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Thank you Richard, 

Appreciate the kind words. 


Must admit, I've been watching your Bluenose build. 

Impressive build, the metal work is beautiful. 


Tom E 



Well, we received another 4-6 inches of snow over night, and, its almost time to go out and shovel......again......<_<


Oh well, 

Thought I would share an update while I finish my coffee before I head out.


I started installing the deadeyes in the Channels. 

Bear with me, these may look a little snaggle toothed.....I'm learning!!!!

I learned many lessons on the first set and were done over numerous times. 


The biggest lesson I learned was to sand a deep enough divot for each Deadeye.

These are covered with a keeper strip and should look a lot better when finished. 

I used a light gauge wire for the Strops. Strong enough, but easily bent/adjusted. 


I'm trying to keep these even with each other and the natural curve inwards with the ship and ultimate shroud placement. 

Patience is a virtue, install one, and hold...…………………..

In the beginning, I was struggling to build these. I was wrapping the deadeye first then trying to make the eye last.

That didn't work out well. 

Once I started making the eye first then wrapping the deadeye did I get a better looking result. 

And these still don't look that good!!!!! But, believe me, these do improve as I did more. 


The glue gobs and the like will all get a good sanding and re-paint.


These kit supplied deadeyes are rough to work with. 

Some just flake apart with any pressure applied. A while back Model Shipways had a "materials" sale and I bought a bulk pack.

I ended up using those. They seemed "fresher". They seemed easier to work with. 

Minor problem, just sayin...…..


All the holes were cleaned out with a #67 bit. 

Lesson learned...….pay attention to which deadeyes you pick to use. 

I don't know how these things are made in the factory, but some of the holes looked like the drills to make the holes missed. 

That's understandable, I cant think its easy, and there were enough good ones to use. 


The strops for the Topgallant and Topmast deadeyes is a lighter gauge wire than the strops for the Lower shrouds. 

I used 3/32 deadeyes and bullseyes, as compared to the 1/8 deadeyes for the Lower shrouds. 

Trying to keep things in scale. Some sizes are given on the plans but don't match perfectly to what I have on hand, I tend to round down.

Things start looking "too big" and it blows the scale/look in my head.

This is one of my struggles as a modeler and constantly working on it. 


I've also started the Spritsail yard. 

With this last piece the Bowsprit will be done, besides some blocks and the like, which I should have done soon. 


Stay warm and God bless all you people not waking up to snow...…...again!


Thanks for watching!

Tom E 



Hi Tom, trying to get to model scale is hard unless you have drawings with dimensions, these I find are hard to come by so I look at a lot of pictures for help.


Regarding your channels after sanding and before repainting you could glue a very thin strip of wood to cover the length of the channel.






  • 2 weeks later...

Your deadeyes will be fine when you get that strip glued to the channel edge. Don't do that until you get the deadeye straps fastened to the hull.

fyi - I used Syrens deadeyes and have to say those may be the one product from them that I don't care for. You have to assemble them which was not too difficult, but you are then supposed to put them in a block sander to rough up and wear down the edges a little. Many of them broke in that process. On the flip side, all the holes are perfectly drilled and each piece is very consistent.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             




Already bored with the work week and the mind drifts to the Shipyard, and since I'm not actually building, thought I'd share an update. 


When we last saw the Fore and Main Course Yards the Stirrups were not attached to the footropes yet. 

I was finding it difficult to get the length to look right.

Tried building Jigs and other knick-knacks with no success. 


What I finally did was so simple. 

In the below picture see how the Yards are laying on the blanket?

The "drag" from the rope laying on the cloth kind of grabbed hold and made it easier to work with. 

Not a perfect fix, but it worked for me.



In the end...……..

Still working on a good length for those stirrups! :rolleyes:


I continued to work on the Spritsail Yard as well. 


From working on the Main Yards, I found it easier to form the bits needed.

As towards placement, I followed the plans.  Once I mark the centerline on the yard, everything kind of falls into it's place. 

These may look a bit bulky but a good sanding would be last. That's where most of the shaping is done.


Looking much better.


Eventually primed and several coats of Hull Spar black. 

There's something about pics online. The Yard is not as chunky as it looks in pics. 

Pictures must add 30 pounds to everything!


In the end, I'm happy with the results.


This will eventually will get woven onto the Bowsprit. They may be a bit later. Don't wanna snap it off with one wrong arm swing reaching for something!


Thanks for watching! 


Tom E 




Posted (edited)


    After several attempts at the foot-rope stirrups using Syren line I finally switched to black wire (24 gauge if I remember or maybe one size smaller). 


   That made keeping them straight and tensioning the foot-rope a bit easier. I considered changing to wire (28 gauge I think) for the foot-ropes too but in the end decided against it because of issuing attaching them to the yards. Nothing insurmountable just an issue I chose not to deal with at the time.


If (or maybe when) I build another square rigger I will probably go with wire for both foot-rope and stirrups.


Edited by cdrusn89





Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy






Quiet night at home, waiting for the big 2 day storm coming. Sounds like a mix of everything. 

5-8 inches of snow, Ice, sleet, rain, all in about 48 hours. Of course the majority of those hours will be at work. 

Thankfully, I live in an area of the country that knows how to drive in the snow, well, most do, definitely not all!



I actually did try the wire approach. I just couldn't get the "look" right. They looked out of sorts, kinked, and bugged the living daylight out of me. 

So I made another try with the rope and, I think, have some better results. 


Besides the Yards being built, I started the rear boat davits. 

Sanded the char off then decided to open up the holes. 


I don't know what I was thinking or drinking, but I used a way too large of a drill bit.

As I drilled other holes they were cutting into the other holes. 

I could see It happening, and my brain is yelling at me to stop, but the fingers kept on going for just a second too long. 

Ended up filling them with thick CA to fill the holes. Will let that sit and try again with an appropriate bit!


Moving on with the Yards.

Topsail yards have been shaped and eyebolts installed. 


There a little wonky, but I remember somewhere in the plans, It mentions the line of eyebolts should hug the front side. 

I started there, but would slowly wander into the middle so I wouldn't split the yard. 


These seem a bit easier to build after doing the Course yards. 


Eventually painted and strung with Syren rope. 


Foot rope stirrups installed.


Foot ropes strung and stirrups tied in. 

These look better than the Course yards, I think. 

I still have some "bow" in the stirrups, but no where near as much in the Course yards. 


Flemish Horses tied in. 

Not too bad for a rook.


Thanks for watching!


Tom E 






Work on the Yards continue. Would really like to see these done.

With all masts and yards soon done, I may start installing cannon. Still chewing on that tho, still some items for the main deck area I want to finish first. 


Topgallant Yards were started. 


The Topgallant yards were relatively easy to make. 

A bit tricky installing the Jackstay eyebolts, didn't want to drill too much and go all the way thru. 


Painted and strung with .008 Syren black rope. 

I tried making the lanyard in the middle of the Jackstay rope but it looked lumpy and out of scale. 

I opted to just have one continuous rope for the Jackstay.

Looks a heck of a lot better than what was there!


Before I strung the footropes I just had to see what I had so far in regards to Yards. 

I like what I see! :D


Footropes and stirrups were installed. 


I'm getting better at tying the stirrups to the footropes.

Less curve in the stirrups. 


Before Syren stopped making the black rope I bought a good sized order for the Niagara.

Should have plenty. 

Once I open the rope, it gets wrapped around a small thread bobbin. The bobbin fits right back into the bag the rope came in. 

Works for me!



Stay warm!


Tom E 



  • 2 weeks later...


I think Niagara needs an update.

Admittedly, hanging out in the "Non-ship" section with my B-25J build :rolleyes:


Niagara will be always be my "main" build. I'm seeing this ship thru to the very end!

Plus, I may be building a bomber in another section, but I can almost guarantee I'll always have a wooden ship build going. 

I already know Bluejackets Bowdoin will be after Niagara.


The Royal Yards have been started.


These weren't too bad to build. 

Being smaller it didn't take too much time, mostly sanding to shape and attaching the hardware. 


The foot ropes were simple, so no real fuss with these.

Either that or I'm getting better at this...………..NAH!!!!! :huh: 

I would constantly use the tweezers to see how my ropes "balanced out" in relation to the centerline of the yard.

I followed this rule for all Yards and the footropes. 


Not too shabby.

Still some touch up work to do with some black paint. 

I see some glue shine.


They fit perfectly into the grooves of some clothes pins and made rigging a bit easier. 


I now have a full compliment of Yards! Little bit of a milestone in my book. 1514.thumb.JPG.458c5fd90e71b03803681cb15d49f892.JPG

The Spanker Boom and Gaff are on order next.

After the those are ready, It'll be time to start putting it all together.


I'm thinking carronade sleds first, just the sleds. I've seen it done on other builds and seems the logical way.

Masts will be rigged off model as much as possible. 


Be good!


Tom E 



  • 3 weeks later...

This may already be in your playbook but get your deck completely finished before you start stepping masts or hanging yards on them. You start losing elbowroom exponentially as you start that phase so be sure you are happy with the guns, furniture, etc first.

One other suggestion, and this comes after my build has been sitting in a display case for 2 years. The footropes now look worse than anything else on the build. I guess maybe they have shrunk slightly in places and don't have the consistent shape that they once did. Some of the stirrups also don't extend straight downwards any more. They are totally enclosed in the case so whatever happened was something natural. Back then I used some acrylic lacquer on them in an effort to stiffen them up after I shaped them. I remember doing maybe 2 applications, painting the lacquer on with a brush. Guess I should have done a few more applications. My point is you could do some of that now while the yards are easily accessible. If you have something like the 3rd hand tool, clip a yard in that then use additional alligator clips at strategic spots like the end of the stirrups to keep them straight and hanging down while you apply. I think if I had it to do over again, I would experiment with some watered down Elmers and see how that works.


Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


  • 4 weeks later...



Sheesh, I cant believe it has been so long since I updated the Niagara.

Guess I've been hanging out in the "non-ship" section to much! :)

With the next several weeks off, I have, and should, get a fair amount done. Well, at least that's the plan!



I like the idea about the watered down Elmers. 

When I'm at a point where they become close to being installed, I'll take a closer look at stiffening them up. 

Some of them where a bit wonky and a little shrinkage may help some. 


The Spanker Gaff and Boom are next up. 


Over the past few months I have been focusing on the Yards. 

I think by the time I got to the Spanker section, shaping the wood seemed to get easier. 

Shaping for the Jaws was slow and methodical to keep these straight.

I think they came out ok. 


Next the small fiddly bits were installed. 

The Cheek block may look a bit large right now. All these parts get a good sanding to bring down to scale before paining. 


The retaining chocks are tall on purpose. 

Makes for easier shaping. It's easier to remove wood than add it on. 


I think the toughest part was keeping all the small bits aligned with the rest of the yard. 


The pin rails and support rods are done.


The curve to the support rod was done purely by mistake. I think I was trying to push one in with my thumb when It snugged right into the curve of the bulwarks. 

I liked it, I don't think its correct, but I went with it for the rest of them. 






I think the support rods add a pleasing curve to the look of the bulwarks.  

Time will tell if they stay put or pop out. I did try to anchor them in with a dab of CA. 


 Stay safe!


Tom L. 






She's looking great Tom, 

15 minutes ago, Tom E said:

Guess I've been hanging out in the "non-ship" section to much! :)

I know exactly what you mean, it kinda pulls you in, they are a very friendly bunch in there though 😊

I'll look forward to more updates on Niagara and your B-25👍😃

Current builds;

 Henry Ramey Upcher 1:25 - on hold

 HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 


HM Cutter Sherbourne- 1:64 - FINISHED   Triton cross section scratch- 1:60 - FINISHED

Providence whaleboat- 1:25 - FINISHED


Non ship:  SBD-3 Dauntless 1:48 Hasegawa -FINISHED





Thanks for the kind words Gents! 

Darrell, I saw that case you made for your Niagara, it's beautiful. The lighting is a wonderful touch.  


With a fresh cup of coffee in hand, or 3 cups by the time I'm done writing this entry, Niagara needs an update.

The Spanker boom and gaff are done. 

I know there's supposed to be a flat bevel to the underneath of the boom. I tried. 


I also realized that when I installed the cleats, I had no more. 

There are still cleats to install on the Bowsprit, rear Davits, and likely elsewhere.


I do have several Model Shipways kits in stash. I could just grab a few from there if the need arrives before I set up an order. Unlikely though. 


I started hanging the hardware for the Chainplates. 

Bear with me on this part. My metal work has been limited up till now on this build. 


As with everything else on this build. Once you do it a few times you get better. 

There a bit snaggle toothed! ;)


I threw together a simple jig to bend some 24 gauge wire to be used for the Chainplates. 

Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. 


I started hanging them "safety pin" style. 

The bottom metal part will loop thru, close the loop, trim top and bottom metal pieces then crimp tight. 

It sounds good in my head, well see how it works out. 

A brass pin will secure it to the hull. 


I've started to formulate my approach to installing cannons.

Way back I built a faux cannon station to rig blocks and Breech lines before rigging on the model. 

This thing should prove invaluable. 

Pre-rig, move to the ship, secure it in. Easy peasy…...right?


Below, the port tackle has Syren 1/8th double and single blocks with .012 Tan rope. 


Below, on the right tackle is Syren .008 Tan rope. 

A somewhat fuzzy batch of .008 rope. I have Bees wax around here somewhere. 

The hooks are from Syren. 


I'm leaning towards the .012 Tan rope. Looks just a touch beefier and looks appropriate for the use. 

Although, I have more .008 in the stash than .012. 

The Breech line will be .035 Syren tan. 

Quoins will eventually get done.


I took the below shot when I came up for air from cannons. 

Think I'm right hand dominant?!?!?!?  :huh:

The coffee cup is on the left, gotta give left hand something to do!


Stay safe, stay home, build a ship.


Tom E 




It's  moving on 😊 

Does the mock up make the gun rigging easier? I may have to borrow the idea for Triton and Winchelsea 😉👍

Current builds;

 Henry Ramey Upcher 1:25 - on hold

 HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 


HM Cutter Sherbourne- 1:64 - FINISHED   Triton cross section scratch- 1:60 - FINISHED

Providence whaleboat- 1:25 - FINISHED


Non ship:  SBD-3 Dauntless 1:48 Hasegawa -FINISHED






The cannon assembly line.... I remember it well. I built some jigs to help to speed up the process and give the carriages and eye bolts on the bullwarks some uniformity. I love your choices of blocks and rope. Syren is the best, and your scale is spot on.


If I remember, I think I installed and rigged the base carriages for the cannonades onto the deck first, then installed and rigged the slides. Give that some thought.


Best of luck.




Thanks Edward!

Not my trick, so borrow at will! I've seen other builders use it and it seems logical. 


So far I've had limited experience with it, I've only rigged the one cannon. Haven't tried a carronade yet.

But it acts like a "third set of hands". 

Frees up both hands for tweezers and helped tighten up the tackle very easily.

Get everything approximated, un hook it, transfer to the deck. Well, that's the plan! 


Hopefully, less chance of damaging the deck or bulwarks. 


Tom E  





That's exactly what I'm going to do with the carronades.

Pre-rig and install the bases, then rig the carronade slide.

I saw you use that on your build and it worked really well. 


Tom E 


Looking super Tom, I so love the paint work.



Current builds  

28mm  Battle of Waterloo   attack on La Haye Saint   Diorama.

1/700  HMS Hood   Flyhawk   with  PE, Resin  and Wood Decking.




Completed works.


Dragon 1/700 HMS Edinburgh type 42 batch 3 Destroyer plastic.

HMS Warspite Academy 1/350 plastic kit and wem parts.

HMS Trafalgar Airfix 1/350 submarine  plastic.

Black Pearl  1/72  Revell   with  pirate crew.

Revell  1/48  Mosquito  B IV

Eduard  1/48  Spitfire IX

ICM    1/48   Seafire Mk.III   Special Conversion

1/48  Kinetic  Sea Harrier  FRS1

  • 2 weeks later...


Hope everyone is well. 


Niagara continues, even with the Mitchell getting it's fair share of attention lately!


I really have made a push to start installing cannon first, then carronades. 

With two sets of block and tackle and the breech rope ready to go, lets get her on the ship. 


Admittedly, I did cheat a bit with a small spot of CA to lock down the cannon.

Probably easier to rig with out it bouncing all over the place. 

I also cheated with the breech rope as well. It has a small dab of CA holding it down. 

Without the CA, trying to place the breech rope was near impossible. Just kept folding and flipping. 


Everything is flailing around starting to unwind. 

These rigs need to be secured. 

Everything seems to fit well enough. 


Looks like I'm clamping an artery closed with catgut all over the operating area!!!!

The weight of the hemostats alone was enough weight to bring the breech rope tight, which was then tied off and trimmed. 


Tah Dah!!!!      My very first rigged cannon!!!!

Never did I think the day would arrive. Little bit of a milestone in my book.

Overall, I'm still working thru the build sequence for these and it's a slow process. It's getting easier and quicker as I do more.  


Rope coils will be made as these are finished. 

I wanna try the white glue/water trick.

Never done it before, seems pretty straight forward though. 


The second cannon has been glued in place and ready for rigging. 


Cannon, deck furniture, rigging, done!

Chip and a putt......easy peasy!



Tom E 





Exciting isn't it? I remember the thrill of seeing the first guns permanently on board.

I have 2 suggestions for consideration. Complete the breech rope - hooks, eyebolts and all - off ship. It'll be a lot easier to seize the ends (read save you lots of time) and all you have to do to install is stick the eyebolt in the hole in the bulwark. The 2nd thought is debatable but I think your breech ropes should be a little longer. Remember guys had to ram long sticks down the barrel. When the end of the barrel is just a few inches inboard, it would have been pretty tough to get the tools in the barrel.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Hi Mike,


Ya know, as I was posting those last pics I was thinking the same thing about the breech rope. 

They do need a bit more slack.

But at the same time, the goblins in my head keep saying "not too long" or it'll look out of scale. 

By the time I get to the very last cannon....it'll be perfect.  :rolleyes:


As I fine tune my "build sequence" for cannon, probably one of the first lessons I learned, is that it's way easier off ship!!! Way easier!!!!

I've been using a cannon jig (pic below).

Very helpful, especially when measuring out enough rope for the breech rope. 





Tom E 



Posted (edited)

The jig for the guns is extremely helpful. Can be painful too. I lost a lot of sleep fretting over the size of ropes, blocks, etc. I thought the size ropes speced in the plans looked a little wimpy. Almost every nite rebuilding the jig with various combinations of pieces. Took me almost a month to decide.


Whatever you do with the breech ropes just remember those were big, heavy ropes. However they were hanging they would have drooped anywhere they could. This is another place where using some lacquer or Elmers to help the ropes hold shape will add a lot to the final look. The eye notices stuff like that.

Edited by mikiek

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Cannons look awesome. Metal black barrel finish superb. Detail of the wheels top. Rigging rope... fine.


Very well made cannons... I think a master's work Tom!



  • 3 weeks later...


I'm a bit embarrassed that it's been almost a month since I last updated Niagara. -_-


Being back to work, it's been brutal. A lot of sick folks out there.

Honestly though, I've worked in medicine for 15+ years now. I've never seen this industry, (pardon my language) get it's "poop" wired so tight so quick.

Truly amazing how it's being mobilized. These folks are gonna need a drink after this, they've earned it. 



A well deserved retreat to modeling is just what's needed!!!!!!

Plus the fantastically chilly adult beverage next to me is helping!


With the two forward cannon done, the rope coils will be added later, I started with one carronade.

I figured just doing one at first, I can wrap my head around the best sequence to install. 

One thing I did learn from the cannon, install the breech rope first.

To be perfectly transparent, the cannon/carronade are glued to the ship/sleds.

I know some master builders could probably rig these without anchoring them down...…..not this guy!


I probably over did it with the extra length for the breech rope slack. 

I only have one package of the .035 from Syren.

Don't think I'll run out soon, but I'm the type of builder that likes to have one extra package on hand.

All in good time though.


In the end, I still haven't got quite the right slack in the breech rope. 

I think what's happening is that when I tie everything off I use hemostats to help.

I must be putting pressure somewhere on that set up that's giving me a "false" look.

Thank goodness there's 17 more cannon to figure it out!!!


All the block and tackle where rigged off ship and just set into there respective eyebolts. 


Little bit of a spiders web of rope.

That's ok, looks like progress to me!!!! 

Very slow and deliberate method. At the most I wont install more than four carronade at a time.

I don't like the "overwhelmed" feeling when installing all twenty cannons at once. 

Strop a few blocks, install a few cannon...…….all in good time.   


Wash your hands!


Tom E 






Glad to see that you are safe and found some time to knock out some carronades. Nothing like some mind engrossing carronade rigging to take you away from the stress of the day. I forgot what a spanking newly rigged carronade looked like. They look fantastic.

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