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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I saw a few of these at airshows normally teamed up with an F16 as I know they flew together. OC.
  2. Morning all, the admiral had a (nice) surprise for me yesterday, she said it was put up for christmas but with my current build and idea for a kind of dio - she decided to give it to me now - its a small excavation kit of a Veloceraptor here is a video I found online that shows what you do, she said it was a Thank You for me looking after her - https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Dinosaur++Skeleton+builds&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dlh7IzPqmN7M OC.
  3. Evening all, so I managed more time on rexy to day, I have been putting base layers on the different sections at a time - due to the shere size of them, but as the skull/head has had enough - I decided to try some shading starting with Black, again I can only do one side at a time due to the watery slow drying washes. OC.
  4. Thank you kindly Edward, I fixed the tail issue - I bent the metal inner spine (metal square section rod thingy) to a shape with just a slight bend just behind the pelvic bone and same at the neck, its staying in place now as it was quite hard to bend. OC.
  5. Thanks Ken, yep sha has been real rough with it, she never sufferes like this from them and has been having them every year for years. OC.
  6. Went with the admiral to have her yearly Flu Jab day before yesterday - they said it was new and contained Four seperate things - last 12 hours she has had a pounding headache thats gone down her face, and a tight chest, we are sure these will pass - but not experienced things like this with her before. OC.
  7. Is it too late to change it to another colour - Grey - Silver or someting? OC.
  8. Imagine that - but the twist is the KGL rifleman has an advanced laser weapon from the future 😄 OC.
  9. Evening all, in my last post I explained I have been painting all the bodies different sections - its going quite well but taking time, I have also put one of my 28mm 1/56 scale figures - just shows the different size between him and the 1/12 Rexy. OC.
  10. I would have said the Green on the Right as the other one looks a wee bit to bright. OC.
  11. Evening all, nothing too exciting to report - I spent a couple of hours painting all the pieces with a watery Buff Acrylic colour using my largest Brush - finding space on my table for all the drying pieces.......was a challenge. I foregot to take any pics as it was getting late, but I will take some pics later today - will throw in one of my 28mm figures to show you the size of this monster. OC.
  12. Got me thinking about the scales I have been working in - 1/1250 (did a few metal ships) 1/700 / 1/350 / 1/56 / 1/32 and now 1/12 with Rexy. I have also been toying with the crazy idea of doing a dio with this later on, anyone seen the Jurassic World films - remember the scene where a skeleton T Rex gets trashed by a real Rex then a Raptor is swinging on one of the skelton sections - will have to see if Santa comes this year, mind you getting a 1/12 Veloceraptor is not easy - aint found one yet. OC.
  13. Evening all, a small update, still working on the skull - there is some quite noticable seams so I started to clean these up using my blade sand paper and my files, the PVC plastic so does not like being cleaned up as it just creates little strands, I then decided to give the whole shull a coat of Buff, I applied this quite roughly as there will be several washes to be applied. The teeth will need a bit more tidying as the paint just brought the tiny strands out, reminds me of the old Airfix soft plastic that was real akward to clean up. OC.
  14. Been studying my paint/weathering procedure with the build - lots of different oppinions on how to paint skeletons, what I may go for is a base coat of sand then different shades of washes then some lighter highlight dry brushing, interesting days as I ahve never built a skeleton before. OC.
  15. Thank you kindly Mark, yep its just a skeleton, its quite a clever sonstruction , one length of square section metal I think it might be light steele or aluminum, and all the ribs slot on to this, its quite strong but can be bent to shape by hand, I am doing a more level stance with one of the legs more forward to distribute the weight. OC.
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