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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Ahah Denis!!!! So this is what you've been up to. I was reading your Thermopylae log this morning, in which you referred to the 'Jolly Roger' kit and I said 'what's he going on about? Now, after visiting this Log, it all makes sense, now. My God, you work fast!!! You've done more work in three weeks than I would do in a year. Mighty fine work, too. I especially like the paint finishing with the flat black paint that you've done, It gives the hull a really nice and authentic effect. Keep up the great work Cheers Patrick
  2. Hey Denis I've finally had a chance to catch up with your Thermie! Woohoo!!!! What a brilliant job you've done so far. The stern railing looks especially good. It's also amazing to see how much each individual piece of detail changes the overall look of the ship; from the cannons and the pumps, through to the fife rails...what a nice job. Keep up the great work. Cheers Patrick
  3. Thanks Frank Now, about that bottle of Dom P and glasses...mmmm. It could be worth a try, but my chances of success at this scale...Ah, well, what the heck😊, why not, just for fun. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Dwalker I really like what you've done with this tug. The hull looks great, as does the superstructure. A tantalising glimpse of the bent frames through the companionway also conveys a nice impression of how these ships were constructed. Nice job and I look forward to following along. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Lawrence Thanks for your compliments, especially about the level of detail that I've packed into Shadow. You know, I reckon that no matter what size we build our models, it'll all work out as long as we love what we're doing. The same goes for your Golden Hinde. Well, that's my theory anyway. Thanks heaps and have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Greg Many thanks! I'll try, but I can't guarantee that they'll be 'good looking'😉. Have a great day. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Paul Many thanks! Yep, you're right about the crew. The only trouble is that I've never made figures as tiny as they would need to be for this ship...but alas, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It'll be well worthwhile giving it a go! Have a nice night. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi folks I hope you're all going well. Meanwhile, back on Shadow's Sun Deck, I've added a bit more stuff, principally the bar that sits just aft of the spa, as well as some assorted cabinetry for the guests. At the aft of the deck, I've added a tiny round gold coloured table, adorned by two chairs for guests to sip cocktails as Shadow sails off into the sunset. Lastly, I've added some 'artistic' shots of Shadow; you know, just to get the imagination flowing... I hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekends. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi WB I'm in. I got hooked the moment I read the title of your log. I'm looking forward to following along. Cheers Patrick
  10. Yep! Can't argue with that, Dave. Totally understood. Take your time and there's no need to rush. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hey Dave Great to see that you're back to posting again. I was beginning to wonder where you were! Nice job job on the cannon carriages. Cheers Patrick
  12. Thanks Vaddoc!!!! If only I was tiny enough to luxuriate on the sunbed...I'd be a happy Chappy.... Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Meddo Thanks for your compliments about the photos. To be honest, I wasn't sure how well the photos would turn out, but I was pleasantly surprised! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Greg Many thanks and it's great to hear from you. I was wondering how you've been over the past few weeks. I hope all's well at your neck of the woods! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Denis Many thanks for the compliments! I'm not actually a Walking Dead fan, but I remembered that you are, judging by the references you've previously made in your logs. I reckoned you might get a kick out of it😏! Meanwhike, I've been a bit slack lately and because of that, I've got a lot of catching up on a whole bunch of logs; yours included. Maybe this weekend. Have a great day. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Carl Many thanks - It's a pleasure pulling Shadow into shape. Needless to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying building this ship. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi everyone Thanks for your Likes and following along. Greatly appreciated. Over the past few days, I've continued to add a bit more to Shadow's Sun Deck, principally, the large white sun baking settee situated on the aft of the deck. To add further interest, I've added some different coloured scatter cushions. I've also started to flesh out a bit more of the detailed work surrounding her spa, situated at the forward end of the Sun Deck. Lastly, I thought I'd take some photos of Shadow alongside photos of the real ship that Shadow is based upon (i.e. Mary Jean II). As you can see, I've got a long way to go before I can truly say that Shadow's finished. I hope you have a great week, folks! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Vaddoc Great to see your latest update. We all know that life just keeps getting in the way, therefore, it must be a good feeling to be back at the bench, getting in some valuable time on the boat. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Frank You know, I actually was contemplating trying my hand at making some super-models. However, with my poor level of carving abilities, sadly, they really would be 'stick figures'. If that were the case, my stick-figured super models would never grace the latest fashion mags ever again! Oh well..I know my limitations! Cheers Patrick
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