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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't done much work in the last two weeks, but made a little progress this past weekend. The instructions show adding strips of heavy paper to various parts.



For the armour belting I used 1/32 x 3/16 basswood. Then I shot a quick coat of primer on the model to see how much more sanding I need to do. The even color makes it easier to see irregularities than the bare wood does. Time for a little auto body filler, I'm afraid......


  • 4 weeks later...

After several weeks of other things, I am back to the Virginia again. I decided to laser-cut the gunport lids, and a Google search showed them to be split vertically, with the hinges on the upper outer corner. Note they are only on the ends, not on the broadside.



These laser cut lids, and the top gratings, will be added to the kit.


  • 1 month later...

So after a month of not working on the VIrginia, I am back at it. Drilled the holes for all the top fittings and stanchions, masked the grates, installed some parts and the boat mounts, guns are in, and also the eyebolts for the stack supports. Starting to look like something!




You can see that all the primer/prep work yeilded a nice smooth finish that will take the finish coat of paint nicely.

  • 2 weeks later...

So now to install all 61 of the pins that make the rail stanchions. To get them at an even height, I made a jig by reversing a clothespin and cutting the tip down to the length I wanted the stanchions to be. Then it was a simple job to hammer the pins down to that depth. I'm happy with the outcome!



16 hours ago, jhearl said:

This is off-topic, but I'm curious - whatever happened to your build of Wyoming?


Cheers -



We never started to build the Wyoming, but it is in our kit development schedule. I expect it to come out in about 1 1/2 to 2 years. It wioll be 1/8" = 1' scale, and be 55 inches long.



17 hours ago, GrantGoodale said:

I really would love it if other kit manufacturers would try to build the model from the kit. Every so often, I come across something that makes me wonder -  did they actually try to do this?


I was hesitant to start a build thread, since we are a manufacturer. I asked Chuck (admin for MSW) and he said to go ahead, just don't make it a sales pitch. When the Virginia is done, I will be working on the Mary Taylor pilot boat.

4 hours ago, MrBlueJacket said:


We never started to build the Wyoming, but it is in our kit development schedule. I expect it to come out in about 1 1/2 to 2 years. It wioll be 1/8" = 1' scale, and be 55 inches long.



My bad - I mis-remembered a newsletter last year where you were working on Notman and then there was a picture of Al holding plans for Wyoming. That's going to make one helluva model!


Thanks -


  • 2 weeks later...

So I am on again with this "on again - off again" project. This past w/e I masked off the upper hull to paint the underside. The Virginia's waterline extends above the flat portion of the deck by 1/8" or so. The masking was a challenge. I used Tamiya 6mm masking tape for the first time, it is really great stuff. Very thin, clings around raised lips, and easy to pull off cleanly.V1.thumb.jpg.553cfe5314d52423b80a6d438dc5e505.jpg


Next comes the blue painters tape to protect the black upperworks of the model. 




And after spraying and pulling off the tape (deep suck in of air) a perfect paint line!









Member: Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

Current Builds: Tugboat Dorothy  Newport News Shipbuilding Hull #1 (complete)

                            Iron Clad Monitor (complete) 

                            Sardine Carrier which I will Name Mary Ann (complete)

                            Pilot Boat John H. Estill Newport News Shipbuilding Hull #12 (my avatar)

                    Harbor tug Susan Moran

                    Coast Guard 100' patrol boat




Connecticut Marine Model Society

Nautical Research Guild

Model Ship World

"So we beat on, boats against the current, bourne back ceaselessly into the past" F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

"If at first you don’t succeed.......skydiving is probably not for you”



Found out something my last visit to the Mariners Museum in Hampton, VA. They are restoring the turret and guns, along with other salvaged parts of the USS Monitor. Excellent location for these transition era ships. And an outstanding museum with many ship models.  Anyway, the Monitor could only fire one gun at a time from the turret. And they were afraid to put a full powder charge in each gun for fear of bursting the barrels, so they fired at the Virginia with partial loads.


Started: MS Bounty Longboat,

On Hold:  Heinkel USS Choctaw paper

Down the road: Shipyard HMC Alert 1/96 paper, Mamoli Constitution Cross, MS USN Picket Boat #1

Scratchbuild: Echo Cross Section


Member Nautical Research Guild

  • 2 weeks later...

So this build has been occasionally sidelined by other projects, but progress is made. Here's a shot of the railing and awning rigging completed:



ANd a better view of the stack guywires and steam vent:



I've also done some work on the lifeboats as you can see:



And finally, it's close enough to done that I feel OK with raising the flag:


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