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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nenad Looking wonderful. Crowded, but nice! Cheers Patrick
  2. Please accept my sincere condolences to John's family and friends. May he rest in peace. Patrick
  3. Hi Vaddoc Nice start! I agree that protecting yourself from the sawdust is wise, so it makes good sense that you're using the dust masks. I look forward to seeing the nest update. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Carl - I reckon you're right. The hull does look pretty nice and shapely. Perfect for smooth sailing! Hi Greg - thanks. I don't think you've jinxed me at all. Knowing me, a major stuff - up is probably just around the corner.... Hi Nils- Thanks. I'm kinda chuffed at how quickly she's come together, too! Thanks also to everyone for hitting the Like button. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone! Ok. I'm worried! Why? Because so far, I haven't had ANY MAJOR stuff-ups with Shadow's construction. I'm not used to this!!!! I'm definitely not in my comfort-zone and I feel uneasy. My normal pattern of building is to lurch convincingly from one major stuff up, to the next...never quite recovering from the last error, before the next one crops up. But, noooo, Shadow has to be the exception. So far, everything's gone pretty well according to plan. The hull's straight and narrow. She's symmetrical longitudinally and laterally. She's relatively strong and rigid. Oh, dear God, please let me stuff something up so that I can get back to my normal feelings of discomfort!!!! Ok, my 'tongue in cheek' rant is over . I guess what I'm saying is that I'm pretty happy with Shadow's progress, so far. Also, I've been scouring the Net for similar mega-yachts and have been transfixed by a couple of boats that have gold coloured hulls. Weird, I know, but I reckon they look pretty good. So, what the heck, I've applied a gold/coppery colour to the hull as an experiment. Mmmm, not too shabby, I reckon. I hope you share my enthusiasm for the colour... Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Piet You're right, styrene and plastics do have their place, but nothing beats working with wood. It has such 'soul and warmth'. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Piet So....let's see. You're a pilot, an Aircraft inspector, a master craftsman, a skilled gardener and handyman, a magically talented modeller and an all round nice guy. AND, to top it all off, you're a brilliant sketch artist as well!!! Envy! On a more serious note, your lion's gonna look great, that's for sure. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  8. Thanks Greg-Thanks and yep, smart thinking (at least as long as things go according to plan - luckily, in this case, it looks ok so far) . Hi Nils - Yep, I sure did! At least, from what I can see so far, the hull hasn't warped and is surprising strong. It'll be even stronger once all of the internal bulkheads are installed. Thanks - Bob! Hi Carl - Thanks - easy. Being balsa, it'll come out easy with the hobby knife and chisels. Hi Carl - you're right and believe me, that thought had crossed my mind. Speaking of Kees, I wonder how he's going? Have you heard from him lately? Hi Bob - That's very true. I had actually intended to use styrene, but decided to use the plywood because that's all I had on-hand. It'll still scrub up really nicely. Besides, it's always nicer to work in wood! Have a great week everyone! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Greg and Mick, and everyone else who commented and hit the Like button! Thanks! Tonight, Shadow's hull has emerged from her balsa mould. In doing so, I was extra careful to try and remove the balsa core in sections; that way, I could use the sections to create templates for the internal bulkheads later on. If I'm not making sense, perhaps the pictures will explain it better than my words can. Have a great week, folks. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Greg Good question! I guess it looks a bit confusing at this stage, but the planking will go over the styrene framework to form the exterior of the hull. Once the exterior has been completed, I'll rip out the balsa mold and discard it. After the hull's done, I'll clean up the inside and add the internal bulkheads to give it some structural rigidity. I hope this all makes sense! All the best and take care tomorrow. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Vaddoc Off to a nice start. There's nothing like smelling freshly cut wood, is there! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Carl -the styrene strips are .8mm thick, so it's super easy to bend over the hull. I then use the tiniest dab of CA to glue it in place. I hope this makes sense! Hi Frank. Me too! I'm loving the look of this hull already, which motivates me even more to work on it (time permitting, of course!). Hey Denis - Great to have you join and welcome on board!! Thanks. Hey Elijah - Thanks and you're definitely welcomed to join in. Have a great weekend, folks! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi and many thanks! Yep, I bought the styrene strips today. They're made by an American company called Evergreen. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Mick I love the hearth, especially the realism of the tiles. Most certainly up to your beautiful level of craftsmanship. Have agreat weekend! Cheers Patrick
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