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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Hey Karl. Nice that you decided to revive this ship. I will be following your progress. Buena chamba! (Good job)
  2. No way. I would say that Vasa is very fortunate to have landed in your skilled hands instead of the trash bin. Un abrazo.
  3. Heinz. You are doing a terrific job restoring that ship. I don't think I would ever attempt something like that. Keep us posted. Saludos.
  4. Heyas Karl!. So you finally decided to post here. I'm so glad. So you finally decided to tackle that Vasa. Good. There are some really and I mean REALLY good build logs of the Vasa here, and the discussions are an infinite source of knowledge. Nice to see you here! Plans to come to Monterrey soon? Greetings Ulises
  5. JanV. DO NOT try to bend them. They will break. Try using the grinding method mentioned above.
  6. Vivian!!! That is really good. I'm really impressed!!! It's looking very nice, very well done and so fast. I am truly impressed with the quality of your build. Way to go! Congratulations linda! Looks like you are on the right path! Besos! Ulises
  7. I would use epoxy or contact cement. Cheers!
  8. Thank you Frank. In all honesty I have mixed feelings with the machine. I have to say it makes very nice rope, but I get tired pretty soon when doing it. You need to have both hands at work and your attention and eyes fixed on the area where the rope is twisting, so you can control the speed at which your right hand turns the take up spool. I have another machine, but this one makes only short segments of rope. About 1.30 mts. So you need to load the machine several times to make enough rope of a given thickness. Byrnes machine shines at making a continuous rope, limited only by the amount of thread you load in the spools. Hope this helps. If you have any more questions, please ask!
  9. Thank you Matti. Coming from you that is a big compliment! I am working on the lower-starboard shrouds and ratlines. I hope to finish the standing rigging soon, so I can start with the running and finish my ship!
  10. Thank you Mark. Rope is my own, using a Byrnes ropewalk machine. Except the anchors cable, which I used because I still did not have the machine, everything else is made by me. Also the thinnest lines are just used directly from the spool.
  11. Update: JAN 23/14 I finished the shrouds and ratlines of port side. Here are some photos. Flashlight plays some funny games over certain black lines, making them look too shiny. They don't look like that in person. I need to pay more attention to the alignment of the deadeyes, I know!. Also, my choice of tan thread came out too light. Nothing I can do about it now. Here's 2 lessons learnt. You will see some loose lines here and there. They are not definitely fixed yet.
  12. Hello. Could you post photos or at least a link, so we can see them, please?
  13. Oops! Good question. I wouldn't know, sorry.Try to contact Model Expo directly!
  14. Michael. I just found a book I had stashed somewhere and I had completely forget about it. I just pulled it out of my bookshelf and looking at it is a great book on rigging. "Rigging Period Ship Models" by Lennarth Peterson. I have no idea if it is still available, but its worth to look for. Hope this helps.
  15. Michael. Nice post. It actually gave me an idea on how to build a jig to make the deadeyes/lanyard rig even. Too late for my Vasa, now though. Will post a photo of the jig when I make a test. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but in your 2 last photos, the deadeyes are wrongly lined up. The 3 holes have to make a triangle, but the apex (point?) of the upper one has to point upwards, as in this photo.
  16. Hmmm...I have been a modeler for over 50 years, and it's the first time I heard painting with an airbrush is unrealistic. Well... maybe except this German modeler who makes WWII dioramas and says that since the German tanks were painted using things like floor mops, he would use only brushes because that was more "realistic". Use whatever you feel comfortable with. These paints may be what you are looking for. http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=SM23MS Hope this helps
  17. Hello Viv!!! Nice. You got yourself a nice set of fittings. These will make your build look even better. Can't wait to see them on your ship. Felicidades, linda!
  18. I always put the ratlines the same color of the shrouds. Someone said ratlines should be let "untarred" because that was safer for the crew climbing to the mast tops. Since there are so many opinions and variations, just do what feels best for you.
  19. My guess is that manufacturers may start using ramin in their kits and labeled it so. Then when the wood became scarce, they just changed the wood without incurring in the expense to change the wood description in the already made kits.
  20. Yeah! Most likely a mistake. Not even already built would cost that much!!!
  21. Tony: Not clear if you want already built ship models, or kits?
  22. Wow demonborger... thanks for that Russian link. That build is awesome. That guy surely spent a lot of time just nailing stuff and making rings LOL. I will surely get some inspiration there when the time comes.
  23. Strangely, there is only one build log of this kit: yours. There will be two soon, though! I think the RL is a magnificent ship, but maybe the price of this kit is scaring some builders away? I wouldn't have it if it wasn't because ME had it at 450 dlls. one day, and I just couldn't let pass the opportunity.
  24. Very nice work, Frank.!!! If you think railings are tedious, wait till you have to tie the ratlines I'm at that stage right now.
  25. Hello. My Corel Vasa was also designed way before the news discoveries of Vasa. It shows the sides painted in blue and the figures in gold. That is how I am building mine. I am not a purist and my ships go to my living room as decorations and eventually to some modeling contest, so I am not too worried about inaccuracies. Maybe I will some day. Welcome.
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