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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. ooops on the door way, im sure a couple others things are still needing attention, and when i got back in i found that i had forgotten to put the bracing beams inn thats how strong this build is
  2. good evening every one thank you for comments and likes day 13 hull faired the weather here has been pants recently, with snow and rain, so i have been doing some smaller projects on the build, but i will post photos later on in the build as I would like to keep this log in some sort of order, (never achieved that before) the deck has been sanded and varnished with a water based varnish @50/50 to day a few days delay the hull went outside to be sanded, brilliant, oh thats getting hot fizzle bang me mouse blew up anyway an trip to Wickes (other palm sanding tool outlets are available0 this is what i have now
  3. ty but my skill levels are not to the standard to achieve the results i would like
  4. i tend to post quite often looking forward to yours along with others, will be nice to see more indy's than Victory's in build
  5. the pattern was a great help, for the placement of the butts, i never tapered the planks, so it did run off, im happy with the result however
  6. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 10 lower deck planking complete let the sanding begin
  7. Good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 9 lower deck planking the weather outside has restricted me taking her out to start sanding the outer hull, so using the boxwood i have started the lower gundeck, sorry the photos are not brilliant, very little of this will ever bee seen, all the slots down the port and stbd side are for the cannons, i made the decision to cover these for now and either find them later on, or find an alternative method for fixing them just loving this build
  8. id perfer to be the Lewis, but im not in a race lol, however this does go together so very well, it will of course slow down soon, with planking
  9. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes, very much appreciated the inner bulkhead liners are now fitted, there are another two, to fill a blank space, if i get the chance i will put them on tonight, otherwise they will remain off until completion of sanding the outer hull 8 temporary beams are inserted to ensure the everything stays in place whilst sand in the hull, i think they are discarded at a later date today was also spent putting on 4 profiles that accurately space the upper deck beams, another clever idea, apart from skimming the tops of the inner bulkhead liners to stop any fouling, this never caused any concerns at all prior to gluing the profiles in place i removed the beams to check the alignment once this has dried the beams will be removed to safe place and put on again later on after deck planking
  10. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 5 and 6 the main deck went down without any issues next is the 8 in number inner bulkhead pieces, the frames needed a bit of sanding to allow them to sit flush against the max amount of wood, again there was no issues with this and i did not need to soak them, an overnight under clamps and they are sitting quite nice, i dont believe much of these will be seen later on, hope to finish them tomorrow, lots of test fitting
  11. in my last photo there are two red bottles Anita's Tacky pva Glue i bought that for the SD14 card kit and is brilliant thank you glen, im sure there will be more of us building this before long on this forum the design has ben well thought out, and yes she is building up fast, but im sure there is plenty for me to think about as we progress forward, yes i am
  12. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 4, build nearly finished (well not quite) the orlop deck was finished off with a couple of hatches and a ladder the inner bulkheads were sanded down to make putting the inner bulkheads on, more work required on this the main deck was test fitted and tonight half has been glued on
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