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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Came across this router base by accident, Small for Dremel, but much sturdier than what Dremel offers as I can tell. For the price this little tool will be on my wishing list.
  2. John, The Tassies' are common on Swedish water, there are many of them commanding ships like these. So I think you have to let this one go, at least for the moment.
  3. With the last input I started wondering if regular bleach (for washing cloth) would work as well!?
  4. Mike, It seems like I am to be the first to congrat you on a finalized Tug boat. I am glad the maiden voyage was successful in many ways. Do you have a name yet? If not, here is a suggestion; Sailors Rescue or Tug Along.
  5. David, That looks so much better, now you can enjoy the build to the fullest.
  6. My Lowes store has them in Aisle BW , Bay 86 , just checked online.
  7. Derek, nice job on the planking, I also noticed you were being judge by someone in the background. Didn't know you invited Judge Judy for inspection of your build.
  8. Did some research about the plywood and the origin, Don't know if I am 100% about this, but it looks like import from China. This after using the info from the "sticky label"
  9. Keith, I am light years behind in skills versus you and your Altair, but you are the one inspiring me to manufacture a new steering wheel. As I stated earlier, probably gonna take several trials. Welcome onboard my journey with this Swedish boat.
  10. Mike, I have stain sealer so that would help out, thank you for the recommendation. At least this time I don't have to worry about any shiny finish on my model.....
  11. Hej Niklas och välkommen ombord på Solö, Hi Niklas and welcome on-board on Solö¨. I used 90% Aceton (nail-polish remover) to un-glue the CA. That along with the 11 blade X-acto for cutting. It was a tedious job but well rewarded. Ps. Växte upp i österskär, (Åkersberga)
  12. Steve, the best part of it, will be the case as you will get a nice proportional one for the boat. Beautiful done!
  13. David, I did a little recon on the web and found that the plywood provided is a sheet made for underlayment between subfloor and top-finish. It has a coarser grain than what we are used to and chips easily, specially the thinner versions. Glad you got a reply from MS and getting you replacement parts.
  14. We others will be around awaiting an update whenever you have one.
  15. David, For a kit coming from MS, I am very surprised to the low quality. Makes me wonder if they contracted someone to keep up with the production. For the money spent on Syren I would expect much much better. Chuck must be furious seeing this. If I were in your shoes, I would have requested a completely new kit. I also have the Syren waiting, but I have had it in my stock for some time...... but it makes me wonder...
  16. Since I am not happy with the grating provided in the kit, I wondered what to do. Today I spent half an hour at my local "second hand shop", and found a sheet of veneer, to my surprise mahogany. It was thin to, so 50 cents later I had it in my hand and this came useful today. It's perfect for the grating and making strips out of. Sadly I don't have any mini table saw, so I used my Japanese fine saw and ripped the sheet. One picture shows the strip in the boat the other how it takes varnish. Sanding varnish - sanding varnish and many more times will make the wood luster. Edit: I am to experiment to make some plywood of this material and try making the steering wheel.
  17. Steve, I truly like what you have done to the Longboat. It's a lot of rigging line to coil for the right length of lines according to the plans.
  18. Mike, With that order of yours from Tippecanoe I am almost on the verge to de-friend you............. Just kidding, that T-50 will be the "Ultimate" racer..... Why didn't you order the Venom at the same time?
  19. Mike, I think there will be several trials before I have somewhat of a decent wheel. But yes, the included wheel is already out of the picture.
  20. Hamilton, That is so true....... And looking forward to the progress of your Bluenose.
  21. Another thing I will change and hopefully I will be able to this with a simple drill-lathe. The included wheel needs to much of work to make it look like one. Look at the included wheel and what I like to strive for. And the real thing. Then the current state of my simulated frames. Even though they will be covered up by the grating.
  22. Jhart65, May I suggest you start showing off your Wasa, you have a whole panel of members just waiting to see what you have built.
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