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  On 6/12/2013 at 10:39 PM, harvey1847 said:

 Helloo  Guy!


Here´s  a good video with a pretty good faniliar music of the Great Museum of Madrid. I did enjoy the one in barcelona but this one is bigger an nicer.






You´re going to overtake me with your log!! really nice frames!




Best wishes and happy modelling!







I have not had a chance to look at the video yet but thanks I will look at it later


Lets say we will be neck and neck!

Cheers, Guy
The Learner
Current Member NRG,SMA


Current Build: HMS Triton 1:48 on line




Posted (edited)


Someday we will have to move on from the cross section we are working on to doing this.



Doing good and looking good. Nice stack of frames.


Later Tim

Edited by Tim C

Current Build -- Finishing a 1:1 House that I've been building for a while

Current Build -- Triton Cross Section

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



  On 6/4/2013 at 1:06 PM, harvey1847 said:

Hi again!


Here´s where I am now... ALL the frames cut out. How I miss the laser cut bulkheads of plywood of the comercial kits!!!!.....



Happy modeling!





Beautiful job on those frames, Daniel, that sure is a lot of work, now the planking fun begins :)

Edited by rdsaplala

Best regards,


Currently Building:
HMS Pegasus (Victory Models)-Mothballed to give priority to Triton


HMS Triton (first attempt at scratchbuilding)



Past build:
HM Brig Badger (Caldercraft), HM Brig Cruizer, HM Schooner Ballahoo

  • 1 month later...

Anja, Pete and all, thank you very much!


It was just a normal day for me like any other day. I was modelling for some hours... the kids at grandpa´s home. The Admiral resting on the sofa and me, sanding the last square frame. Couriosly was the -A- one because the Blue Top Timber is missing in the plans. I cut the patters months ago and I did not realize were not there.


Hope to post some pics at the end of the day.


Thanks again!





Hello People!

At last something to post on! I could not make some work since June… three months doing nothing but frames and doors for my house. I have been around visiting amazing logs and willing to post something like I am actually doing


Someone said once “do not attempt to do all the frames, just do them one by one and raise them”. Well as you can see I went the tough way and now somehow I can see the hull in some way. Now I know I am going to be able at least to make the whole structure.


Here are some pics. I did all of them in just one month more or less.




All the frames ready to put in order.




Nice and clean...




Our dinner tonight, Kebabs rolls for all.




Or maybe ribs...



NOW the fun thing starts since I have all the frames. Thank you all for the nice words during these months!


very nice work Daniel.  Thanks for the video of the museum.


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


That's a nice looking pile of frames.   :)  The raising part is where the fun begins.   I'm looking forward to see her ribs in place.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



Posted (edited)

Hello all!


Small update, I have been making the steps on the stem deadwood. It took me a while. I still have doubts about this piece. It seems to be beveled just a little bit, as seen in Wang´s Triton, so I will wait for the frames raised up (not glued) and try to imagine it out.


As you can see I stopped the step on the “W” frame. The hawse pieces will rest between the stem post and the “W” frame so I will not “weak” that zone by beveling where the W frame ends. (I do not know if this makes sense)


Another important thing about the device for the rabbet (see post #52). It worked superb when the fiber of the timber was straight but it did not work when the fiber was cross or not quite aligned. So I had to do it by hand using a small x-acto blade. Fingers cross with the keel…   






I also made the six patterns using CAD for the angles or the fore cant frames. The idea is to glue them to a piece of wood or cardboard and put them against the disc sander table to get the right angle. My table can tilt till 45º. Here is the pdf file just in case any of you are at that stage.


angles tilt sander_A4.pdfFetching info...


Hope to post some more in a week or so.



Happy Autumn!




Edited by harvey1847

Thank you for the angle gauges. I have printed them out and will use them at the appropriate time.

As a side note, have you considered what you will be doing about the "buldge" on aft end of the hull?

I am thinking that I will leave extra material on the inside of those last 3 frames and just sand out the buldge when I fair the hull.Then make the interior conform accordingly.




yes daniel i m just getting to this point evry thing you can take a pic of please do i lost a lot of info on this build when the site crashed you are the one i am following right now. i have all the frames cut but not together yet i m only just now building the backbone lots of fun so far.


RIP dad 10 apr 2010

RIP my dog "Copper" BBF 24 june 2013


when in question build it yourself at least the first time.

when a clamp is needed "Ducktape it"

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi All!


It has happened again. Two weeks doing nothing but making steps and a wood wall at the house. No time for the hobby... I will be here in Madrid for the next two weeks so I hope to start raising the frames. I´m willing to start. As Guy says this goes soooo slow, so slow but It´s something that one is allways thinking about. Time, time, time...


Richard yes I will leave lots of fat on the aft frames and much more on the fore cant frames. If I have to spent two weeks fairing the inside I will not mind. I have to make lots of different sanding tools like these I attach. Are from "recon 4".




Doc the log I FOLLOW is the Wang´s one. It has no literature but the pics talk by themselves.


I will not say again " Hope to post something in a week or so..." ha ha


Happy October!




Edited by harvey1847

Hello people!


It´s been hard, tough and complicated but, Yesss… It´s Friday!


No pics but during this week I´ve been able to fit all the square frames. No worries because I have to remove all of them and put them in place permanently. I´ll make some pics next week cause I forgot my camera don´t Know where.


WoW! The size of the Triton is amazing. I cannot even thing about the size of a 74 in my workshop.  One thing is to see her in a plan or by pieces and another one is to see it on a 3D real thing. More than a “thing” I am starting to see it as “jewel”


This is just a post to tell you all I am alive and kicking (like someone says)


Have a good weekend!




Posted (edited)

Hello Boys and Girls!!



I have finally been able to set all the square frames from #19 to the one before the fore cant frames. In the last post they all were set but not with the spacers. It has taken me three days to put all that little pieces of deadwood on the keel and the top platform. It has been really fun. The ones on the upper wood are already glued. Different widths but all measuring 35mm. I glued them putting the PVA on the wood with a little brush, not to the little piece of timber. I removed immediately all the excess with a wet brush. The ones on the keel are glued with “scholar stick” that red one so well Known. I will remove all this chocks on the keel because…


Some poor pics.  (updated, no more skipe around!!)


post-87-0-89150100-1384764436_thumb.jpg  post-87-0-78363300-1384764506_thumb.jpg





As you can see I have not glued the gripe and the fore pieces. I have to bevel it. I will glue it at the end sanding at the same time the keel and the gripe.




There is a lot of gaps between the frames and the top board so I will glue them to the keel first. With rubber bands I will tight them to the platform and glue a timber on the top of the frame. Back to post #9.



Next step, the fore cant frames. It only took me two years and three months to get here…and here they are (updated)


post-87-0-22295400-1384766945_thumb.jpg post-87-0-72695100-1384767083_thumb.jpg post-87-0-33179100-1384767243_thumb.jpg



Best wishes to all.




Edited by harvey1847

Hi Pete, Guy and all.


Yes! This afternoon I could set four of the fore cant frames. The pdf patterns I made with CAD plus the tilt table of the sander has been very very helpful. I hope to finish tomomorrow. There is only two more frames to set on.


Guy I took lots of pics of me, or precesly my arm, my hair, half of my head... It´s kind of tricky to take pictures holding the computer with one hand and clicking with the other hand. hahaha


I will not do this again. too much effort for that "..."result. I´ll go back to the village and rescue my camera from the oncoming winter.



See you!




  • 2 weeks later...

Helloo Boys and Girls!


Still working and alive. i do not Know what is harder to make, CAD drawing or sanding frames... :(


If I end this who Knows when,,, I will gift myself a present like a plastic ship in a nice beautyful box, with intructions to read, plans of how to be painted, some decals and thousands of pieces numbered...




I have been drawing since yesterday. Now I´m going to sand and sand again. :dancetl6:


best wishes to all!




Posted (edited)

Hello All!


I have finished the drafting of the lower deck. I´ve used AOS HMS Diana to “inspire” me. I have done two versions, one with carlings in the middle of the horizontal axis (“X”) and another one with none. I think It looks stronger the V_01 version. I guess would be easier to do version two with no ledges in the middle. Do not know what to do. What do you think?!


The pdf´s are non-scaled. When I´ll take the decision I´ll attach them on 1:48 as I did before with the fore and aft plattforms.


I have omitted all the cabins. I´ll draw them this weekend. I was much more excited about the structure of the deck than the final fittings. That´s why I have not detailed the hatches frames or the ladderways.



lower deck V_02_ok.pdfFetching info...



Waiting for your answers or suggestions,,,




Edited by harvey1847
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all!


Finally I´ve been able to get a camera ( a 2004 one from my mother). I will put lots of pictures at last!!


In the last post all the frames forward from the stern were set but not glued.


It took me a while to cut different pieces as spacers to put on the keel. I numbered this chocks because I removed all the frames and glued only some of them aft and the cant frames forward.




I have started sanding both, the aft and fwd. frames. Before starting to sand I reinforced the frames at the ends with some chocks of pine and spacers of the same width like the ones I numbered on the keel. Since there were no frames in the middle of the hull the sanding was easier. The bevel goes pretty steep on those. It is a Good advice that Randy or Bubblehead told to me once. Thanks to them.




I have put lots of chocks between the frames, some a strip of timber, other ones made from a same piece of pine wood cut in half to ensure that in both sides (PS and SB) is the same width.


post-87-0-00601000-1384765652_thumb.jpg  post-87-0-31140900-1384765826_thumb.jpg post-87-0-88563300-1384766130_thumb.jpg


The handmade sanding blocks were pretty useful. I started with a #3 grit paper. I´ll sand it later with smaller grains. I have glued the paper to the block using “contact glue”. Hope the pic attached will talk by itself. One that has been the best is just an ikea spoon, specially working on the cant frames.


post-87-0-28155100-1384766199_thumb.jpg  post-87-0-45424900-1384766271_thumb.jpg post-87-0-84498600-1384766650_thumb.jpg


Once the aft frames were much more or less sand I secured the hull adding two 4x4mm beams.


Then I have moved to glue all the square frames of the middle. Put the rest of the chocks between the frames and back to sanding again.










Right now I am cutting the patterns for the hawse pieces and for the keelson. My intention is to strength more the hull by adding the keelson and the at least the #9 thick stuff and #12 lower deck clamps. Then I´ll glue four or five temporary #14 lower deck beams to strength again the hull and get ready of the 4x4 beams…


I have completed the hull on November 16th of 2013. She looks beautiful. While sanding her with my hands once and once again sometimes I close my eyes and just feel the shape of the hull. It feels funfantascic, is like touching a sculpture… Anyway I use a 4x1mm ribband to see where I have to sand more or less. It is very helpful.

 Lot of work to do ahead but I feel kind of happy seeing the main whole thing completed.


Happy Wiiiiinter!




Congrats Daniel on your recent work progress - she is looking quite good. I hope to catch up to you on this progress in the next month or two. I am taking vacation next week so maybe I can get a bunch of work done on these frames. So much fun, so little time......




Nicely done on framing and good on you for fairing the bow and stern before adding the middle framing.  Makes things a lot easier.     Congratulations on the milestone.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



Posted (edited)



A small update. I have mixed the keel, the disposition of the frames and the interior decks using photoshop. I have printed it out just to check the scale and is accurate. the size is an A1.


I hope it will help you in order to set the location of the inner deck clamps and more. I am trying to print it with more quality, this one has only 100 pps.


(updated) If you want the higher version on 300 pps, just PM me and I will send it to you via mail. It wheights 4.2MB.



keel_frames_decks_PS_100.pdfFetching info...





Edited by harvey1847

Hello All!


At last Saint Fryday! a whole weekend to spend modelling...


A small update. The keelson. When I remove the Triton from the jig, even all that pine chocks between the frames, was quite weak. Indeed I broke some of them trying to simulate the movement I should do with a sand block.


I put the keelson to strength the hull. From now on I have a good central "line" of wood and I can start adding the thick stuff in the inside. The inside is allready faired. I also cut yesterday the mighty hawse pieces. I´ll give them a try today. Finger cross.


Here are some pics...






I had to bevel a little bit the stern keelson to be able to fit it between the aft frames. The gap there was pretty narow.








Best wishes!




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