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VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser

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Small but pleasant piece of resin again, and as you can see I have made it look like swiss cheese. The Eduard fret hatches will allow me to paint them properly, and have nice brass rims to the skylights. plus a belaying point. I'm hopeing it won't look out of scale once it is white.







Edited by Greg Lester






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Fantastic stuff Greg, love all the little PE details.


They really add depth to the structures






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

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The amidships build continues. The kits offers a litle housing for a vent on either side. This translated from the Rusian is an ammunition elevator. Yet again, the kit is not very accurate looking at the close up views of the ship. the only additon at this stage is th Eduard fret that is supposed to reprsent he grill on the window and the lowered flap that overs it.








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So the research! It looks crap.Looking at the close ups, the photos were obvioulsy taken at a different place in time, look at the roof to the thing. The cross section has another bulge to the front fo the housing, but I can't go outwards as it will effect the stantions that will be connected to them for the davits.









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I suppose the Russians have an affection for the Varyag as we Aussies do for the Endeavour. I have been doing lots of research on Russian sites watching their builds to get a more accurate rendition of the kit and keep finding them doing thing things and doing details I have a hard time finding any reference to. The Kagero book seems to have been done off instructions from somewhere that miss all sorts of stuff, and don't even have scuppers mentioned. So I found the original blueprints on a Russian site. High res scans even. if interested PM me and I can send them to you as they are all about 22mb each. It's like having a AOTS for the Varyag but we can't "agree to disagree" as they are the shipbuilders plans! Every fault in the build is now entirety my lack of talent!

Edited by Greg Lester






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Your build is looking really good Greg.  Where you are talking about masts and rigging, you mentioned the tension of the rigging.  There is a really great product available called E-Z line.  It is an elastic polymer line that will stretch very far without stressing your attachment points.  


E-Z Line: http://www.berkshirejunction.com/ezline.html


On there dealers page, it looks like there are four dealers in Australia that carry it.  


With this line, you can attach it to your most delicate spars with a dab of glue, run it taught to the next attachment point and then stretch it all the way to the deck.  The attachment points will not bend.  Really great stuff.

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Now I have the blueprints, I can see that the electric boat winch has doors on either side of it. It would take major surgery to correct the lines on this as the wooden deck is designed to run with the curve, which is wrong. Oh well. I used the last set of double doors that I was going to use at the stern. Depending on where the ladder fall I may have to strip this whole assembly and do it again.








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The kit has not included scuppers on the hull. There are a few tiny shapes that might be them but they are completely too small. I got a soviet navy 1/700 hatch set to use as sundry hatch covers and these do nicely. The masking tape is so they can run properly upright.












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My first attempt at masking ever. I used a Tamiya rattle can with tamiya mask. A little bit of overspray but there are that many protruding bits above the waterline, when I reverse the mask to pain it white above the waterline it should work fine.


I think I'll leave it 24 hours to let it set as hard as possible.



Edited by Greg Lester






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Deck fittings and netting. There are a heap of very small pieces that need to be affixed to the deck, and they all require to be the colour black. Instead of painting, I used the Krick blackening agent so as not to lose the details under paint. There are little bit of netting that need to go onto the hull, which appear to be grates that go in front of the barrels for cleaning. 


The base of the bollards and also the base of the turret rings are also in this lot. A boring post but it will make sense eventually.









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Back to the Hull, the brass portholes. I wanted them to stand out so I have left them off to date, and after 2 hours I have gotten the Starboard side done. They are tiny and have to be cut from the fret to trim them. Applied with one of my kids colour pencils as it is the only thing that won't get stuck on the CA.










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A couple of updates. the stern on the real thing has the Russian eagle, the kits and Kagero book make no reference to it. The North Star models aftermarket fret has a couple, so I added the smaller one to the stern walk. I also added the nameplates, it is the only inaccurate thing so far but I just love them. I painted them white then scraped the letters back to brass.












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Now the pointy end, the Bow scrolling seems very ornate, and the kit left it on, which is clumsy and quite ugly. the eduard fret offers a nice bit of PE to attach, so the Bow was scraped down before painting for this purpose. It is not as ornate as the real thing but sometimes less is more.








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Since I'll be working on the hull for a while, I thought I'd upload negatives of the side profile from the blueprints . I still cannot upload the blueprints as the server will not take anything close to 2 MB. They are incredibly detailed which is unfortunate.








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Gun cleaning grates (I assume). The kit included 6 of the little grates that are stored inboard, but the instructions only place one set near the fore cannon. The other two attach to the hull. I blackened them so as to get some contrast, intending to dry brush them white but they are so small that it just did not work, so I used the rattle can which did!










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The deck, alignment at the bow was a bit difficult as the hull needed a little work to get it to fit snugly, requiring the dremel to dig a bit out. The rest of the pieces fit well, but the stick wooden deck requires very very precise alignment, as .5mm out means you require a little bit of file work.


I dry fitted a few of the pieces and they come up nicely. I'm still not happy with the doors and will probably replace them. I intend to attach the ladders internally beforehand as well as the pieces that I blackened that will be bases for the cannon and bollards.


The centre piece is snug enough that I probably will not need to glue it, but the bow and stern pieces will require gluing. It is my intention to have most things done prior to fixing them so I can check alignments before throwing it all together.













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That shot with you holding it really shows the scale well.  I sort of thought this was a much larger model, makes the details you are putting into it that much mroe amazing to me.

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I was thinking the same thing as Brian... I am surprised at how small it really is and your work is even more impressive.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Going back to Post 26, the companionway covers. The instructions show this thing, which may have been used in a later variation of the ship, the the photos show a brass cover.


So I started on the North Star covers. When put together they were a bit small for the hole in the deck so I used the Artwox base as they have fold up dogs.


I then used the Eduard doors filed down to fit within the rectangle.











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So, back to the drawing board. I used a .4mm brass rod to make the top rung, cut offs to make the side rungs and then the remaining frets of large companion ways to utalise the third and centre arch. To put the size in perspective when in my hand this is bloody fiddly.


My head hurts. I now have to attach the rims with the dogs on them and do the doors then paint the base, black on the outside and white on the inside and leave the struts in brass.


The photos of what i expect is the Varyag post the battle with the Japanese and a more modern photo is what I expect came from a refit. 













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As there is no linear progression to the kit, I thought I'd make a start on the funnels. The Artwox resin comes in 8 pieces and only the front funnels was in reverse which is fairly easy to fix. They each have a  flue and photo etch ladders and spirerweb thin grates for the tops.





Edited by Greg Lester






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