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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Thank you all for the initial likes and comments. I hope I will be able to hold up to the "pressure" of creating an equal outstanding model like many others in here. I am certain I will have questions. Hope you don't mind me asking when time comes.
  2. Bill, I thought you mentioned you didn't have time to start building the Syren until second week of June...... Ha at least I found your log and as you can see I have started mine. I am glad you didn't have the same issue with warping and twist in the BF. So, now we are waiting for our President of PSSM to get going with his Syren as well.
  3. Well, I didn't expected I would come to this point. But here is my build log of the Syren. I feel a presentation of the kit is not necessary. Reklein and I are both members of PSSM, so this could be considered as a club build. Our President has already started the build but has had the bit at a stand still for a long time. I had started the kit, but the keel for BF was to warped and twisted to be used, even after two weeks of straightening. I even tried with the inserted bulkheads and filler blocks to get it straight"er" but to no avail. I contacted Mr. Mosko at ModelExpo via email and got a quick respons the following morning. I have shaped the bulkheads, put the templates together and will do other work while waiting for the new BF to arrive. The build jig is made and ready to go to. The current BF and bulkheads are just put together without glue and I am using them to bend the planking. Thought they could come to good use for that purpose. Lastly, I would like to extend a big thank you to all other members who has build Syren, as your logs will provide a lot of extra information needed for the build and how to avoid pit holes along the way. Now picture time
  4. Tor, That engine looks like it is as good as ready for firing up, the "purr" from those engines are amazing.
  5. Cheering for a successful and beautiful completed Cheerful! Hat off to you, Chuck.
  6. Martin, Warm welcome to MSW. Many of us has been involved with MSW for a long time and experienced coming and going of members. The big crash back in 2013 where all was lost, at least what we thought. Some was recovered thanks to members that had build logs saved on their own computers. Now it's time for you to start a build log. As we all look forward to see your build. Once again,
  7. Dave, would you mind passing those skb files to me? I am also a user of SketchUp so that would be perfect for me. Thanks for a fantastic build log of Bluenose.
  8. I truly like the shackles, may I steal the idea from you? For that price it's a great add-on.
  9. Mike, if that is the instructions, well then to me it's a really nice outcome.
  10. Found a front seat as well! What a bugger, I forgot to bring the popcorn.
  11. David I would cry even more if the "skeleton" wouldn't line up properly for planking. Looking good, good choice.
  12. I will try your technique with my Syren. Looks so clean and easy. Very nice job.
  13. I have the "Thermo" awaiting, but seeing this great built I wonder if I ever will get it going. The scale is convenient for displaying.
  14. Less, We shouldn't forget a high quality brush to go along with the paint.
  15. Jump started a 2017 Dodge today with help of my 2016 Mazda 6. All cars can be "jumped"
  16. Tor, all the running lines are nicely visible inside the fuselage. As for RC flying, I gave it a try in my teens, joined a local club trying to learn and gave up. I was best in crash landing. RC sailing is different, one axle less to think about.
  17. Brian, That eye is so exquisite, now I have to practice that as well. Very nice indeed!
  18. Mike, Make the test above deck to determine how much and also where to place the weight. Easier that way.
  19. Miles, Welcome to MSW! You don't happen to have any musical interest? With that name, I have to inquire.......
  20. Lou, A warm welcome to MSW. Don't know on what side of the Cascades you are on but if you are on the west side (Seattle area) I have a club recommendation. One of our members in here are the President for the club, which goes under the name PSSM. Send me a PM and I am more than happy to link you with the club, this goes for Seahawk1313 (guessing you are an Washingtonian too)
  21. Gary, this is the America I would like to build. The sheer scale and open hull side. Taking the first and most comfortable seat in the house to enjoy this build.
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