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Everything posted by AON

  1. I find it interesting how you reduced the sail area... lowering the head, as I had seen this once before where the fellow scalloped the foot. The end result is all that matters, and yours look pretty darned good! Well done. You taught me something today. Thank you. I imagine play rope snugging tag is as much fun as you make it out to be
  2. short frame removed new long frame installed doorways cut in next update will be installing the cills
  3. post a question in a forum topic like this one: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/17-model-tips-and-tricks-and-making-jigs/ and ask for help on how to properly clean dust a model. There is a technique with Q-tips, saliva, elbow grease and lots of time used by professionals. Some might suggest how to safely do a first stage cleaning. I've not done it, only been told and read about it and physically seen the before and results after.
  4. Forgive my ignorance but I cannot see anything other than it needing a damn good cleaning and a dust protective display case. I also think that if you like it, it is worth every bit of energy you are willing to put into it to bring it to the state you wish it were at. I for one like it very much. Great eye and good recovery (from the dump). In my home town dump they would have tackled me and fined me, then took the model and try to sell it! 😁
  5. Here are some drawings I made this morning. I will email them to Bob. As I have the free hobbyist version of Fusion 360 there are things it will not let me do so some overall dimensions (from a corner of the object to the extreme end of a radius ) are missing. My copper pins were from standard house wiring (16 or 12 gauge, not sure at the moment) and the alidade (pointer), hub, and retainer cap were sanded to fit together as a friction fit. The pointer stays where it is pointing, it does not swivel freely. If I were doing this again I'd make the pointer a wee bit longer and my embossed number angle) a wee bit larger. Mariner's Astrolabe Body.pdf Mariner's Astrolabe Alidade.pdf Mariner's Astrolabe Cap.pdf Mariner's Astrolabe Upper Swivel + Ring.pdf Mariner's Astrolabe Lower Swivel.pdf
  6. Hello Bob, You missed a good Model Shipwrights of Niagara meeting yesterday. Would you be building yours in metal (brass or copper plate)? What size paper can you print on? I can make a full size 2D drawing of a front view and side view of my model quite easily and will send it to you after I discover more of what you intend and can print.
  7. Got most of the sanding done today. Decided to mark off the top timbers and cut those back and mark off and install the gallery side doors to the officers toilets (seats of ease) and get those done (install the cills) before I complete the sanding. While marking the timbers for the doorways I discovered I had one short adjacent timber located improperly... it needed to be the next one over. I suppose I should have triple checked. So I need to remove that pair (port and starboard or larboard if we're being correct for the period) and reinstall longer timbers before I cut any doorways. I will post a photo when I'm done.
  8. got my last frame installed yesterday and the chocks (spacers) today. Will start sanding Monday or Tuesday and cut in the doorways.
  9. Usually it is more difficult to decide to take something apart then it is to actually do it. It doesn't get easier over time but the time to decide gets shorter.
  10. That is why I cannot find it. I do no have issue 41! Could you possibly PM me that complete article so I can add it to my collection. I originally was given a stack of different magazines and I scanned the articles that related to my build and filed them on the computer for future reference. Then I gave the magazines away to our local club members. Issue 41 was not in the stack. Your comment about David's drawing Techniques article was not lost on me. I only have part 1. Are there others and do they discuss the stern?
  11. Yes I can see the page number. What is the article, magazine, edition, author. Sorry but I am cuffuffulde and cannot figure it out.
  12. Gary Re the scan you posted I didn't see that in my pdf. I might have missed it. I will double check.
  13. Gary I've found the nine part series of Traditional Wooden Shipbuilding by David White to be very informative but even he doesn't seem to spend much time on the stern and quarter galleries.
  14. Another step closer on Thursday. Nothing done yesterday or today as I'm getting yard work done. Those doorways were awfully narrow!
  15. I have issue 42 (part 2) but not issue 41 (part 1). Other than a couple photos it doesn't seem to offer much guidance for the side quarter frames. Am I wrong?
  16. Yup. I has deleted my last paragraph to Gary about closing up the stern because I was afraid I was getting ahead of myself. I will be so happy when this part is completed acceptably.
  17. Thank you Gary. I thought I understood it when I drew in 2016. Six years later it seems I had to almost figure it all out again, even with my drawing, and those few by others. Now that I am half way through the side quarter framing it seems easy enough.
  18. I can't imagine how they did it either. It seems like it changes direction at every step!
  19. Cut, fitted and glued. Also installed one filler each side. I left lots of room for sanding.
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