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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. If you work on your ship regularly, some day you will finish it. Splendid work, my friend.
  2. Bindy!!! Long time no see, my dear. Your question has been already answered, I just want to tell you how glad I am to see you here again!
  3. Whoa Vince!!! I kinda feel guilty for having inspired you to start this job. Good luck and keep the photos of the treenailing job coming. Can't wait to see it finished! P.S Are you drilling or just punching the holes?
  4. Hey. It may have been me! These photos are of my Bounty, taken in 2007.
  5. Excellent planking job, Vince! Give the toothpick/treenailing a try. I have used that technique in the past and it has worked for me. Good luck!!!
  6. Well... I spent several days working in the above mentioned little boats. The best I can say is it was a learning experience. I wasn't satisfied AT ALL with the outcome, so I decided I will buy that little bugger again and do it again, this time using the knowledge gathered and better materials. So I decided to move on to start my big ship's second planking. So far 4 rows per side have been placed. Starting below the 4th line, planks start to leave an open space between plank and hull, so I measured a space of five tracks below that, ran a single plank strip letting it lay where it wants and traced the curve that will follow the next set of 5 planks. Hope all will be good. This is the basic kit of the boat Enough of the boats.
  7. I built Heller's Victory 1/100 many years ago. I also built their Royal Louis in 1/200. It was a real pleasure. I hope you enjoy your build as much! Best wishes.
  8. I bought this book many years ago at Barnes & Noble. One dollar for a 690 pages book is a steal. If I remember correctly, I paid for mine around 15 dlls. Hard cover, brand new. I did read it from cover to cover.
  9. Wouldn't it be safer to purchase a bag full of those from your local Office Depot, or similar depot in your country??? Mail persons in my country don't carry those rubber bands.
  10. Sjors... My compliments, my friend. Your Aggie is coming along beautifully. One thing I envy is the cleanliness some builders achieve in their models. Yours is a pristine example. Hats off!!!
  11. Hats off!!! Truly a MasterPiece. You are an inspiration!
  12. This is so very informative Arthur. Just finished seeing the full log of the boat. I am afraid I will have to buy again the kit I am working on!!! Good they are really cheap!
  13. I am at this moment trying to make three of these boats for my Royal Louis. I find it almost impossible to bend the 1/16 square strips to conform to the curves of the forming frames. They indeed require a lot of skill!
  14. Thanks David... I will have to try one of them. The worse that can happen is that it may turn into another learning experience.
  15. Thank you very much Greg. Your comment means a lot. I put aside the building of the Royal Louis for a moment, and decided to take a break while building the ship's boats. I definitely discarded the metal ones in the kit and purchased Model Expo's kits. These are kits in themselves, and I find the instructions even harder to follow than those of the main ship. See them here: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS0108 Will post photos of this side job in a couple of days.
  16. Update April 21 2015. Wow! Hard to believe that on April 13 was the First Anniversary of my Royal Louis build start!!! So at this date, I finally placed thew main wales on both sides. I discarded the walnut from the kit and used Boxwood from Crown Timberyard instead. You will see a couple of ugly fillers there. Had to place them when I realized there was a gap between the wales and the first planking. Since this is not going to be seen and eventually will be covered, I paid not much attention to it... so you do the same I painted the black with Rub n' Buff.
  17. Oh yeah! Been using those since my days of plastic modeling!
  18. What happened to this Constitution build log? Last update was June 2014. I hope you had not stop this excellent build!!!
  19. If I am correct, (and I am no expert by any means) the maximum deviation is 4 thousands of an inch in any of the three examples. (Taking the maximum and minimum measures) I don't think that's something that can be perceived by the naked eye or that will affect in any serious way the building of a ship model. I think this is far beyond normal expectations.
  20. Please please please avoid shiny finish on old ships. In my opinion, that is the quickest and easiest way to ruin a model. Bright or shiny finishes should be used only on modern yachts, racing boats or the like. You get the idea. For old ships a matte or satin (eggshell finish) is much preferable.
  21. Hello. If this is what you are looking for, it is done by painting your base color, and then dry-brushing a lighter version of the color where you want wear, and a darker color where you want dirt. Bear in mind that when weathering "less is best". On the guns, I painted the base color and then using a brush with sepia india ink, start brushing until the brush start to dry and starts leaving streak marks. I am trying to describe in a paragraph what took me years of experimentation. Start with the basics above, and you will start seeing results soon. (The Santa Maria is Heller's 1/75 kit)
  22. I love it, Sjors! Your attention to detail is superb. Great job, my friend!
  23. Hello all. These two phrases appear in the description of all Model Shipways paints in the Model Expo web site: "...making them ideal for airbrush use". " Model Shipways paints are not compatible with airbrushes." ???? Any comments anybody? Thanks Ulises
  24. Ditto! I see your work as very well done. Are there mistakes? Of course. The day we stop making mistakes will be the day we stop learning and thus, the day we cease to advance. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes so in your next build you can do "new" mistakes to learn from. Best regards and keep on building! Ulises Edit: BTW, the San Felipe is most likely my next project. I've already learnt something from your mistakes. Edit 2: Where did you get the base for this model? It's lovely!
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