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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Hi Denis,Doing some at work just on my lunch break,cough.This is the easy bit.It will come to a screaming halt when i haveto start fairing the bulkheads,not my favourite job.
  2. Thanks Steve for your advice,i'll try the camber idea.ron.
  3. 4 butt shift, it would be good to line up the treenails with the bulkheads but they are all spaced differantly.
  4. Thanks a lot Steve for the info and photo.How much camber did you put in?
  5. Thanks Alistair,Ken and Slog thats great info thanks a lot.No pressure eh Mark i've got experts here watching so i hope i don't stuff it up to much.
  6. Hi Slog thanks i have already looked at your log a dozen times,very nice job.As for colour i like the blue bit and yellowish wood but probably with a white hull.Ok next bit done. I thought i would use the bottom deck temporarily in place to square up the bulkheads,works well.The first bulkhead sits below the rest so you can fit the bottom deck in there flat at the front as in the photo.Do some deck planks next,nice to do decking again.Probably go for 3 or 4 butt shift any ideas on plank length 65mm as per instructions seems a bit short.thanks men.ron.
  7. Welcome to my build log everyone it will be great to have you along and any advice will be appreciated.I hope James and Mr Banks won't be dissapointed with it.I think i'll just follow the kit except for chainplates sounds like aots,replica in Sydney etc have conflicting ideas.
  8. I have wanted to do this model since seeing the Endeavour models in Gisborne when i was a boy for Cook's 200th anniversary in 1969.They are over a metre long very impressive up on poles.This model will be 815mm long by 300mm wide,should be enjoyable.
  9. Hi whats a decent head magnifier,light and where to buy from.thx ron.
  10. Hi How do you sand your blocks to round them off,one by one or is there a better way,thx ron.
  11. Popeye sorry to hear about you getting stuffed around so much,the ill wind was the landlord opening his stupid mouth again,idiot.Hopefully all is ok now with no damage to your ships,boats.I did notice all the rigging has fallen off your Goth in the move.Chin up the rubbish will pass.
  12. Hi Doug, just getting either rimu or NZ kauri for the base if my work mate comes up with it.Any help just ask sheet 6 made me scratch my head a bit.
  13. Hi Doug,I just used 1mm black from the kit,a bit stupid telling you to use something not supplied.I don't think anyone at Jotika has actually made the Supply from their instructions or supplied parts.Lots of mistakes in it thats why i went to Occre great instructions and all parts supplied.Good luck.ron.
  14. Great job Mark,how long is your hull at the moment?
  15. Thanks Denis,I'm glad i had a go at the sails,you don't know if it will turn out until you try.I could turn the photo's ok and come out correctly on xp but not windows 8 at home.Well i have opened the Endeavour box no turning back now.
  16. Great job Derek,it's to long since i last checked your progress.You've finnished another major step well done she is looking great.Don't know if i will ever get to do such a big job.ron.
  17. Hurry back Frank that crew needs something to keep them out of mischief.i hope all went well.ron.
  18. Thanks Mike,looks like i'll haveto get twice as many chainplates as i need,sometimes these small parts end up in my coffee.
  19. Hi Mick you're going great on the Endeavour your log will be a valuable guide for me later on when i do the same kit.What brand are the deadeye chain plates,i see cornwall model boats have them.thx ron.
  20. Thanks Mark,case for the next ship if it comes out o.k.The thing about closed kit boxes is they are made to open are'nt they.
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