiny, but they were great fun to do, nonetheless. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Steve Many thanks and greatly appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  16. Happy 79th Birthday Bob!!!! I hope you had a great day. Enjoy and congratulations!!! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Jan Lovely work on all the carvings and mouldings, especially the figures. Cheers Patrick
  18. Thanks Greg I hope you've had a very Happy Easter! Cheers Patrick
  19. Thanks Nils Lots of fun building work ahead for me, that's for sure! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi folks Just another quick update for you. I've started to fit-out the Owner's cabin. In doing so, I've commenced work on the major wall-units which adorn the port and starboard sides of the aft bulkhead. I've provided a couple of photos of these units in my hand, just to give you a clearer idea of what they look like. On the forward bulkhead of the Owner's cabin, I've added the wall panelling as well a blue painting with yellow stars on it. I've also mocked up the owner's king sized bed and some assorted furniture surrounding it. Still lots of fun to go. Thanks and have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hey Denis The whole hull sure looks good, especially with the lovely details you're adding, eg capstan, cat heads, etc. It's a pity about your woes with the Landlord and electricians...some things are sent to try us, aren't they? I hope it all works out well for you. Cheers Patrick .
  22. Thanks Greg Disco and party time!🎉🎉🎉 Cheers Patrick
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