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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Totally agree with that statement too.....
  2. Mike, Yes, there is a squeeze mark from one of the clamps. I used wrong one at that time which was stronger than I expected. Will never use that clamp again.
  3. Hej Torbogdan or could it be Tor, I have been following your build log of the Fokker. Amazing job! That video clip with Mikael Carlsons flying was great as well. I found another link you may like. Click here to get there.
  4. Weflack, That picture with some editing can be taken for a painting. I like it very much.
  5. Kenny, I know it's not mentioned, it should. I think the majority of us that build the longboat used the stiffeners.
  6. Kenny, Those stiffeners are necessary for the fairing of the bulkheads, they can break away easily otherwise.
  7. All I say wow. The angles involved and is need to be trimmed for nice contact! Was sitting in the garage out from the breeze enjoying the sun and did some sanding.
  8. Beautiful job Steve! I used white glue instead of CA, I did it just as a personal preference.
  9. Bjørnar, Do you speak Swedish or Norwegian? Just wondering due to the location and closeness to Sweden. Looks like 5-8 km to Swedish boarder.
  10. Doug, I didn't even ask permission to follow. I just pulled up a comfy chair and brought my coffee along.
  11. Bjørnar, Warm , Enjoy your time here. We are all here for one purpose, building ships, sharing our build logs and posting questions and answers.
  12. Mike, Tomorrow when you turn the tug around it will look fantastic. Nothing to worry about! Best part with the tug, you don't have to worry anything about weight as we had to with the T37. Varnish and paint, yep that is what I would recommend too.... Will you plank the deck?
  13. Mike, Now you are talking about making a nice tug..... On the other hand what you have right now is what I like to have as well. Good enough for me.
  14. Bulwark, A warm and non-windy welcome to
  15. Kenny, Warm welcome to the Longboat group. I will follow along and just pulled up a chair, but where is the coffee?
  16. Mike, I thought a reduction gear was to be good as well. What is the rpm on the motor (lowest)?
  17. Rich, That surely is deep char. I thought that my boat I currently had deep one, but yours is even worse. I am sorry. Lots of sanding.
  18. Scott, Warm You have now found a new homestead. Thank you for your service.
  19. Mike, the pictures you uploaded is of S/S Blidösund, which also is a Steamer. Edit: She belongs to Waxholms Bolaget, the smoke stack gave it away. And you are 100 % right, about Inland traffic with Mariefred and archipelago traffic. I think it's time to give CaptainBob his build log back. Sorry Bob
  20. Denis, I still like the build of yours. So unfortunate you have to live with the "like" clicks.
  21. Denis, Do you mean its being used to much? Sorry in that case I have no solution.
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