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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all doing some research (I've no idea of the size of these and can't seem to find overall dimensions) I thought these would help in stabilisation either side, would you all agree, 1/72 seahund type xxv11b, I wouldn't be modeling them as submarines more outriggers with maybe some cannons or lasers attached.

  2. Hi all well i know I've not touched this for a while, Pam just snapped the fore mast, apparently she was just getting the dog a treat  (the bag with the treats in was on the table with the kit) my fault entirely, she is so upset I'm more cross she even tried to, that's what I'm here for to get stuff, trouble is she thinks because she can make it to the loo and make a cuppa she can do anything, I love her to bits and can't wait for her to get better. Anyway when I do get back on this that will be the first thing for me to takle. 

  3. Hi all I just feel like I should apologise to all the people following my other ship builds, I've not forgotten them, I'm just having so much fun with this I can't concentrate on them, is that selfish? Sorry, I will get back to them again,  and to those who don't like what I'm doing to this, I blow raspberrys at you.

  4. Hi all well I've finished detailing the jet engine, I was going to make an inspection panel in the casing so you could see the detailing but since it is curved in all directions I couldn't work out how to hinge it so you won't actually see any of it but, hey I know it's there.



    I loved Jeff Lyns version of war of the world's, great music .

  5. Hi all these cannons are a bit tedious but I've done a bit more, not happy with them, they still don't look very realistic (each one is less than 1/2 an inch long, well the carriage is anyway), so I can't do much with them but I'm wondering weather the decking from the 1/72 revell flower class corvette would look good stuck on and stained what do you think.




  6. Hi all, the rest of the cannons are fully visible so I've decided to try and detail them a bit more, there is no wood grain moulded in the plastic sides so I've scratched some lightly with my knife and tried painting and using pastels to get an wood effect, not worked as well as I'd liked but better than nothing, and when they are installed you probably won't even notice anyway.




  7. Hi all here is the next installment










    I must say I'm enjoying this very much, freedom from anyone saying "that's wrong" is so liberating and I'm loving the fact I can use my imagination to find stuff for making 60s style futuristic stuff ( I thought at the start of this build that the corvette lent itself to that era, modern stuff would be either squarer or more streamlined)

  8. Hi all done a bit more.





    As you can see there's no real detail to the jet engine, I know it's meant to be an educational toys to teach kids how a jet engine works and to be see through but I fail to see how this teaches anything, no injectors no pipe work for fuel just some blades which spin and some lights, I think Airfix missed a trick here. And for very little work on their part.

    I know nothing about jet engines but I know they need injectors to get the fuel where needed and fuel obviously but here is no indication of either here.


  9. Hi all well this is certainly leagues more complex and detailed than any ship I've built not sure I'm upto rigging this, for instance all the pulleys attached it the mast and crows nest, I've barely started on this one mast, I take my hat off to anyone tackling this complex a rigging not sure I will stick the course, I've not found an easy way to tie the pulleys. The 4von this mast took 2 hours and a lot of swearing.










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