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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Ken It's lovely watching your ship coming together, plank by plank, frame by frame. Top job, so far. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Denis Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday today! Have a great day. All the best. Patrick
  3. Hi Lawrence - thanks for looking in.. I'm afraid that I've been a bit slow with updating MSW lately. Life's just been too busy at the moment. I've managed to do a little bit on Shadow, but not much, lately. I hope to get a new update soon. All the best! Hey Dennis! Great to hear from you. I'm glad that you like the shots with Majellan and Mystic - they were fun to do and to reminisce about past models. I reckon you're right about the jetskis...they're smaller than my fingernails! Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  4. Hi Hartmut Many thanks for showing the stages to build your blocks. Nice and precise, yet artful at the same time. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  5. Thanks Michael! What a great idea about the watches! Hehehe...Tag Heuher and Omega ...here I come! All the best. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Piet! Many thanks. I. Just say, that I'm also looking forward to seeing your 1/3000th scale masterpiece. Hi Lawrence. Thanks for your compliments about the tenders. They were lots of fun to do. Thanks Frank. After looking at Majestic and Majellan, it struck me that they didn't turn out too bad, after all. I was always pretty critical when building them, but now, with the passage of time, I reckon they scrubbed up ok. I guess we're all our own worst critics. It's funny, isn't it? Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi fols I hope you're all well. Well, tonight, I had a go at Shadow's two jet skis which are located at the bow. First and foremost, I set about getting the basic shape right, ensuring that they looked reasonably convincing at thus scale. Later on, I'll paint them and add some further details, such as the cranes that'll be used to lift them into the water. All the best! Cheers patrick
  8. Hi Frank Top job! It doesn't take much imagination to picture her at full speed, with her lee rail buried under some white water as she surged to windward. Lovely. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hi Mehmet I'm totally gobsmacked at those figures! Can you explain how you made them? Were they carved, or sculpted out of modelling clay? Either way, they look terrific. i especially love the effect that you've created as the crew strain to launch the pot over the side. A picture paints a thousand words! Cheers. Pareick
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