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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all we due to the kind generosity of CPNGROATS (a member on another forum who was so impressed by my model ships he gifted this to me from his own stash)I have received this 







    Thank you very, very much George, very kind indeed.

    I hastily opened it tonight eader to start but my missus says NO!!! "you have enough models on the go, cluttering up my house. you finish some of them off and get them out the way". to be fair I do have 9 on the go and bits are all over the place, she's generally ok so I cant complain ( but I have found in the past a bit of sweet talking can bring her round ) so watch this space, in the very near future.

  2. Hi all Airfix missed a gun port on this so I've been racking my brains trying to think of a way of making one and I think I've got it.

    first I covered on of them with bathroom sealant to make a mould then I tried to make a resin casting but it was so thin they kept breaking when I tried to get them out, so I thought I need something more flexible so being as how it was so thin I thought just acrylic paint, but that was too flexible and wouldnt come out of the mould so then I thought How can I stiffen it up a bit so I put a thin smear of superglue over it, hey presto it came out, here is the result, I may make another mould and try again as this is a bit chunky probably because of the number of times ive tried using it but at least I know it works.





  3. Hi all well I got this back from the library and thought I would take it to the Norex Hobby Show Exhibition on the 25th 

    needs a bit of work though, one of the Ju's is off its plinth the sea looks very dusty the explosions from her guns seem to have drooped a bit and several of the led explosions no longer work.








  4. Hi all a little update, well after exhaustive research(20 mins on google pooped for the rest of the day now) the Airfix kit is a little wrong the little sticky up thing on the top of the rails do not exist(thats great as I thought I would have to make some of those as I broke some whists struggling to get the warped hull together, also there should be another gun port on the second tier down sternwards of the last on on the model, roughly where the little slot is on the kit, I may add it when I find out what purpose the slot is for also the ornamentation above the top rail dose not exist neither does the ornamentation between the rails. not tremendous problems so should be able to sort them.


    These are the little sticky up things which I've now removed.








  5. Ok so I've reguilded the damaged guilding and the actual damage is not as bad as I feared the worst bit being he broke one of the side arms off and I cant find it anywhere os will have to try and scratch one(those canons are tiny, maybe a stretched sprue or a matchstick in the lathe, it's also now missing one of the flags (which I also cant find) nothing I can do about that so will just touch up the paint where it was snapped off .

    here is the damage.






  6. Hi all well getting this one back in a sorry state, went down to feed the birds and empty the bins this morning. Rolf tried to take it to his house in frinton yesterday, didn't even get it out of the hall broke lots of oars off the anchor post lots of railings, a lot of the rigging is slack so he's busted something there as well, he thinks I will just go down with a tube of superglue and stick it all back on, not that simple a lot of the guilding was pulled off when the oars and railings came off so that will have to be redone(a real pain as lots of bits were stuck on after the guilding ) I will take some pics when I get it home.

  7. My new one commissioned by my boss, the Airfix Wasa, I bought it off ebay and I've no idea how it was stored but its warped to hell, its been a real pig to get it together, didn't do it as per instructions as i could not get the deck atattched and level so glued the hull front together then when the glue set glued the rear the glued the deck a bit at a time using loads of masking tape to hold it till dry.

















    Broke lots of these bits on the top rails (whatever they are) so will have to make some new ones.














  8. Hi all here is an update on this one



    Hi all as a note People keep asking me how I do these sails, well here is a short guide, they are so easy.

    First you need the white spirit you clean your brushes in ( you know the jar or bottle or whatever that all the sludge builds up in( I keep mine topped up in a little bottle as I use it for other things too)

    you  get your vac formed sails , your brush and your white spirit.


    then you get a good brushfull of the sludge in the bottom of the bottle and scrub it all over the sail(both sides)


    allow it to dry and give a second coat if required

    then with a downwards motion wipe the muck off till you're happy with the effect




    and there you are, see how easy it is.

  9. Hi all just a quick update,my bosses husband said he would buy the Royal Sovereign but that this was too big was talking to him the other day and mentioned the Greenwich maritime museum said they wanted it but did not have the room, but would I resubmit it next year as they are constantly changing their displays. He told me today he will buy it (no mention of price), what would I ask for I can't keep it for a year, don't have the room (incidentally i told my boss I had got the Airfix Wasa off ebay and she wants me to build that for her. Actually as I was typing this he came up they've both gone for £400.00 I am well chuffed, I'm sure I could have got more but hey, two models out of the way and money for more, still have to finish the Sovriegn, and of course, start a finish the Wasa, I love modeling 

  10. Well I know it's not finished but it's sold, my boss's husband came round to show me his car (some little horrors standing on a bridge lobbed a rock as he drove under and stoved in his drivers pillar and windscreen (the cars only a fortnight old £90,000 worth) he spied it and the Reale and said the Reale was too big for his new seaside house but he would buy the sovriegn.

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