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Posts posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Let me start by saying the scale listed is just a guess - nowhere on the plans, box, or instructions is a scale given. The pilot house is 4" from the deck to the roof, so at 5/8" scale it would be 6"5". I'm calling it a reasonable guess!


    This kit is from the 1980's, and the owner wants to see it finished. This should be a fun build. I can see some extra detailing, especially the interior. Although designed to be R/C, it will be a static model. The balsa wood hull side will be replaced with basswood for starters. Here's the kit contents:



  2. Here's what the hull looks like after some aggressive sanding with 60 grit paper. No need to go any finer, the primer will fill the small sanding marks.



    Then another coat of primer, and more putty. much less needed this time. If I'm lucky, maybe I won't need to do this a third time?


  3. So now the hull comes off the work-board so the exterior can be finished. First problem is how do I mask off the scuppers so the spray paint doesn't get into them? The answer is to use 1/16" square balsa wood. It is soft and can be forced into the opening.



    The next step is to mask off the interior deck and bulwarks.


  4. On 8/6/2018 at 10:32 AM, CPS_skybolt said:

    Ron, You are right on . I didn't read far enough ahead in the instructions. I planked this like any other model I have made in the past. Instructions, instructions, instructions. I think I got it now.



    Writing instructions can be a delicate balance between what you think someone buying a certain skill level kit should know, yet trying to help sidestep difficult construction details.


    Also, what we think we said in the instructions is not always what they are interpreted as.

  5. Chris, I agree. But my customer likes it.


    So here's the template for the pounce wheel. 1" spacing, equal to about 5 1/3 feet (model is 3/16" = 1' scale) Note the bow is already pounced.



    After pouncing the stern deck, I did a brown wash into the holes, quickly wiping the thinned paint off right away. A bit of overkill, but....


  6. Then to cut the plywood to the same shape. Needless to say, it took a bit of trial and error. But in the end, it is a good fit as you can see in the second picture. But before I glue it on, I need to put down the deck planking. Easier to trim first, rather than try to fit the deck on with the bulwarks in place.



  7. Hi Ric,


    The ships I build are for a purpose, (customer, gallery, etc) not just because I want to build a model. My current stack-up is:


    rigging the USS Perry (new kit)

    Mary Taylor (customer)

    Coastal Schooner (new kit)

    Lincolnville wherry (gallery)

     Liberty ship (gallery)

    Red Jacket (gallery)


    And interspersed are two repair jobs. I trust you understand. Maybe someone out there with an Alfred will step up to the plate?

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