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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. I just found this post, what a lucky man you are to have 2 pocher kits the RR Sedanca would be my holy grail of kits. When my missus agreed to let me have the pocher ducati for my 60th birthday I was gobsmacked, unfortunately she would never allow such an expense on a kit again your missus must be an angel.

    Great progress this far. Am I envious of course not, grrrrrr

  2. Masking tape and adding a very small amount of black to whatever colour you're using (I use a pipette and add 2 to 3 drops to my airbrush reservoir then just blend upto the masking tape, heavier towards the edge of the masking tape) (I give the area around the masking tape a spray with the base colour first to prevent bleeding) if I'm doing black I add a few drops of blue to the paint and do the opposite I spray from furthest from the masking tape up to it. 

  3. Hi all I built this twice (I really love the tamiya big bike kits) my second build of it was stolen and posted on Instagram as being theirs by someone called bright logic (not very bright or logical since I had all the original pics and the actual model, they were made to take the post down, full credit to instagram)

    Anyway here is the first build of this amazing kit (before anyone says anything I know this was only available in the uk in silver but everyone who knows me by now knows I hardly ever do as per the box or true life)






  4. The bouncing plasma bomb was invented by the brilliant genius kpnuts specifically to destroy the death star (who's design was stolen from kpnuts and corrupted from a creative star to the death star)the original design was for creating planets to inhabit but unfortunately kpnuts added the ability to delete the planet if it was uninhabitable.

    The bouncing plasma bomb went on to be refined and become called the smart bomb.











  5. That was actually the hardest thing to depict of the whole build. I tried several ways but had to remove them as they just didn't look right, in the end I used some blue nail varnish (my missus not mine honestly) i thinned it right down till it was transparent then used some reds and browns also thinned down to a transparent colour, when done i brushed it all with chrome powder.

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