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Everything posted by Gahm

  1. And here is my final version of the jolly boat. It was built pretty much the same way as its pear wood predecessor. The major difference is the choice of wood: the planking and floor was built out of bass wood to match the color scheme of the Syren, the framing, seats, oar locks, and knees consist of box wood. Unfortunately as Chuck’s Syren shop did no longer sell box wood I had to mill the necessary boxwood strips (1/32”x1/32” and smaller) on my own. Images 1 and 2 show the framing and planking, the construction of the floor and the mounting of the breast hook. The straight edges of the seats were “premilled” (img 3) before I cut out the seats with a hack saw. Curved edges were done with a metal profile (img 4 shows the making of such a profile) or by cutting out the curved part, reducing it in size a little bit and tracing it (img 5). In images 6 and 7 the construction of the gratings and the milling of the needed parts can be seen. Image 8 depicts the making of the oar locks and the boat hook. And the last 2 images show the finished boat with oars, rudder, and boat hook. Thomas Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10
  2. Beautiful work - a job very well done! Thomas
  3. Blackening sometimes can be a bit tricky, but it makes a big difference. Yours turned out very nicely! Thomas
  4. Getting those carronades detailed is a lot of work! Syren has 16 plus 2 long guns . . . just imagine building a Victory 😉. But your carronades really look good! Thomas
  5. You do an excellent job on the Granado. Just watching your build log makes one wish to build her, too 🙂 Thomas
  6. The second carronade is as good as it gets. Well done! Thomas
  7. Capstan and carronades look great! When I built the carronades one of the biggest problems I had was that they had a tendency to end up a bit too high in relation to the gun ports. Hopefully you don't have to deal with that issue. Thomas
  8. Congratulations Jesse on finishing this beauty! It was a pleasure following your build log! I am just hoping for some more pictures of your finished model 😉 Thomas
  9. The level of detail you are adding to your model at this scale is mind bugling! Excellent work and craftsmanship! Thomas
  10. Beautiful job on your Syren, Novastorm! It will be a pleasure following you along! Thomas
  11. Thank you very much for your kind comments and all the likes! I wasn't aware that there was so much demand for jolly boats 😊! Thomas
  12. Well, it has been a while since my last update . . . Currently progress is very slow. I built a nicer stand for my model (images 1 – 3) following Chuck’s initial example on his Syren. I also experimented with hanging my jolly boat from the rear davits and noticed a few things: - If I hang the jolly boat ready to be lowered it does not cover up the stern carvings and its details are displayed best (images 4 – 8). - Although I have some pear wood accents on my Syren model, building the whole jolly boat out of pear wood does not match the color scheme of my Syren and looks far too dark (images 4 and 5). So I had to rebuild the jolly boat a second time using bass wood with box wood accents. Image 9 shows the work in progress. Thomas Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9
  13. Thank you for your interest! Don't worry, I will finish my Syren, every little detail of it, and will continue posting as well. In the moment only 'a lot of life' is getting in my way and progress is very slow. This hopefully will change again in the future, at the latest once I retire from work 😉 Thomas
  14. Wonderful work, Johann! I just love to follow your log! Thomas
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