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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nenad Good luck with whatever the outcome is with your eyes. I'll looking out for ya! Cheers Patrick
  2. Ahhh, ok. I'd really like to believe you, Hartmut. However, I still think that you nicked the ironing board off your Admiral. She's probably still looking for it after all these years!!! Hehe. Just joking of course😉😉😉 Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Hartmut Nice job on the windless and catheads. The precise milling that you've achieved on the windlass makes it look like it could really work! Also, does your wife know that you've stolen her ironing-board in the second last photo to use as a building board??? No???? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Rob Mmmm. Lobster tails on the dinner table. Now that's an idea!!!😀 And....yep, I have been known to use the old magnifying glass from time to time. Most useful indeed! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Nils Really, really seriously nice! When you get a chance, can you pls check with the purser to see if my veranda cabin has been booked. I think I also ordered the lobster for dinner. No hurry, though; just whenever you're free to do so!😀 Cheers Patrick
  6. Lextin, I must be getting old because I can't imagine how that must be fun....🤔! Glad you and everyone else are fine, though. Happy driving. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Dave Nice start on the Eagle! You must be happy to be doing the carvings again, as it's a welcomed break from the other construction tasks. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Lextin What the?????? I knew the Airforce flies fast, but, I didn't think you could fly THAT fast. What happened and I hope you're ok? No one else was hurt? Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Rick You're doing a great job on the hull. Oh, and you're right of course...never give up! Cheers Patrick
  10. Many thanks, Kees! Coming from someone with your skills and talent, that's a huge compliment... much appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  11. Thanks Greg! You're right about the tiny chairs. I've lost a couple very quickly already...! The champers is on ice awaiting Shadow's maiden voyage. Thanks again and enjoy your weekend. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi everyone I hope you're all enjoying your weekends! Woohoo!!! I decided to take a break from doing the cabin layouts to work on the fitting out of the Main Saloon. Although it's still early days, Shadow now has the main settees (albeit, minus their cushions, which will be added later), four small rectangular coffee tables on the blue floor mat, and the main dining room table, complete with 14 dining chairs. Lots of fun to go, folks! I hope you enjoy the following photos. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hey Jesse Onwards and upwards, my friend! Take care and knock that ill-health out of the park! Stay positive. You WILL get better and you will beat it. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank Congratulations on completing this part of the framing. A milestone, that's for sure. I've always liked the shape of Skipjack hulls and seeing Kathryn, in her present unplanked state, only reinforces that sentiment. She's a beauty. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hey Kees Oh my. My, oh my, oh my! Those shots of the ships with their lights ablaze are absolutely amazing. What a top job you've done on all of these boats. Congrats! Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Frank! I agree. Shadow's lines are pretty spiffy. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Pete, Mark Greg, Rob and Greg! It's fantastic that you're enjoying Shadow's journey. Lots of waters still to be crossed, but it's been calm and enjoyable so far. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Dan You just can't beat beautiful hull design when you see it, can you? This hull is just utterly beautiful; from the fine lines at the bow, to her curavaceous stern. They knew how to design them in those days, didn't they? Very nice! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi folks! Thanks for all of your Likes and comments! Well, she's getting there, albeit slowly. It may not actually look like there's been a lot done since my last update, but a lot of the work has been devoted to building more cabins and a myriad of other fine measurements and trimming of bits and pieces here and there. Anyhow, I thought you may like to see where she's at via the following photos. Have a good week! Cheers Patrick
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