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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all here is tonights bit, I've corrected another flaw of this kit There is a big gap in the knee of the head (which according to the experts would not hold the weight of the head and should have been filled with carvings of some sort ) here is the gap


    and (since i'm no carver her is my fix, I know its not very elaborate but it fills the hole)






  2. Hi all here is tonight update may I first say anyone contemplating this ship, please read the rigging instructions alongside the build instructions and dont leave them till the end, as you can plainly see I have not done that and still I've made things extremely awkward for myself, there is some rigging from the main mast to the four iron rings in the deck which now I have the belaying pin racks and the foremast shrouds in place will be extremely difficult to attatch.

    anyway here is where I'm at now.






  3. Hi all here is the next update, 12 of the lower deck cannons, not done much detail work on the carriages as they wont be seen, and done some of the deck furniture, next job to drill the holes out for the gun door ropes( that is going to take some time 104 guns X 2 208 holes then I have to try and think of a way to make the rings for the gun port doors for the ropes to go through.










  4. Hi all, I was asked by a few people how I did this wood effect so thought maybe some of you would be interested.

    First of all I apologise my the first pics of the procedure are missing as the pics on my phone we're corrupted for some reason, it dosn't really matter  as the process it the same throughout I will explain as we go.

    First here is the huge list of things required


    this is where my phone let me down I have no pics if this part as they were corrupted(sorry) 

    the pastels wont stick to plastic so you have to use matt paint (I've no idea if this will work with acrylics as I use enamels but I think it would)

    I picked the lightest colour of the wood I'm trying to replicate for the base colour (in this case Humbrol m 63)

    paint the wood with a thin coat in the direction of the grain if it looks patchy that is good (helps with the effect)as long as it all has some paint on it (look at the pictures of the hull you can see its very patchy)

    once that is dry take the darkest wood colour pastel you are using and lightly drag it over the grain in a random manner not everywhere so it all looks the same , then with the brush, again in the direction of the grain brush it in





    then with the highlight colour (we have pictures of the rest of the process from now on) do exactly the same




    again brush in the direction of the grain






    next get some black pastel and dab on details (anywhere that may get stained from water or nooks an crannys where swilling the deck wouldn't get plus a few random areas




    now brush across the gain (only very lightly and only a couple of passes)






    now brush with the grain as much as you like till you get the desired effect






    now comes the important bit (DO NOT VARNISH THIS YET) the varnish stays wet too long and the pastels merge and you just end up with brown blotches. spray with your missus hair spray at a distance of at least 12 inches ( you don't want it to look wet when that is dry then you can spray your varnish.










     the genius of this method is if you make a mistake or don't like the effect (untill you varnish it) wash it under the tap dry with a cloth and your missus hair dryer, ten mins and you're ready to go again, you tell me any other method that's that easy to redo.

    Hope this is of some help to some one

  5. Well I'm so cross with myself, went  to do some rigging on this and dropped it, snapped off the rear mast broke the shrouds on the fore mast snapped some of the rigging on the bowsprit, a few of the hatches have come off, broken some of the stanchions round the top of the rear cabin. luckily nothing that cant be fixed but its put me back quite a bit, Grrrr and no one to blame but my butter fingers. I could almost swear, flippin heck, blimey and fiddle sticks (sorry for the profanities there)



    Yep power plant fully detailed (incredible kit)

  6. Hi all well now the hull half is here I'm like a cat with 2 tails, so my first job to remove the moulded plimsole line (I'm raising it a bit to improve the look) (seen it done elsewhere (davidk's build) and it looks much better)




    I must say I think it's worked really well, you cant tell it was there at all





    couple of strengthening strips in the bottom



    She is huge.


  7. Hi all Due to the fact that (dispite numerous emails and telephone calls ignored, broken promises, and total contempt for the customer) the Soliel Royal is permanently shelved, They ignore all methods of communication, blatant lying about parts being sent. this is not the first time either on the La Reale De France there were parts missing which took weeks to sort out for the same reasons they just wont answer emails and lie on the phone. Its not just me either, since I've finished the La Reale I've had four people contact me and say they had it in their stash and after checking they are missing the exact same parts, and at least one of those is having the same trouble I had getting the parts (don't know about the others maybe they haven't tried yet) 


    I would be interested in whether anyone else on here has had the same problem with them, would be quite nice to compile a list of any and if I got enough maybe send the list to trading standards.

  8. H all here I another update (think I've managed to hide the black now)











    Popeye the old car is Hellers 1/8 Citroen Traction Avant, its finished now and in a dio, dont think you are allowed to post cars on here but its on Britmodeller under the Vehicles ready for inspection, Citroen Traction Avant Viva Le Resistance if you wanted to check it out .

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