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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. True Keith ,and the thought of all those gunports might make me change my mind AGAIN ??? Think maybe i have enough on my plate at present so will put this idea on the back boiler untill i have present build in the glass case . Although i could go for closed gun ports ?
  2. No pics ,progress has been slow as build time limited at present ,but while building to day i came up with a thought ,in an earlier post i jokingly mentioned that because i was scratching so many parts due to them being ply i could nearly build two ships because of all the spare parts and paint the second one .Well i was joking at the time but am now giving it serious consideration , for very little extra expense,some ply and cheap timber i thing i could teach myself to improve my painting skills and maybe even copper plating .I think the only reason i,m writing it down is to try and decide if it,s a good idea or a daft one ???
  3. these Billings kits sure teach you a lot ,as usual looking great .
  4. Been lining gunports and decided i needed a change , so thought i would give the windows another try and this time i figured i,d give the quarter galleries a go . Previously i had thought that thread gave the best results stuck on top of a thin layer of cellophane and then i saw some people on the site had great results with Microglaze . I ordered a bottle of Clear FIX which i assumed was the British version of the same product Results were not good .to many bubbles and the thread didn,t look right either I returned to the sheet of acetate provided but no matter how i tried it was to thick and glassy looking so i finished up using if to cover the rather large hole on the base of my cheap saw Now what !!! I found a picture of the galleries on the real Victory and decided to use it as a plan to try and simulate it The parts supplied with the kit are for painting and therefore of no use so i decided to attempt building the whole thing from scratch and after a lot of trial and error not to mention swearing and floor searching i came up with something that is at least a basis to work from . I have already decided this will be the wall side so hopefully i can make a few more improvements as i progress When i trial fitted the decoration provided for between the windows which i considered using as i have no way of making them i found that the spacing top and bottom was very uneven so unless i can find a way around this i may just leave them of Just had a thought maybe i could cut them up and make them fit . If i decide to continue with this method for the windows i will post a more detailed account of the process if anyone is interested. Have Fun !!!!
  5. Is CLEAR FIX the same kind of product If not where did you get the microglaze ,was that the one from the states
  6. Im a big fan of the natural look and from what i see you should have no problem avoiding paint . some thing to watch out for is ply parts although your s may not have as many as my Billings ,problem is covering the ends ,even stained they don,t look right ..Did you find a big variation in the color of the Manzonia , i bought a pack of 10 strips and have 3 or 4 different shades BTW great planking job ,your now at a similiar stage to me ..Boyd
  7. Thanks for looking in ,kind coments and likes .I sometimes think i should have bought 2 kits ,one to experiment on and one for the final build cause i make so many changes but i,ll get there in the end . Have decided i need to order another batch of timber before going to much further ,to give me more to choose from for consistancy . in future may look for a better supplier to try and avoid the big variations ,i suppose you get what you pay for ??,but at least my spares drawer is filling up plus there are so many pieces of this kit i will replace cause they are ply , i could nearly build another ship and paint it , Now there,s an idea .2 builds going side by side ,one natural wood finish and one painted . then i would really get confused !!!
  8. Agree with all comments ,brilliant work ,just be carefull of the thunderstorms !!
  9. The most common place i see ropes coiled on models is beside cannons ,does the same theory apply here ,?? if so were they hung over the gun carriages or to a pin shipside You must admit if done well they look great coiled .!!
  10. It will come as no suprise to anyone who has been looking in on my log that i have changed my mind again .I had one side of the hull close to completion and when i started the other side . {i still don,t know my port from my starport } i thought i would try something different as the timbers between the wales were put on first and so didn,t run in line with them . I used maple the same as the decking and thought why not try caulking the same as the deck and was pleasantly suprised with the effect .It may not be everyones taste but i think it gives a very solid look to the hull . my caulking leaves a lot to be desired but it,s the best i can do at present ,of -course once i was finished to-day i read Nigel,s article on using black tissue paper but will still give it a try when redoing the other side . One thing i have learned is to be more carefull about choosing timber , the variations in color when varnished caught me out ,even the maple has different grains and the two sides of the plank can look completely different . I had thought originally that this might add to the look but now im not so sure . will be more carefull next time I look forward to any comment s but i can assure you i will not be re planking again ,there are some parts of my hull now over 6mm thick and apart from that i must try to move on to the next stage or i,ll be at this build for ever . Continuing good weather leaves little build time at present , i,m a ploughman by day and a trainee shipwright by nite Here come the pic,s and don,t hold back on the opinions im a big boy i can take it Have Fun !! [
  11. The bigger build room sounds good ,you can never have enough space .Be sure to give a few details of the case build there will be a lot of Vic models finished soon ,and go on post the pic,we would all like to see it !! Have FUN Boyd
  12. Bad news indeed Michael i know you were enjoying the experience .Maybe when you think it over you will consider a smaller build in the future ,if so we will still be here if needed .Never give up .Have Fun . Boyd
  13. Nice fix ,should work well . It,s strange how sometimes looking from a different angle or especially looking at your own pics can show up things previously missed ,but anything can be fixed if you take the time ,
  14. Don,t get carried away and forget about your Victory ???!!!!!!
  15. Glad to see you got the flags , the billings plans show where each flag fits ,if you don,t have access to a copy let me know and ill take a pic Boyd
  16. I m building a billings victory and although instructions are lousy wood is cheap and there are plastic parts it cost a lot less than other makes , im using it to experiment different build methods and extensive bashing so far ,learning a lot and really enjoying it . if you got the kit cheap enough you can,t go wrong
  17. Morning Mike , bowspirit bee,s are in fact a little known form of honey bee that nested only in bowsprits and provided a usefull source of honey for sailors who prefered honey not marmalaide on there toast in the mornings . Sorry Mike i have included a pic from the anatomy of nelson,s ships which may be of help All to complicated for me but there is more written information if you require it let me know ?
  18. Even enlarging the pics the detail stays amazing , great work , I will be back
  19. Your more than welcome aliluke as you can see i need all the help i can get .
  20. Superb John . From the pics i think we have similiar tastes in finishes, the only difference is you know what your doing what you want and how to achieve it im afraid im still stumbling around not realy knowing what direction to go . im not complaining cause i love the learning process as much as building and looking at your builds give me a place to aim for .Your build logs are a big loss and would have been very in formative but these things happen ! If you are looking in on my build now and again please feel free to offer any suggestions even criticism will be apreciated if it speeds up my learning process . I keep finding better ways of doing things on this build when i have already finished the process but don,t like to keep changeing everything or i,ll never get finished ,been thinking of using as an experimental build with lots of different methods to doing things . i suppose it would be one way of keeping a record for future builds . Like the color of the wales on the R William are they painted or maybe ebony ,cause im thinking of redoing one side of mine . Thanks for sharing the pics and any more will be welcome .Cheers Boyd.
  21. I,ll add my congratulations ,.great work ,i don,t suppose the prize is a free weekend over the new year period ??? don,t like haggis though !!1
  22. Tks John , im a bit dissapointed that the wales didn,t turn out a bit darker but as i mentioned the variation in wood color even on individual planks left it difficult to know exactaly what i,d finish up with ,but overall im content ,i don,t think i,ll replace the one or two that stick out most . Thanks for looking in and as i assume you like natural wood finishes i been searching for your build log without success , are you building at present and if so what ship ,it might make my search easier as i haven,t quite mastered the advanced search yet ? Cheers Boyd
  23. Hi all , after a brief panic about springy planks i finally got them sorted hopefully and although i might have to replace a few planks i decided to go ahead and varnish in the hope that sealing will possibly help prevent any more . Plus im impatient to see how a coat of varnish will affect my color scheme . thankfully it seem alright to me you all can make up your own minds . Itook the pic under lights and dosent really show the correct color but close enough ,might try tomorrow in daylight .It,s funny how the varnish hides some things and highlights others , brings out the individual planks but also highlights glue stains etc ,but will clean up further before second coat i only varnished to the third wale as still have minor repairs to do above Not a springy plank in sight ,,,yet ?? Although it can,t really be seen here ther is now a yellowish tint to stripes between wales the wales and the keel are made from the same wood although it dosn,t look it but there is a big variation in the color of the strips and some strips vary greatly even over there own length ,Sorted a few but then decided the variations would add to the look ,could be proved wrong ?? Relieved to be close to finishing the main hull although still a fair way to go before installing the main deckand there,s still the windows to sort out ,but have a few idea brewing
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