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Everything posted by bear

  1. Ahoy Mates Just found out that Chuck no longer makes rope. CRAP! I know I am late to this issue but need to find out what my alternatives are. Well now where to go for rope that is almost as good. Is there anyone who I can buy rope from that is of the same type and quality? Or what else is avaliable in natural or synthetic fibre? I guess I should ahve stocked up better, but now where can I go? Thanks Keith
  2. The submarine you note as a photo is a later sub that is not the same as the U9. You can measure photos of the U9 which show the higher deck to saddle tank. Sorry for the disagreement. Just agree to disagree. Also look up the book by Gregor trojac UBOOTWAFFE 1914-1918 for photos of the U9 like on page 53 . Measure them and see for yourself. and there are drawings inside it also on other pages,but none are of the U9.
  3. Wolfpack is the Facebook page I have been posting on. A med grey -dar
  4. Hi Ron I found out that the sides of the upper hull are too short by .100. Look at photos and measure it. I have raised my hull sides and deck up now. And have done other things like detailed the exhaust and intake trunk. Used Archers Decal rivets. Opened up the sides of the trunk and widened the preasure hull there. I see you have made up preasure hull sections. You can see all y postings on Facebook Wolfpack pages.
  5. Welcome aboard Harvey I am an Oregonian from Troutdale- the windy city today with the Gorge winds howling > Where in Oregon do you dock? Keith and Boris
  6. Ahoy I recommend this kit for anyone who wants to learn how to build a wooden ship model. And be able to complete your first build! There are two books on it,which I used to add details along with photos of the real one at the Smithsonian . Here's mine that I built back in 2014. I placed 1st in our IPMS Spring Show for Non Powered Sailing Ships. I had planed to enter it in the Seattle Spring Show this April , but that Show was canceled due to Covid19. Maybe next year.
  7. What is the price of this kit from Trident? Boris wants to know. Thanks Keith and Boris
  8. Ahoy Mates There's also a white metal Ferrari engine kit that goes with the Arno. I do not know if they still make it-from another company other than Amati. I bought one with this kit. The cost of the engine kit was $975.00. Have had mine for over ten years now just sitting on a shelf waiting for me to build it. Great subject to build. Happy New Year to all. Keith and Boris
  9. Ahoy Chuck and All As for dents,you can use the steaming out of them. Just dab a little water on the dent,then use the travel iron to raise the dent up. Repeat it as needed. You can also just let the water do its work without heat to raise the dent too. You can use this to your advantage too,compress the area on the wood that will fit into a slot or under something. Compress it so it fits in easy. Then just before you insert it in.wet it, assemble it and wait for the wood to expand back -and you have a tight joint. Barrel and bucket coopers use this for sealing the bottoms and sides of the staves by compressing a line in the wood,plaining it down until the compressed groove is level. Then when the wood gets wet,that compressed line expands and acts like a compressed gasket. Keith and Boris
  10. Hi Jim Where is it in the postings? What is the time frame for more sets-please let me know. Thanks Keith
  11. Ahoy Chuck Any idea when you will have sets again for sale? I am sure others are waiting too. Thanks Keith
  12. Ahoy Mates Thanks Jason for all the wood I have bought from you,and the way my models look using your wood. Here's the new Supervisor in my shipyard. His name is Boris,he's a Russian Blue about a year old. with about the same personality of the late Pickels as you can see.. The sale sure went fast-about 8 minutes. Glade I was sitting watching the screen for hours waiting for the site to open. Would have bought more but PayPal held me up from aying for about 30 seconds,3 bundles were taken out of my order before it was paid.I still spent over $700. Well worth it Jason. Thanks Keith and Boris
  13. Ahoy Jason Thanks for the great deal on the thickness sander and all the wood. It sure went fast. Thanks for all the fun that I and Pickels have had using your wood. Pickels is gone now but later today I am going to look at a 1 year old Russian Blue boy. Maybe I'll have a new supervisor by the time all my wood and sander gets here. Have fun with your family, and no problems with your demanding job. Back to using your wood that's here in stock now. My latest completed ship the 1492 Nina,and the last one Pickels supervised. Great wood makes good models. Thanks Keith Happy Customer since you started.
  14. Hello Dan Welcome to MSW You had problems with Rustoleum? Did you follow the instructions on the can? Did you listen to your fellow builders in Portland? LOL Hi Dan,just kidding my friend. For those reading I am in the build group with Dan. You have lots of great photos coming up later from Dan's build of this kit.
  15. Ahoy Chris PLEASE make figures in 1/48 scale also!!!! There's a lot of Cheerful's and other 1/48 ships without a Captain to add scale to our builds. I wish you were making 1/48 sized kits too,I would buy them!!! Thanks Keith
  16. Ahoy Mates I am working on my Amati Nina 1/65 and need to find out what hitch or knot to use for the lashing lines of the deadeyes for the shrouds on this 1492 ship? It has rails on the bulwarks with some cleats,but the lines for the deadeyes are tied around the rails which are mostly without an open end close to use them like a cleat. I have not been able to find anything about hitching lines to a rail. Here's photos of my Nina with the lashing lines going down from the upper deadeye to thru the deck eye bolt for the lower deadeye,and then up and over the side with tape holding the ends. You can see the rails that have space behind them inbetween the frames. I am sure Pickels would have know,but he's busy building in Heaven now. Next month I am going to get a new supervisor in the Shipyard to train in his place. Thanks Keith
  17. Ahoy George What I did was to put the eyebolt thru the bulwark ( the eyebolt surfaces were roughed up with a file ,then used CA to hold it into the drilled hole in the bulwark,add the washer with a small amount of CA to hold it to the hull. By the way I first panted the edges of the washer black BEFORE gluing it to the hull side. Then I used a snipper to cut off the excess length leaving about 1/32 " above the washer. Then I used the snippers and again cut the end 90 deg. to the first cut,which would leave it looking like it was peened over. Try it out on scratch amterial until you get what you want. Like was stated above,most detail can not be seen without mag. glass. You could also glue and eyebolt that doesn't go out thru the hole on the outside of the hull,then make up a washer with a short peened end,and glue the stub end of the bolt washer into the hole. With this you could use plastic washer and rod. Keith
  18. Great looking planking. I look forward to getting my kit soon. Now back to working to complete my Nina build. Taking your time and getting it right is a long lasting reward when you look at it years later. Keith
  19. Ahoy Mates As an old tool and diemaker of over 45 years and model maker for over 60, I have used both and for the diamond files I love them on wood and steel for fast cutting and also use steel files. They both have their places. I like the open cutting of the diamond's,they are like sandpaper,but for shapes and controled filing the steel ones are the best. Just make sure they are not stacked on each other or just tossed into a drawer. Check out a jewler's supplier for files,they will have quality ones which cost more but will last you forever. The ones you get at a discount place mostly are not worth the price.
  20. Ahoy Mates Chad's great model of his Cross Section placed 2nd yesterday at the Fall IPMS Model Show in Clackamas,Oregon that was put on by the Oregon Modelers Society.It was a great Show. People loved your model Chad and your case which is at the same level of workmanship as your Cross Section. Sorry Chad that I placed ahead of you with my Cheerful. Looking forward to your Eagle being in a Show soon. Just wish you were here today. I have your Red Ribbon and Model for you. Thanks for entering your Model in the Show. Go to Oregon Modelers Society's Facebook page or www.woodenshipclass.blogspot.com for photos of the Show, for Chads model photos and all others in the show yesterday. Keith and Pickels
  21. Ahoy Mates Just less than a week from the Model Show here in Portland,Oregon next Saturday. I will be completing my Cheerful build in the next two days!!! It will be nice to have it completed 5 days from the Show. Here's my last build for the Cheerful. A binnacle out of swiss pear from a photo of one on a boat in the Manatoba Maritime Museum thanks to someone here posting to my question about binnacles for the Cheerful.And to Chuck for his drawing also. Pickels had to help since he wants his 3/4 of the desk space that this model has taken up for months now. He's yelling at me to work faster. I hate to finish it up now since it's been a great build and having learned a lot building it. Keith and Pickels
  22. Thanks Chuck Your the best my friend. Now I have another thing on my list to be done this week. Getting close. Maybe Pickels will make it tonight for me while I sleep. Keith AND pICKELS
  23. Ahoy Mates Ending the build of my Cheerful,and what came to mind-where's the binnacle for it and what type did they use for a Royal Navy ship of this tonnage and era? Need help with where to find drawings or illustrations so that I can make one up this week. Have to finish up my build for the upcoming Model Show that it will be entered in on September 22nd . Thanks for the help. Keith and Pickels
  24. Ahoy Mates What knots or knots are used for the securing line that is used to lash the anchor to the hull or chain plate? No It's not the anchor bend knot to the anchor cable that I am looking for,but the knot used to lash the anchor on my Cheerful to the top rail. Here's my Cheerful and where the anchor is to be secured on the top rail. Is there a book that covers the knots used and where? Thanks Keith
  25. bear

    Ahoy Chuck

    Just wanted to show you my progress on my Cheerful. Just over a year now since I started it with Pickels.

    Today completed the anchor buoys. It wore out Pickels,so he had to cat nap right where he finished.

    Here's what the rest of the ship looks like also.

    Thanks for a great subject and kit. Let me know what you think.


    Thanks Keith and Pickels

    bilge pumps and ropw coils 7-31-2018 002.JPG

    bilge pumps and ropw coils 7-31-2018 007.JPG

    anchor bouy 8-10-2018 001.JPG

    anchor bouy 8-10-2018 013.JPG

    anchor bouy 8-10-2018 014.JPG

    ratlines 7-6-2018 002.JPG

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