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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thought it might get your attention Mark .........."Come on Lou - where are you" OC.
  2. Its the admirals fave heli as it was the first one we saw together many years ago. OC.
  3. A few of my pics from the two airchows I went to (latest ones when I borrowed a camera so please excuse the image quality was getting used to the camera) OC.
  4. Just to add to what others have said - if you can get an idea what sort of ship your dad likes - then we can start form there and find a kit similar to that or similar - it will simply be better that way as there are hundreads of different ship/boat kits out there. Hope this helps. OC.
  5. Certainly is mate, Biggest kit I will have built in plastic outside my Pearl. OC.
  6. Can I introduce my next build from my old stash I told you about - I will build her more or less straight out of the box, but I will try to do some extra detailing if I can - the inner cabin lends itself and frankly cries out to be super detailed. Buckle in for this one - as it might take some building it looks big in the box - so it will take some skill to bring it to life. OC.
  7. Thank you so much Kevin - I think its that case of creating a feel for whats being painted, that old saying of "Practice make perfect" OC.
  8. So................Its Finished. Thank you All for all the Very Kind interest and comments - and simply just following along. OC.
  9. Evening all, I have finished on the base - I taped up for the dark Grey/Black center then when dry I trimmed the board to fit inside my cabinet, still have a bit of tidy up to do on the Shar - then I can move onto something else possibly from my old stash..........😉 OC.
  10. I have a we bit more to do on my SHAR and base then I will either continue with some more figures as I have a few in my stash or I might supprise a few and start something else I also have in my stash from weay back (think I mensioned my stash somewhere) OC.
  11. Sorted a grand way of keeping my completed figures safe till they are ready to be displayed - it did have sweets inside but now has a really good use. OC.
  12. Thanks Ken, having that breather - fresh eyes really helps, I think when you are pushing so hard on a model and things start to go wrong - a break certainly helps even if just for a few minutes. OC.
  13. Evening all. before I do a briefing about my status with the build - this is what the admiral said to me about todays antics - "You should stop making model planes" reason being - I decided to carry on putting some masked White lines on the board thats simulating HMS Hermes deck - its going very well, I put it aside to dry and noticed that the pitot tube on SHAR was drooping even further, so it had to be corrected some how - out came my gummed up bottle of ca glue - its gone like a treacle now stiff and stringy, I had no choice but to try to use a fine bit of stiff wire and dab it in the glue then try to smear it around where the pitot tube is attached (did I say it was a mess) "yep even more mess caused" streaks of ca strings down the nose cone and a few blobs also, yet the pitot was still not secure. No choice but to pull the pitot out and attempt to sand down the nose cone, it took a good sanding and polishing to get it smooth, then where the pitot enters I sanded it back and made a fresh tiny hole - then I brushed onto the cone a few layers of my Vallejo Black surface primer, this went on quite well as it tends to self level, but after force drying it I then buffed it abit to smooth out a few brush marks. I had thrown away the ca as it was now no good and had caused enough trouble, so I had to use a bit of my Revell plastic glue to secure the pitot tube - I agian used heat to kind of melt the join and trap the pitot tube pin that makes the joint. While all this was happening I also managed to knock the front u/c leg off (it fell into the carpet jungle) and also one of the sidewinders cam un glued, I found both and simply re glued them. Hence the admirals comments above. OC.
  14. Its RN anti fouling Red - its supposed to be almost like a mix between flat Red and Brick Red. OC.
  15. Per, the boot line in real life would have been about 8 feet wide on Battleships of that tonnage. OC.
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