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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis Thanks, but I think you underestimate your ability to get things done at lightning fast speed! I'm still in awe and slightly envious😊 Thanks also for for visiting my Pandora log. All of those photos of Pandora were taken before I had a good digital camera....looking back at them now, it's surprising how fuzzy and dim the colours of those photos were...they certainly didn't do the model justice. Aanyhow, have a good one! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Tozbleker Thanks for showing how you made the railings. The more I see, the more I learn! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Denis I think I can feel a strong urge to see a line up of your whole fishing boat fleet, AG included. Hint Hint? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Tecko I'm amazed! The bridge is coming along beautifully, but the wiring...OMG, I'd get totally lost. I couldn't even hope to do what you're doing in a heartbeat. Top job, so far. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Mark Nice job on the carriage, even for a prototype. I didn't realise how tiny they were until I saw them against the ruler. Yep, tiny, alright! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Eddie I'm doing very well and thanks for asking! I'm also very appreciative of the many Likes you've given. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Hartmut Nice progress, as always. I'm just looking at how blunt the bow is underwater. These ships wouldn't have been very fast, I'd imagine? Nonetheless, they were still very attractive yachts, that's for sure. Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Denis I'm just catching up with your log! My, oh my, what a heap of progress you've made on her. I wish I had your speed and adeptness in getting things done. Somehow, you juggle everything together (including birthday cake baking) and never seem to miss a beat. What's your secret???? Cheers Patrick
  9. Nice progress Frederick. She's really coming together now. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Denis Very, very nice! I can just picture Syborn chugging across the ocean, trawling backwards and forwards, forever chasing those elusive fish. The seagulls would also be hanging out for a free feed...so watch out in case they leave their calling cards on the decks🤔 You wouldn't want to clean the decks unnecessarily😧 All the best. Cheers Patrick
  11. Many thanks Piet! It's great to see you back on MSW again. Thanks also for the many Likes! I hope all's well with you and Gwen. Cheers Patrick '
  12. Hi Denis Many thanks! I'm also glad that the 'movers' have moved in. I was getting a bit twitchy about having to spend so much time on the hull and superstructure (both of which still need a lot of work), but, at least I've been able to start on the really fun bit, ie the furniture and accommodation. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Bob That's a great compliment! Very grateful for that. Have a good'un. Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Greg How does that saying go...''good things come in small packages'... Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  15. Thanks Lawrence I really appreciate your comments and thanks for catching up on Shadow's progress. I must admit that, like you, I'm also amazed at just how tiny Shadow is in real life. In fact, as I'm used to seeing her all day, I kinda take it for granted, until that is, I look at the photos of me holding her...and then I realise, yep, she's tiny! Thanks for looking in and have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hey Bob Just catching up .....Woweee, she looks fantastic, what with rivets and plating, etc, etc. Almost too good to paint, in fact (although, paint you must, of course). Mighty fine work. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Folks! Just a very quick update for you all. I've added a bit more detail to the Main Saloon; namely the side cabinets and two small single armchairs that are situated at the rear of the saloon. And...just to add a bit of life to the scene, I've deliberately placed the dining table chairs in a haphazard fashion, just to give the impression of the guests leaving the table in a hurry. Maybe it was something they ate??? Also,if you look closely enough, in one of the photos you'll notice that I've added the individual placemats on the saloon table. They're admittedly hard to see because they're so tiny, but trust me, they're there! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Nils Greg and everyone's absolutely correct. You're doing one hell of a beautiful job, Nils. I seriously don't know how you could do any better. Cheers Patrick
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