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Everything posted by Gahm

  1. Great progress on the jolly boat! It is coming together very nicely! Thomas
  2. Your paint job looks really good! It may not be your favorite occupation but the result is very convincing 👍 Thomas
  3. With Muirneag you clearly continue your tradition of building models of the finest craftsmanship! It looks fantastic! Thomas
  4. You have a wonderful model there! Thank you for sharing! Thomas
  5. The bowsprit looks very good! Can't wait to get there myself 🙂 Thomas
  6. Your sails look fantastic! What material are they made off? One of the major challenges normally is to find a fabric which is fine enough that it can be used for sails without looking out of scale. Yours look very realistic! Thomas
  7. That is a beautiful wheel! It will fit your Syren perfectly. Thomas
  8. Great pictures of your Syren with all the deck details in place, showing the beautiful work you have done on your model! Thomas
  9. Beautiful paint job, Justin! And have a great Thanksgiving (not just drywalling . . . 😉). Thomas
  10. Your progress is amazing! At that speed you will be finished with your Syren before Christmas 😉 Thomas
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