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If you like the variances in color now then probably 1 stain will do it. If you feel that any surfaces need lightening then maybe more than one. Keep in mind going edge to edge with different rubs isn't easy.  Joel showed me some stain pens by Minwax. Those would be good if you decide on more than one. Better control. Don't know if a brick & mortar will have those but they are online.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



I have built the rudder, and the next step is staining the hull. I got a dark stain which I will test on some spare wood, and I got a min wax stain pencil to help blend the lighter wood with the planking. The pencil can do a little darker than the stain, so that should help even out the lighter wood to match the planking. I have a small sponge brush for more control. The thing I am most worried about is the planks falling off if I get them soaked with stain accidentally :(. I will probably just need to do light coats so that they don't fall off when a ton of stain gets on them. Anyway, wish me luck!





Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


Elijah, you shouldn't have a problem with the planks falling off unless you left the whole hull sitting in the can of stain for a long time. The raw wood will absorb the stain very fast and it will take a lot to saturate it to the point that it will debond the glue. Still, light coats are best when applying stain. You will see that is does not take much to make the wood look great. With light coats you can control how dark you want the color to go. Also keep in mind that it will look darker when wet so allow the 1st coat to dry so you can see it's true color before deciding to add another.


She is looking great. Look forward to seeing her shine! 

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




One more suggestion, where rubber gloves or your fingers will match your hull!

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




Elijah, you shouldn't have a problem with the planks falling off unless you left the whole hull sitting in the can of stain for a long time. The raw wood will absorb the stain very fast and it will take a lot to saturate it to the point that it will debond the glue. Still, light coats are best when applying stain. You will see that is does not take much to make the wood look great. With light coats you can control how dark you want the color to go. Also keep in mind that it will look darker when wet so allow the 1st coat to dry so you can see it's true color before deciding to add another.




Wise words :)


I finished staining the hull. I really like the way it turned out. It looks like it is aged, and at the same time, shows off the planking. Next up is coppering! Anyway, here are the pictures! There are a lot!









Now that has me thinking about getting a patina on my copper plates :D! Until next time!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


Indeed, well done on that stain! The aged look will really add something extra to the model. Great job and good luck with the copper plating.

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




Thanks guys! I am finalizing my jig for cutting the copper planks, and will show it soon. It is based off of a jig by one of the other phantom builders. I think it is based on the one by Flounderfillet5, but I may be remembering incorrectly.



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


VERY cool!!! I think you made the right choice.


You know you can also apply stain with a paint brush too. A detail brush can help get the color into small gaps. You can also sand between coats. I think where there are lighter spots could be from glue or filler. While those are usually described as paintable/stainable they rarely end up looking exactly like the wood around it.


Anyway, your observation is a good one. It does look weathered. Don't forget the lacquer or varnish. If you want NO sheen then use a matte. Satin will usually give you just a hint of shininess. Either will do well. I would recommend doing that - hull and deck - before moving on.


Your build is really looking nice!

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Mike, thanks for reminding me! I wouldn't have remembered without you!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


NP - we gotta take care of each other.


You know with that wonderful weathered look you are going to have to figure out how to 'weather' the copper as well.


I'm excited for you Elijah! That was a big step you just completed. We always take a bit of a risk when we color any part of the build - paint or stain. No matter how we envision it, there is that possibility that reality doesn't match it.  You made an 'executive' decision and came out a winner.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



You are doing a wonderful job,  Your boat has the look of the vessel that has seen hard use.  As for the copper try a solution of vinegar and a saline wash and let set for a few days.  Check with Doc and he might be able to give you some good ideas as well.  Remember make a test sheet first.

David B


Well, after a few restarts, a bunch of wasted copper, and a few lessons learned, I have started the task of coppering :D! I just hope I have enough copper, but I can always get some more from model expo for free, as they have a great replacement parts policy. Anyway, this is going to be a great learning experience! I am using the rubber/plastic gloves to keep from getting finger prints on the plates.



That's all for now. Thursday, I am going on an 8 day vacation, so I will be gone for a while. I wI'll come back with me next ship, and will start building that after my phantom. I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? It will give me some incentive to finish.

Until next time!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


Looks like you are off to a good start. Smart decision to wear the gloves.


A person usually tends to learn more from a mess up than a success. Mostly because they happen a lot more frequently! :P


Nothing wrong with collecting future projects ahead of schedule. I think we all have a few sitting in the boat yard waiting their turn. Which one did you choose to do next?


Have a good vacation! Look forward to seeing more on your Phantom when you get back.

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




Good luck with the coppering and have fun on vacation!!!!


I totally understand where you are coming from with regards to getting ahead of yourself.  I am constantly thinking about my next project.  I am typically reviewing plans, instructions, and historical references of my future projects long before I build them.  I am always eager to "get to the next one".  Maybe that's why I seem to have 2, 3, or even 4 projects going at once.  Never a dull moment!!  :)

Mike Shanks


I chose the continental gunboat Philadelphia.



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


What? You're not taking something with you to work on? :P


Can't get over how good that wood looks.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Looking wicked good, Elijah.  Nice start on the coppering.  You may not need to do too much to get the patina on the copper tape - about 6 months in, if not treated, the tape starts to take on a dull and seasoned look.  I'll try and get you a picture of how it has come on out my Harriet Lane 9using same brand of copper tape).


Alternatively, look for the builds by riverboat (Frank) to see weathering to a high level.  There are also some threads around how best to weather your copper that may have some helpful advice. 


Enjoy your vacation -


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


Welcome Bill! Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I would like to continue, and the ship I will be building next is the continental gunboat Philidelphia.

Mike, at least I'm bringing something back :D! Thanks, I like the way the wood turned out as well.

Thanks Wayne! Have you seen Frank's Alert? It looks amazing :o!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)




The reason I ask is that I have an older and out of production solid hull kit of the USS Essex, Frigate, that I would like to give to you as a way of encouraging your excellent work.  It is the 5/16" scale small model.  I have several and am willing to give one to you.




Thanks Biil! What's the manufacturer?



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


Looking good. You have made some great progress since my last visit. Keep up the good work :)

Jean-Philippe (JP)


Current build: Syren , HMS Victory Cross Section, Essex


:dancetl6:Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel


On Hold: Rattlesnake (Scratch built)
Completed:   Armed Virginia Sloop, Viking ship,  The Flyer, Pilot BoatKrabbenkutterMarie-JeanneSloup, The Smasher



Today is my birthday, and I got the continental gunboat Philidelphia! It looks pretty good, but when I build it, I will want to get a few replacement parts. But first, I need to finish my Phantom! I will be back from vacation soon!



Until next time!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)

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