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uss frolick

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    uss frolick reacted to bruce d in Bomb ketches and gunboats used in Barbary Wars?   
    ... and another Spanish gunboat dated 1797.

  2. Like
    uss frolick reacted to bruce d in Bomb ketches and gunboats used in Barbary Wars?   
    Bit late but ...
    This type of gunboat was still in use a few years later in the Barbary wars.
    Sorry, no book 🙁
  3. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Copper Sky-light grating option in 1814?   
    Summary of a letter held in the British National Archives describing a letter written by William Henry Percy, Captain of the Hermes, 20, dated May 8, 1814:
    "Folios 236-237: William Henry Percy, HMS Hermes, Spithead. Requests the iron guards round the skylights be replaced with copper ones as they interfere with the compasses."
    USS  Frolick and Wasp in the same year had brass guards. So Hermes already had iron ones, presumably cheaper. Copper one would required a lot of cleaning lest they green up. And how strong would copper guards be against a falling spar? Hermes would be destroyed in battle off Mobile, Alabama later that year.
  4. Like
    uss frolick reacted to bruce d in Copper Sky-light grating option in 1814?   
    Were the guards actually intended to resist that type of impact? I assumed (I know, assumed = guessed) that the metal guardsover and around skylights spanned wooden slats/beams and their function was to add additional protection, not do the heavy work. This is based on a contemporary model, details long forgotten. It had a metal grating across the skylights clearly in the role described above, cutting out the minimum of light while offering protection against most whoopsies.
  5. Thanks!
    uss frolick reacted to AON in Making Buckets, the art of the Cooper   
    I stumbled onto this video this morning.
    At 52.27 minutes long I was sure I'd watch 5 minutes or fast forward a bunch but I found it captivating.
    I feel that understanding how a wooden bucket is made will help modellers create realistic looking buckets for their ship models.
  6. Laugh
    uss frolick reacted to druxey in Boxwood in old rulers?   
    When i was very young, I wrote to Rabone and asked for any rejects from them for my models. Not only did the kid get an answer, the man at the company actually sent me a complimentary package of blanks! They were, looking back, definitely Castello. boxwood. It's lovely to work, except the odd piece can be brittle, so don't turn down using it.
  7. Laugh
    uss frolick reacted to Don Case in Body plan line   
    Nice even sneeze😃
  8. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Body plan line   
    ... or the draftsman sneezed 🤧...
  9. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from iMustBeCrazy in Body plan line   
    ... or the draftsman sneezed 🤧...
  10. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from bruce d in Body plan line   
    ... or the draftsman sneezed 🤧...
  11. Like
    uss frolick reacted to Roger Pellett in Frames built vertical or perpendicular to keel?   
    Chapman’s drawings were intended as a survey of hull forms; both to illustrate generic vessel types and more unusual foreign types.  Except where he actually shows structural details his projections would be intended to best show hull form, not actual framing.
    The waterline is important to Naval Architects as other waterlines drawn parallel, stations drawn perpendicular to it, and especially buttocks based on these projections help them to visualize flow around the hull.  On the other hand there is no structural or construction reason why frames needed to be perpendicular to the  design waterline.  
    There is also no important structural or construction reason why frames needed to be square with the keel.
    My conclusion:  Frames in wooden ships were erected square with the keel except when they weren’t. 
  12. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Frames built vertical or perpendicular to keel?   
    Check out the Admiralty Draught of the 1814 American prize Schooner Grecian:
  13. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.A - Tamiya-1:35 by Edwardkenway - FINISHED   
    First production Panthers, Ausf D’s, we’re grey, but only a handful used for training and evaluation. Afterwards they were dunkelgelb, or dark yellow, with greens and browns applied in the field. Some were painted camo in the factory in 1944. When paint ran out many last ditch panthers were shipped in rust brown primer, on which whatever available paint was used to camouflage it. No grey panthers in the field, although rumors of one painted all green have not been confirmed. The early grey prototypes never made it into the field.
    Hauptmann Panzerfuehrer  Frolick!
  14. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in New monograph : L'Egyptienne French 24prd frigate 1799   
    A heavy book-sized package from France marked "La Poste" just arrived at my door!
    Sadly, I am on my way to work ... Drat, it is going to be a long day.
    But, a review will be coming soon! Huzzah!
  15. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in New monograph : L'Egyptienne French 24prd frigate 1799   
    The end of August has come and gone, like my youth, but no book has yet arrived ... any new updates for us?
  16. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in New monograph : L'Egyptienne French 24prd frigate 1799   
    I've been informed by mail that there will be a delay in shipment, due to printing issues. It will hopefully ship at the end of August. Some things are worth waiting for, and I'm sure this monographs will prove to be one of them ... 
  17. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in New monograph : L'Egyptienne French 24prd frigate 1799   
    I just ordered it !!!  A French 24-pounder frigate monograph, at last! A dream come true!
    Merci Beaucoup, Gerard! 
  18. Like
    uss frolick reacted to Smile-n-Nod in Why decorate a fireship?   
    It seems like there would have been plenty of old, nearly rotten ships that could have been used.  Building a new one, let alone decorating it, just doesn't make sense to me.
  19. Laugh
    uss frolick reacted to Harvey Golden in What does it sound like to be inside a XVIII century sailing ship?   
    Aside from the obvious creaking wood, flapping canvas, wind whistling through the lines, squeaky blocks, and the rush of the waterline, there would be the inevitable sound of vomiting, flatulence, belching, and profanity.  
  20. Like
    uss frolick reacted to mtaylor in La Belle Poule 1765 by mtaylor - Scale 1:64 - POB - French Frigate from ANCRE plans   
    Slowly making progress though sometimes it's two step forward and one in reverse.   This bit was a combination.  I was one plank too high on the aft.. had to remove it.  But planking above the wale is installed, gunports cut and sized.  Also a light sanding.  Gap filling will happen after all hull planking is done.  

  21. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Egilman in Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.A - Tamiya-1:35 by Edwardkenway - FINISHED   
    First production Panthers, Ausf D’s, we’re grey, but only a handful used for training and evaluation. Afterwards they were dunkelgelb, or dark yellow, with greens and browns applied in the field. Some were painted camo in the factory in 1944. When paint ran out many last ditch panthers were shipped in rust brown primer, on which whatever available paint was used to camouflage it. No grey panthers in the field, although rumors of one painted all green have not been confirmed. The early grey prototypes never made it into the field.
    Hauptmann Panzerfuehrer  Frolick!
  22. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.A - Tamiya-1:35 by Edwardkenway - FINISHED   
    First production Panthers, Ausf D’s, we’re grey, but only a handful used for training and evaluation. Afterwards they were dunkelgelb, or dark yellow, with greens and browns applied in the field. Some were painted camo in the factory in 1944. When paint ran out many last ditch panthers were shipped in rust brown primer, on which whatever available paint was used to camouflage it. No grey panthers in the field, although rumors of one painted all green have not been confirmed. The early grey prototypes never made it into the field.
    Hauptmann Panzerfuehrer  Frolick!
  23. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.A - Tamiya-1:35 by Edwardkenway - FINISHED   
    First production Panthers, Ausf D’s, we’re grey, but only a handful used for training and evaluation. Afterwards they were dunkelgelb, or dark yellow, with greens and browns applied in the field. Some were painted camo in the factory in 1944. When paint ran out many last ditch panthers were shipped in rust brown primer, on which whatever available paint was used to camouflage it. No grey panthers in the field, although rumors of one painted all green have not been confirmed. The early grey prototypes never made it into the field.
    Hauptmann Panzerfuehrer  Frolick!
  24. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Edwardkenway in Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.A - Tamiya-1:35 by Edwardkenway - FINISHED   
    First production Panthers, Ausf D’s, we’re grey, but only a handful used for training and evaluation. Afterwards they were dunkelgelb, or dark yellow, with greens and browns applied in the field. Some were painted camo in the factory in 1944. When paint ran out many last ditch panthers were shipped in rust brown primer, on which whatever available paint was used to camouflage it. No grey panthers in the field, although rumors of one painted all green have not been confirmed. The early grey prototypes never made it into the field.
    Hauptmann Panzerfuehrer  Frolick!
  25. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Gunwale details 1800 schooner   
    So when you say gunwale, you mean cap-rail.
    I had a copy of Caruana, Volume II, and sold it for a goodly profit. I didn't like it. The cannon barrel drawings were too large, and they all disappeared in the binding of the thick book, making them of little practical utility. There was quite a bit of useful written data, however, showing various individual ship armaments at shapshots in time .
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