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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. sounds like an interesting challange, very interested so will be following ,best of luck Boyd
  2. Looking great , TV is a distraction so took mine out of the workspace !!!
  3. Are you serious , i bet the new one won,t be from Billings??
  4. Have been wondering about rolled up sails on my own build so i think i have some idea of your quandry . The only advice i can offer is that in my opinion if sails are not done to a very realistic standard they can spoil an otherwise outstanding build ,and i am in no way doubting your ability to achieve this but as you said it is completely new to you . Other say it,s a pity to hide all that rigging with sails and then some say a build is not complete without sails . Im sorry not much help ,others more experienced may have better advice ?
  5. Have used the method of coating both surfaces and letting it dry slightly but didn,t heat it , be carefull i finished up with quite a few springy planks ,maybe i just haven,t perfected the method yet but will think twice about using it for long planking again . Used titebond II Am not a fan of super glue ,no time for proper alignment .
  6. Sorry can,t help with rigging plans but you have done a fantastic job so far !! Been considering this for my next build but that,s a long way away it certainly looks impressive .Is the 1;45 harder or easier than a 1;75 ,more detail possible i suppose ??
  7. Did you consider puting some of the frames in before using the Kristal Klear to reduce the surface area . Just a thought !
  8. IF cutting with x acto take small slivers at a time
  9. from your log i would have said you were past the beginner stage !!. i have a build log of a Billings Victory feel free to check it out .
  10. hi Heinz welcome to the site and i see you have similiar ideas to me about a wood finish ,but by the look of your log i still have a lot to learn and as your at a similiar stage to me i will be keeping a close watch to pick up a few tips and maybe learn a few new skills .Keep posting plenty of pics ! Love it
  11. Will have to think about it ,and do a bit more research ??
  12. showers every couple of hours ,makes outside work difficult ,but we are used to it.
  13. If you keep this up i will have to redo my gallaries as well !! lookin great
  14. Hi william ,when you say there isn,t one do you mean in the kit ?? cause surely in the real ship there has to be a door or some sort . i never intended to be authentic but felt that although the kit didn,t mention one there must have been something to keep the water out ??
  15. Out with the old and in with the new . As with so many parts of my build i usualy do things more than once and the latest casualty is my gratings and stairs which was my first attempt at scratch building ,the more i looked at it i knew i could do better and it looked stained or badly painted and just not right .So as a change from gunports i removed one of the gratings and replaced the stairs using different wood but using the same basic method ,Before doing the other one i took a pic just to show the difference ,i think the colors blend in better with the rest of the build and although it won,t really be seen it gives me a better idea of what i want for more visible stairways New one on the right !!! While i had camera in hand ithought i,d show progress on galleries ,i managed to realign the decorations and although noticeable close up was the best i could manage ,will be more carefull on other side Can,t do the bottom windows until i finish the other side as some of the strips run the whole way around and may need to be line up Can anyone enlighten me as to what kind of door would been fitted and was it flush with the hull or stepped in slightly ,any pictures i found showed a dark void which made me think the door is further in than i have it shown in the pics
  16. Good luck with the rigging ,wish i was at that stage ?? will be watching .Have Fun !! Boyd
  17. Thanks for looking in Nigel ,Im sure you noticed in my log that i continualy change things as well as my mind ! But i must admit i,m really enjoying this build although the fact i have no fixed plans and am making it up as i go along means progress is very slow the lack of restrictions of having to achive an authentic build means anything goes as long as i like the finished look The wood has been a problem but i have learned a lot for future builds , color variation seems to be a universal problem and as you say even individual strips can change considerably over a 1 meter length and have found 0.3 mm variation in width of a 3 mm strip !!! Lesson learned and although to late for a lot of this build various solutions come to mind for the next . thanks for the tip on white spirit , i had just been wetting with a damp cloth but dried out very quick , I have almost finished my countless variations on the gunports and hull planking and if nothing else gets changed i hope to post a few pics of my final attempt in about a weeks time , Am looking forward to moving on to a different part of the build as i seem to have been recutting cutting gunports for months ,and they still aren,t all square !!! thanks for your kind comments and feel free to offer any advice or opinions . Boyd
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