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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Elijah. Mmmmm, let's see, that's not a bad idea. Thank heavens for dishwashers, hey? Thanks for stopping by and for your many Likes. I'm glad that you're enjoying Shadow's journey. All the best Cheers Patrick
  2. Ahh, now I get it, Igor. I certainly applaud your drive for accuracy and authenticity. Your mini-marvel is looking brilliant, regardless of the mistake. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hehe. Last I heard was that he couldn't be trusted 😉!!!!
  4. Hi Vaddoc - lovely to hear from you! If the '4th one up' refers to the Sun Deck, then I'm joining ya. Cocktails after sunset sounds like a great idea. Thanks again and I hope your family's going well. Hi Carl - that's the problem, nowadays, isn't it. You just can't get good tradespeople anymore😉😉😉 Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Frank I'm a bit confused by your You Tube video. Sorry. I admit that I thoroughly enjoyed watching your video of the actual full-sized boat stuck on a massive slab of red wood. But, where was the model of Honey Bear? Maybe it's in another video (he says with tongue in cheek). Seriously, Frank, just amazing. That's Museum quality modelling, right there. Cheers Patrick
  6. Yep! You're right, Carl...but, I can't guarantee that their work is always good, but at least they don't argue with me😉...much! Have a great weekend!
  7. Hi Nils. Okay, so now you're a dryer mechanic. What else did they teach you at Engineering School at Uni???? Multi talented you are🙂 I certainly envy you. Meanwhile, I can't even hang a picture straight on our wall at home😕 Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Frank. I know now that I've said it before, but I'll say it again..."Flipping amazing"! I think there should be a law against making things look so easy. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Julie. My my heart always skips beat when I see beautiful work being accidentally damaged. The good bit is that you're well on your way to fixing it. A quick question about the diagonal hull planking and I'm sorry if I missed it in earlier posts-would the real hull have been planked like that and then given a clear varnish? Just curious. All in all, lovely, lovely, lovely work! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Denis. You're absolutely right about the photos being confusing. All of the furnishings are removable at this stage; so some photos have them in, some have them out. I'm not going to glue anything in yet because there's still lots of painting and other work that needs to be done. I'm glad you're enjoying Shadow's journey. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  11. Very nice job on the Lifeboat, Nenad! You must be pretty chuffed with your efforts. Well done. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Fredrick. Great to see you back posting again. Bit by bit, the charm and character of these style of ships is emerging in your model. It won't be long and you'll be adding the rigging and cranes, etc; all of which will add heaps to the overall appearance. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Frank. Beautiful work. I don't know about you, but if it was me, I'd be varnishing the hull and then seeing how well she floats in the bath tub...😉 Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi Hartmut. Lovely work on those leeboards and blocks. Beautifully detailed and built. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Dave. Outstanding job on the table, chairs and cabinet! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Vaddoc After reading about your problems with the planking, your positive attitude has reminded me of the school motto of the local State School up the road from where I lived as a kid: 'Perservere and Advance'. Keep at it. No doubt you're well on your way now to reaping the rewards of your hard work. Well done. Cheers. Patrick
  17. Hi Denis I've just caught up again and, wow, she's looking really top notch. You've obviously had some issues, what with Gibbs and the tipsy stand, but you have overcome them beautifully. Oh, and before I forget! I had no idea how big your trawler was until I saw both models together in some of the earlier photos. That's quite a difference in size. My question, of course is...where are you going to get all the room to store these wonderful models of yours??? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Julie Outstanding job! Lovely planking for a lovely hull. Couldn't get any better than that. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi everyone and many thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Lately, I've been working on Shadow's galley. After a quick Google search of galleys on similar sized mega-yachts, I used as my inspiration a modern, minimalist galley with stainless steel surfaces/grey cabinetry. Hence, for Shadow, her galley has been modelled out of a burnished Aluminium silver type card, which is a close approximation to the colour that I was after. The only problem with this galley colour is that it is hard to photograph effectively, therefore, you may have some difficulty making out the cabinets and other details, but they're there... I hope you're enjoying Shadow's progress so far. Cheers Patrick EDIT: Damn this close-up photography! Please forgive all the dust and rough edges/finishes! There's a bucket load of finishing off to do, especially to the major structures, such as the hull and superstructure. A lot of varnishing and sealing still needs to be done to the internal accommodation fixtures, as well...she's still 'under construction' of course😉, after all.
  20. Hi Sam Once again, your carving prowess astounds me. Top job! Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Mitbok. What a top job you've done so far! I'm like you. I was also captivated by the hull shape of these boats and I followed Altalena's Build Log with great enthusiasm. I wish you well on completing Lana's journey. Cheers Patrick
  22. Nice job, Nenad. It looks like you've got the hang of it now. Before you know it, you'll be sitting back and admiring all your hard work! All the best for the weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  23. Hi 8sillones I don't want to hijack Doris' thread, but, my word, what a beautiful model you've built! Would you be willing to post some more photos in the Gallery for us to enjoy? Thanks Patrick
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