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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, I finished the 54th Ligne Colonel and gave him a wash before placing him on his horse - will need the normal flat coat sprayed over later. OC.
  2. Thank you for finding that out Edward - something I never knew - mind you I don't know alot about horses - not even been close to one. OC.
  3. Thanks Ken, I think its the stance of the Tails - with them galloping at quite a pace I would think theit tails should be flowing back not down, its all to get the correct stance showing the flow of movement - want it to look right as I can. OC.
  4. Kevin - my word my friend you are doing an Amazing job - of probably the most delicate medium you could work in, to me its looking genuine and realistic just like a ship would be. OC.
  5. Folks I am scrubbing the Two 10th Hussar horses as they just don't look right, my admiral pointed out to me the odd tails that loook like they have been cut short, I have some others in my stash so just a case of rebuilding them, in the mean time I will continue with the French mob around the front main gates including Colonel Claude Charlet, the injured 54th Ligne Sapper and the others. OC.
  6. Evening all, I have started to paint up French Colonel Claude Charlet and his horse, who was in charge of the 54th Ligne and led the action at LHS, he was under instructions from General Compte d'Erlon to take LHS no matter what. OC.
  7. Evening all, right thats Two Hussar horses painted and weathered - given them quite dirty legs, they still need their flat coats. OC.
  8. I don't know much about horses but just googled "Galloping Horses" and some do show a similar pose with both front legs bent at the knee / pointing backwards, and the one back leg further infront than the other. Does that sound right kind of looks it in this internet pic - OC.
  9. Thank you Ken, I will gat some heat on the rear most front leg and bend it forward, possibly same with the hidden back leg - bend it back a wee bit. OC.
  10. Evening all, right - primer brushed over all the "newbies" then I decided to start with one of the Hussars chargers, this one was painted a dark Redish Brown, then I picked out a few of his details then a few rough washes ot bring out the shadows, he will have some dry bruhed dust around his lower limbs before I paint the saddle. OC.
  11. I will be doing a bit of alterations to the French Colonel's horse (with heat) to bend some of the legs into more of a standing postures, as at the moment its in a racing stance. OC.
  12. She is looking amazing mate, is that a scale figure towards the bow? Glad your wife is on the mend mate. OC.
  13. This is my total count in my stash so far minus a couple of a throw aways - KGL 2nd - 71 KGL 5th - 71 KGL Major Barring 1 French - 58 French Colonel 1 British Hussar 2 But not all the 5th are made as they where not in overwhelming numbers compared to the 2nd KGL. OC.
  14. That would be quite the scene, yep they are awaiting their heads - I broke off for the night and will add them tomorrow. OC.
  15. Evening all, I have started Three more little fellows - a 10th Hussar, a 54th Ligne Sapper and a 54th Colonel. OC.
  16. The history behind my latest post is - during the attacks by the 54th and 55th the Battlion's had different ranks of officers upto a Colonel who was with the regiment leading them, he was on his horse during the attacks, also the regiments had a few Grenadier Sappers who tried to attack the gates at the front of the farm but were shot at by the 2nd KGL hiding over the wall. OC.
  17. Two other additions I will add that I have in my stash is - a Mounted French 54th ligne Colonel overseeing the attack on the Farm, and a 54th Grenadier Sapper who will be placed dead with his Axe close to the main gates. OC.
  18. Evening all, I have been through all my moulds and made up the last Five French figures and another wondead one - they will receive the same as the other bunch. OC.
  19. That would be an interesting video log of it when its done, don't know how it could be done though? OC.
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