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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all I know this was not on the list of WIPs I asked if you wanted but it's one of my favourite genres (this one based on my own bike from way back when)

    Once I had progressed from my first bike a Raleigh runabout (how many of you can remember them) I went on to the giddy hights of a honda c90 after a couple of years I progressed to a cz 125 an kwak 550 then the amazing honda (I will admit I was a bit of a nutter back then)(hence the name kpnuts) I will admit I did some stupid stuff back then which resulted in it being dropped a few times I've added the wear and tear I gave this bike in the build. Hope you like it.

    Incidentally these 1/6 tamiya kits are amazing.












  2. I used to have your exact same idea that my models were so poor compared to others I even considered giving up but after several people all kept drumming into me that it's not a competition (there will always be someone better so trying to be as good is a losing battle) it's a hobby you're supposed to enjoy and I had lost that, the enjoyment was crushed by looking at others (who i could never be as good as if I lived to be 300)and feeling crushed I couldn't do it.

    Now I just build for the enjoyment of it (although some models can be frustrating in fit problems or poor instructions) I no longer compare to people like the diorama king tiking for instance I just enjoy his works of art or roymattblack the king of scratch built cars again I just enjoy their builds and use them as mentors.


    As for slow progress as others have said it's not a race, I've lost interest in a model (the Bismarck or Soleil for instance) they both sit in a cupboard awaiting either inspiration or room but will be started again the Soleil must have taken 2yrs already and I've not got to the complicated bits yet. There are lots of reasons builds take a long time and generally it's just life gets in the way, as long as you're enjoying its that's all that matters.

  3. Thank you so much, I'm blushing at the moment, if this keeps my head will be too big to fit out the front door.

    I've got loads of these builds, what would you like to see next

    An unusual garage (I did a dio of army surplus type vehicles as if you could buy them off the high street) 

    A 1/12 Bentley 4.5 litre blower

    A 1/8 scale Corvette 

    A 1/24 london bus 

    I've got literally dozens of them.

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