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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Carl Mmmm...palm trees, heh? I reckon I could rustle up a couple of them😏 Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Thistle17 I'm definitely in! This looks like it's going to a really different and unusual subject matter to model. I'm kinda struck by the colour of the hull above the waterline...it reminds me of green floating algae! Is that just a coincidence, or was it chosen to blend in with the river water colour? Just curious. Cheers Patrick
  3. Calling Captain Bob. Calling Captain Bob! Hi Bob. I've become a bit concerned that you haven't been posting for quite a while. I've sent you a PM a while back, to check to see if you were ok, but I've not had any response so far. I hope all's well with you and your Admiral and that you're able to rejoin MSW soon. All the best! Patrick
  4. Hi Frank I see what you mean about the difficulty in retro-fitting the interior of your boat. That won't be easy. However, maybe you may be tempted to do another full hull with all of the interior in it? Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Frank Thanks for the compliments about my J Class Rainbow. In fact, it's modelling the internal accommodation of a boat that gives me the most satisfaction, so it's no surprise that I'd fully encourage you to do the same for your boat. Furthermore, from what you've shown us so far, it should be a walk in the park for you to do. Whatever you do, please don't forget to start a Build Log for us to enjoy and follow. Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Greg! Much appreciated. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Nenad Great to hear from you! Sorry, no magic. Just having a whole lot of fun doing it. Maybe that's the secret? Have a great week and thanks for stopping by. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi everyone Many thanks for all of your Likes and comments! Much appreciated, as always. Well....can you guess what this photo is???? ....Yep...You guessed it. It's Shadow's shadow. Hehehe....I've been itching to have a bit of fun by posting this one. Have a great week folks! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Frank Your models are simply fantastic! Talk about beautifully finished, beautifully detailed and beautifully crafted. I'm a fan! Cheers Patrick
  10. Thanks Elia! Much appreciated as always. A big welcome back to MSW as well. I noticed that you haven't been around a while, so it's good to see ya. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Frank Many thanks for your compliments. I also forget just how small she is until I look at the photos, too! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Vaddoc Niice progress so far. She's gonna look great once all the planking's done. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hey Nenad Your ship's boat looks really nice. Welcome back to the shipyard, as well. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank Many thanks! I really appreciate your compliments. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Rob Very nice work. The standing rigging looks great. Keep up the brilliant work. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Frank Flattening the chine line must've been a fair deal of work, but, oh, so worthwhile now that it's done. You know what? Something that has also struck me is just how shapely the hull is. Low, flat, with a broad beam, a lovely sheerline and a lovely stem, she looks 'fast' even whilst she's stationary. Nice. Very nice. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Dave I bet that when you started your cannons, you thought it'd be a long shot (pun intended) that you'd be finding it such a challenge...but, in true fashion, you've done brilliantly well. Great work. Cheers Patrick
  18. Very nice, Anton! She really looks the part sailing off into the sunset. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Frank Wow. Wow and triple wow! I like! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hey Mark Like everyone else, I too was wondering what had happened to you. Sorry about the stroke, but I'm sincerely happy to hear that you're on the mend! Stay well. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Brian Ahhh, good question. As with anything I do, sometimes it's the simplest solution that works out the best. To make the water, I lined the interior of the spa with a light blue cardboard and then poured in some superglue to give it a translucent effect. Not bad, I thought. I hope this helps. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Greg Shhh! I've been sworn not to tell anyone where I got those giant fruits from😉 Seriously, though...Thanks for for the compliments and I hope you're keeping well. Cheers Patrick
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