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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Thanks for your comment, JP. A Dremel with a sanding drum was exactly what I had in mind to level up those metal frames. The programmed order for this step would be: 1 Put all the wood of the first plank. 2 Build and shape the bulwarks. 3 Sand down the metal frames. 4 Put wood filler where needed and let cure for 24 hrs. 5 Sand down the whole hull. Easier said than done. 6 Pictures a-plenty.
  2. Frank. Your attention to detail is inspiring. I am learning so many new things that I want to try in my present build! Many congratulations! Ulises
  3. Hello Ronald. I'm afraid there is no parts list as such. Instructions come in sheets called "tavolas". Each sheet has a list of the parts used in that particular sheet, but there is not something like a full list of all the parts needed. I'm sorry.
  4. Oh no.That is bad news. I really was expecting the 2014 issue.I have them from the 2010 issue.
  5. I am a late visitor to your build log, Kay. I have to say that I am really impressed. I would give my right pinky finger to be able to carve as you do... (Why my right pinky? Because is the only finger I don´t use when playing guitar! ) Best wishes.
  6. Thank you all. I have to say that these metal frames will be sanded down flush at hull level, once all the wood of the first planking is put in place. And those small gaps are of no concern. Pictures will come!
  7. There you go, Sjors. Just a small taste. I will post plenty of photos once the first planking is finished and finished. Thank you all for your comments and interest!
  8. Hello Dimitris. Long time no see indeed! Glad to see you back. I have not posted any updates because I am working on the first plank (still). This hull is huge. It's taking me very long time. I will wait until the first planking is finished to post photos, because at the present state it doesn't look very pretty . (I'm about 80% done, though) Thank you for visiting and your like. Best Ulises
  9. I am speechless.Truly a Masterpiece by a Master Builder!!!
  10. I have the Artesania Latina HMS Surprise kit. It's a monster at 1.33 mts. Just letting you know, because space to build and display might be something to consider when purchasing.
  11. The Tormek has been in my sight for some time. I just need certain $ituation to improve.
  12. To me is a bit cumbersome to use. I get better results using my grinder and diamond stones. Somebody else may have different results.
  13. I have this tool. I bought it to sharpen my pen turning tools. I rarely use it, though.
  14. Looking great, Karl. This is something I would never attempt to do: restore a badly started ship. I have to take my hat off for what you've accomplished. Saludos, amigo. PS. I saw your daughter the other day. Very fine young lady.
  15. For small openings, a thin film of white glue dries transparent. Experiment first!!!
  16. Excellent and outstanding job, Sjors. Truly an inspiration. Congratulations on finishing her. Feels great, no?
  17. They are built by a bunch of Chinese workers working on the floor and finishing several per day.
  18. Amazon has it listed, but is Out of Stock. I asked to email me when it's available. No price listed, though. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3782212053
  19. Found them in Amazon, and the price looks just right. http://www.amazon.com/1670XL-Resistant-100-Percent-Kevlar-X-Large/dp/B000AYFT20/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1415905535&sr=8-2&keywords=carving+gloves
  20. Looks like a very interesting kit. I wasn't aware of a cross section kit of the Vasa. Do you remember the scale?
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