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    jablackwell reacted to JesseLee in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    Been plugging along slowly. Haven't posted until now because there would be too little to show until I got a little more done. By the time I rig a line or two I am in so much pain I have to leave it and come back later so it takes a while.
    Since my last posting I have rigged the main & fore topmast backstays, main & fore topmast stays, main & fore topmast preventer stay, fore & main topgallant shrouds, main & fore topgallant backstays and the main royal backstays. It doesn't look like that much in the pictures. When trying to rig the block and rope coil for the main royal backstay I snagged the door to the companionway and snapped it off. It went right down the hole below so I have to make another. I have accidentally cut a line or two and have had to re-rig them. I found it very difficult to rig the lanyards for the fore topmast and fore topmast preventer stays. There is very little room to work with. I am still not satisfied with my mouse making but they are ok.

  2. Like
    jablackwell reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    thanks for your feedback and "Likes", I appreciate your support a lot.
    Currently I am producing the Gaff and the Boom for the Corvette.
    There were many interesting details to clarify. So z. B. is located on the Gaff peak a small metal block for the national flag.
    What is still to be clarified is the design of the Gaff goosenecks the boom.

    Source: Auszug aus der Monographie zur La Creole von J. Boudriot

    Source: William Dwight Whitney The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language (New York, NY: The Century Co., 1911)

    Source: Text-Book of Seamanship, Commodore S. B. Luce, 1891

    Source: Musée de la Marine (Bildausschnitt)
    For the current building conditions of these components here a series of pictures:

    Quelle: Musée de la Marine (Bildausschnitt)

  3. Like
    jablackwell reacted to MESSIS in Bireme by MESSIS - FINISHED - Amati - adding wind-filled sail to completed model from 2015   
    And the Bireme went back to her display position in my library.
    Also two pictures are going to be added in Bireme's  gallery here in our blog.

  4. Like
    jablackwell reacted to Richvee in Kate Cory by Richvee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - solid hull   
    Looking for some advice. This week I finished off the cutting in tackle not without some setbacks. First, I had a pretty major catastrophe as I swung my arm around the model too quick and snapped the fore royal mast off right under the royal crosstree.  . The fix took some time. The repair is not real pretty, but  fairly well hidden under the crosstrees. The top most ratlines are going to have to be redone. 
    with the repair done, I managed to finish the cutting in tackle, tension the lines and secure the lower blocks to the belly chain bit. 


    All things considered, I'm happy with the cutting in tackle. Here's where the problem has arisen. 
    Upon completing the Cutting in tackle, I noticed a LOT of my standing rigging had way to much slack in the lines because of the tension from the cutting in tackle.  I cut away the fore topgallant and main topmast backstays, the outer mainstay, the main topmast stay and spring stay and main topmast spring stay. I reattached them, but haven't secured them all yet. 
    Is there an order I should secure theses stays in that may avoid slack as I proceed, or is this just trial and error until I get all the lines to look good with no noticeable sag in them? 
  5. Like
    jablackwell reacted to svein erik in US Brig Syren by svein erik - Model Shipways - 1:64 - 18 gun brig   
    And now, the finish result of the lanterns made from boxvood 
    is small but it works,  3 more to go😀

  6. Like
    jablackwell reacted to JesseLee in US Brig Syren by Hipexec - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - building as USS Argus   
    You might have to. After the glue dries the water will do no good, it will have to be the alcohol.
  7. Like
    jablackwell reacted to Richvee in Kate Cory by Richvee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - solid hull   
    Upper blocks shackled into the pendents.

    Lower blocks fit with wooden toggle, and blubber hook. A little extra detail adding the small rope handles on the lower block with the blubber hook. 
    Now all that's left to do is rig these things. 
  8. Like
    jablackwell reacted to HIPEXEC in US Brig Syren by Hipexec - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - building as USS Argus   
    Mast prep continued. Cheeks area flattened and iron bands installed (they're made of paper)

  9. Like
    jablackwell reacted to Richvee in Kate Cory by Richvee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - solid hull   
    The standing rigging is just about complete. Backstays and royal Forestay still need to be tensioned and cut. 
    I decided to use small bulls eyes for thimbles as my metal working "skills" need a LOT of work. Hope they don't look to oversized. 

    It's amazing what the camera picks up. That drop of glue on the trestle tree looks horrendous, yet hardly visible looking at the model. i'm going to have try to clean that up a bit. 
    Next up I guess is cutting in tackle. Or whaleboats. If I get frustrated trying to rig the tricky cutting in tackle I'll switch over to whaleboats for a spell. 
  10. Like
    jablackwell reacted to HIPEXEC in US Brig Syren by Hipexec - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - building as USS Argus   
    Installed the pump. A few details left but they can be added even though it's glued to the deck.

  11. Like
    jablackwell reacted to smarra in US Brig Syren by smarra - Model Shipways - 1:64 - First wooden ship build   
    I have been sanding for what seems like forever.
    Mostly because I'm chicken to use a courser grit sand paper.
    Port sills and lintels mostly sanded at this point. A few pieces came loose and had to be glued agian.
    Just need to clean up the bow a little more before moving on.

  12. Like
    jablackwell reacted to fnick in Albertic by michael mott - FINISHED - Scale 1:100 - RESTORATION - Bassett-Lowke Model   
    Hi Michael
    When the model goes back to the museum the before photo should be next to it along with a large brass plaque thanking you for your restoration efforts! Oh and there should also be an unveiling ceremony. Nothing less than you deserve! Bravo.
  13. Like
    jablackwell reacted to michael mott in Albertic by michael mott - FINISHED - Scale 1:100 - RESTORATION - Bassett-Lowke Model   
    Some more work with making missing parts, the dark metal bases of some of the vent stacks, and more new screw mounts.

    New bases from bronze patina on brass, one on left is original.
    new bases slipped under the glued up boat deck.
    And today I removed the temporary building jig.

    And a memory lane shot for encouragement to keep going.

    I can feel the end of the tunnel coming.
  14. Like
    jablackwell reacted to smarra in US Brig Syren by smarra - Model Shipways - 1:64 - First wooden ship build   
    Gun port sills and lintels installed, not sanded yet.

  15. Like
    jablackwell reacted to Richvee in Kate Cory by Richvee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 - solid hull   
    Been a while since I've posted. Spring and summer keep me busy. Work is progressing VERY slowly. Ratlines done and some stays being rigged. Some pics to follow when time allows. 
  16. Like
    jablackwell reacted to moreplovac in Sultana 1767 by moreplovac - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64 - Colonial Schooner   
    I have ordered few table saw blades for my mini table saw; they have not arrived yet but gratings from Model Shipways have. Oh well, will make my own gratings some times in the near future. For Sultana will use these ones...

    They will be covering main hatch.

    Assembly process, cannot wait to get them all together..

    Then i marked the main hatch opening that will host gratings and cut them one at a time..

    Here they are, ready for assembly.

    Assembled and ready for sanding for fitting. I put tiny amount of super glue on gratings to keep them together. They fit well on its own but small drop of glue will make my life easier...

    Sanding is next ... and test fitting...

    On Sultana and ready for stain.

    More to come soon.
  17. Like
    jablackwell reacted to svein erik in US Brig Syren by svein erik - Model Shipways - 1:64 - 18 gun brig   
    Hi, thanks for the likes 😊
    Am finish the hull planking and I also painted the hull black where the water line is, wel a little bit down 
    the inner bulwarks is Soon coming on board😊

  18. Like
    jablackwell reacted to svein erik in US Brig Syren by svein erik - Model Shipways - 1:64 - 18 gun brig   
    Hi again,
    yust another task has been  dunn
    the cap rails , for this I used 1/4×1/16 castello boxvood 
    it was wery easy task , soak it in warm water for about 90 minuts and started to lay the strip on top,strig it
    and bend it around  
    The boxwood strip is in exelent condison 😊

  19. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Overworked724 in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  20. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Gahm in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  21. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Richvee in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  22. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Ryland Craze in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  23. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Tom E in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  24. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Dutchman in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Yep - a teacher - astrophysics during the school year and researcher during the summer months. It's good work, and allows for some interesting off-time hobbies.
    Been working the planks up to the port openings. I have some images here to show how I am handling the cutting of the notches into the planks. I am using a small saw to notch the planks first, to the depth of the needed notch, then I use a #11 blade to remove most of the wood, then a small file to finish it off. It looks pretty good. It was a trial and error type thing at first, with a couple of horribly failed attempts. I am sure there are better methods, but this one is working for me thus far ;-)  The colorful clamps were a bargain at the Dollar Store... they are poorly made, but do just right for this work.

  25. Like
    jablackwell got a reaction from Jim Rogers in US Brig Syren by jablackwell - Model Shipways - first POB build   
    Started planking this week. The key learning moment this time around was in trying to figure out how to get the boxwood shaped just right. The best I could get was to soak it for 6 hours, then shape it into a board with pre-placed pegs for the correct bow shape... and leave overnight to dry. The wood is pretty brittle, so small sharp curves are a no-no. Lessons learned!  So, the first plank has been set on both starboard and port sides. They may be incorrectly placed, but they are symmetrically aligned! ;-)  I can be happy with that! 

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