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Everything posted by alde

  1. They are just duplicate parts. Only use one set. This is a challenging first model but the build logs here are a big help. Don't be afraid to ask for help.the folks here are very willing to help.
  2. It's been a long time but I'm back at it. I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to get the shipyard more organized and have a ways to go before I'll be happy with it. I'm going to have way more modeling time now and plan to take full advantage of it. I managed to get the deck done and finished with water based stain and wipe on poly and install the stanchions for the bulwarks. The bulwarks were soaked and clamped to the stanchions with cloths pins and will be ready to attach tomorrow. It's not much but it's progress. Here are a couple of pictures.
  3. Chuck, the Yellow Cedar looks great. Will you also use it for the keel? You say it's softer. Does that mean it's also more flexible? Does that matter in this case? I'm only asking because as a newbie I'm trying to learn. I know the planking and other structure will add rigidity and it won't undergo the stresses of a real ship so maybe it's not an issue at all.
  4. Tom, will you include the building of the case as part of your log? This is something I'm a bit worried about as my skill level improves to the point I can build a large ship and do it justice.
  5. Looks like your off to a great start. Count me in on this one.
  6. Your inboard planking sure looks nice Mick. The whole ship looks great and is really coming along. I know what you guys mean about clamps. I've found cloths pins to be very useful and their inexpensive to boot.
  7. Exellent log and great build so far. Thanks for going into so much detail in your explanation of the work.
  8. Mike, I just have my lathe and mill mounted to 3/4" plywood then just C-Clamp them to the workbench when I use them. I don't have the floor space to dedicate to too many tools.
  9. That's going to be a great project. I'm looking forward to seeing it come together.
  10. I really do appreciate it. So you know I will be using them for building the ship though I'm sure a decent return could be made in resale.
  11. I hope I didn't buy it out from under you. I guess you wouldn't have told me about it if you wanted it though.
  12. Well, thank you for posting that. It must have been listed pretty recently because I've been looking. That is an amazing deal and I went ahead and bought them. I guess I'll just sell the volumes I already have. I have quite a bit more than $315 into them too.
  13. Yes he is. I'm glad for him. It's good to see a small business do well.
  14. I ordered mine a couple of days ago. I was just going to look into making one but I would much rather have Jim's. His quality is second to none.
  15. Thanks for looking. I may have found a copy. If i do I’ll post back to call off the search.
  16. I have volumes 1, 3 and 4 of the Illustrated Guide for Modeling HMS Warrior and would love to find a copy of volume's 2, 5 and 6 but especially volume 2. Anybody have one they are willing to sell or know where I might find one? It seems they are pretty hard to come by. I have been searching.
  17. I have volumes 1, 3 and 4 of the Illustrated Guide for Modeling HMS Warrior and would love to find a copy of volume's 2, 5 and 6 but especially volume 2. Anybody have one they are willing to sell or know where I might find one? It seems they are pretty hard to come by. I have been searching.
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