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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Well... ME still shows that list price for that kit, as you can see here: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=SM28W
  2. Go for it! There is no such thing as "too many tools".
  3. Thank you! Few things in my life give me more pleasure than opening the box of a new kit, and perusing its contents. Then taking the instructions and plans and revise them in my neighborhood Starbucks one Sunday morning while enjoying a nice latte.
  4. Vivian: This is my first visit to your build log. You are doing a really good job. I've never seen this kit before and find it very interesting. Keep working on it and learn from your mistakes as we all had done some time or another. Every building session has some new challenges most of the time. Greetings from Monterrey, México.
  5. Thank you aferox. Merry Christmas!
  6. I use several methods. To plank while the hull is in normal position, I use a hull planking vise. To work on the undersides of the hull, I use some paint roller covers to support the upside down hull. I sometimes just use my lap.
  7. I was browsing the Model Expo page, checking the offers and sales. Corel's Wappen Von Hamburg kit in case: List price $2,850 dlls. Offered with a 80% discount at $579. I have seen in other sites the Soleil Royal http://www.historicships.com/TALLSHIPS/Mantua/La%20Soleil%20Royal%20MA796/Soleil-Royale-MA796.htm and Sovereign of the Seas at around 1,200 dlls, and in my opinion, these are much more large, complex and beautiful ships. Just curious: Has anyone got the Wappen? Why is it so expensive? It doesn't look that attractive to me. Thanks.
  8. I have no words to express my thoughts! This is just awesome. I'm speechless!!! Congratulations Jeronimo. You have set the bar to some unreachable heights. Merry Christmas!!!
  9. Likewise Michael. I wish you and your beloved ones the best of the seasons, and my wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!
  10. Banyan: Could you please post any new information on this subject that you find or get? Really appreciate it.
  11. I changed the large belt once a few months ago, and the new belt is already developing cracks. I tried to make some rope this morning, but it came out too lumpy. Not sure if its because of the belts or something else.
  12. Michael: Yes. I'ts in the super small print in my signature. Most likely I will build the Royal Louis in 1/90 by Mamoli. Best regards.
  13. I was going to suggest you ask this question directly to Clayton or Fred Hocker in the VASA Forum, but saw you already did. This is interesting enough for me to follow. I may apply this knowledge in my next build... for my Vasa, it's too late.
  14. Hello Dirk. First time I come to see your work. Splendid!!! Keep on sending photos.!!!
  15. And I'm sure I will say: "The student surpassed the teacher" Michael: You have nothing to learn from me. What you are doing with your Vasa is just impressive!!! Thank you!
  16. Wow. That hull looks impressive! I remember building the Nichimo 1/200 Yamato. Had to modify my workshop to be able to work on that monster. Congrats on your build!. I was visiting the Trumpeter page the other day, and was surprised to see they have several 1/200 kits.
  17. Thanks a lot, Nigel. You put it in soft words. I say those thin lines were a royal PITA. . When I saw in the plans how many of those there were, I thought about skipping them altogether. Glad I did not. They were a great learning experience and gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Thanks!!!
  18. Update and some new photos. I am revealing here also, my ultra secret, super-high-tech jig to make coils. I am starting to fix the shrouds, starting with the uppermost, by rigging the lanyards. Ratlines come after that (I'm preparing mentally myself for this task), and finally the running rigging. A few lower shrouds are already done as I had to finish them to fix some of the lines running from the stays. Also you will see a lot of loose tangling lines. I will fix those later when I'm sure everything is as it has to be. I can see now the light at the end of the tunnel. (Hope it's not the train ) Thanks for watching!
  19. Sure thing! And thanks for your comment! ROUND TOOTHPICKS AND OLD BUSINESS CARDS : To make wooden doors. 1- Spread glue on a business card or similar object 2-Cover it with round toothpicks and weight until dry 3-Paint with black or dark brown ink or paint, making sure the paint goes all the way down between toothpicks. 4- When paint dries, cut to shape and sand the toothpicks flat, or sand and cut to shape: your choice. The roundness of the toothpicks will allow you to make the line between planks wider or narrower the more or less you sand. 5- Add black cardboard hinges. Use nails to make doorknobs, add handles, etc... Glad this tip has got many nice comments!
  20. Thank you. Nice tip. Oh...and beautiful music. What is it?
  21. I do not use wax on my rigging at all, but every single line of thread that goes on mi ship, is run first over a lighter flame to burn the fuzz. This is 100% effective for that purpose.
  22. Michael. You are setting the bar really high for all of us Vasa builders. I just look at your work and have nothing but words of praise. Keep posting your advances. Thank you.
  23. Hello. Just a word of caution here. Unless you want to show the ship as she looks in the museum, remember that Vasa did not have time to "weather" or to show signs of wear and tear. She navigated only about one hour.
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