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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, I got somemore bench time - this time I concentrated on the 2nd KGL doing the Alum details - buttons, Shako and Rifle details, then I gave the faces and hands a wash. OC.
  2. Evening all, I thought I would return to this, I have stalled with my Dino build while I decide what else I can add to it, so - more paint on the 5th KGL injured - cuff details / collars and final touch ups, just needs washes and dry brushing. OC.
  3. Im here also Edward, as you know I built the 1/48 Revell kit both a quite similar in different ways, looking forward to this. OC.
  4. I once built (well watched my dad and did the easy bits) a Balsa plane kit with my dad when I was a kid, can't remember what type it was - but was fascinated watching the wings come together. OC.
  5. If I'm honest thats where I got ideas for painting/weathering figures - nothing quite like watching someone painting in real life. OC.
  6. Welcome back - we all kept the goodies on hand for you. OC.
  7. Evening all, more progress - working on the base I added some stones from the garden - washed and scrubbed in bleach then glued down with a strong glue (lets see if they stick) OC.
  8. Amazing attention to detail, and a good call on the internal supports, I did similar in my LHS buildings. OC.
  9. Evening all, thank you all for the messages and likes, not much of an update - I have glued down the raptor underneath Rexy, tomorrow I will do a bit of work on the base as its plastic simulated rough ground - I wont do to much to it just add a few layers of flat top coat to take some of the shine off it (may also add a few small rocks and blades of grass). OC.
  10. Evening all, I added a few more washes to day, then decided to pose raptor along with Rexy and Dippy on the base, light was bad so please excuse the IQ. Oh, the Yellow tape on Rexy needs removing. OC.
  11. Evening all, start of the washes stage - first the Dark one will be followed by a Brown one. OC.
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