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8 hours ago, marktiedens said:

Hi Frank - looking good! That`s a LOT of slots to cut:o.



Hi Mark,

LOL! Yes, a lot of slots. What's worse is something goes into every one of those slots :)


Thanks for visiting!


2 hours ago, Wallace said:

This is looking great. I can sympathize with you Frank on what you said early on in your build about the Corel instruction booklet translation. I am battling my way thru mine as we speak. The plans and other reference materials do help though. A very nice job sir and a pleasure to watch. Congrats. 


Thanks for visiting Wallace (Mark) and for the kind words.


I just visited your log on the Corel Victory. Good luck! You are lucky in that you seem to have some fine historical books on the Victory that should help you get by the deficiencies of the Corel instruction booklet and translations.





  • 2 weeks later...



Some small updates:


I have started the first layer of planking on the model.

The first plank on the ship was the most important, in order to set the curve, and the one on each side took me 3 hours each to put in place!





I have made it about halfway thru the first planking layer.

A couple of comments:

1. I like the wood the Corel kit supplied for this first planking. The wood is soft and easy to sand down.


2. I am happy I took the time to put in the filler blocks, especially in the bow area and stern area. It has definitely made the planking easier. The stern area has some severe bends. I have been successful in bending the planks, by soaking them in an ammonia and water mix and then applying heat with a round hair curling iron (that I confiscated from my wife :) )






Now to finish the rest of the first planking!

(Still trying to figure out why the grey stripes are appearing in the photos) They only appear when I upload them to the log. I don't see them on my computer, oh well)


Thanks for visiting,




  • 3 weeks later...


I finally finished the first layer of planking!

I am happy with the way it turned out.

I found that both the starboard and port side planking were nearly identical to each other (when I arrived at laying the last planks near the keel, the width of the last plank on both sides were nearly identical), which I guess is a good sign :)


After I finished the first layer, I copied and cutout the cross section patterns, from the plans, at the various points on the hull. I found that I had to add a small amount of wood filler near the stern to build up the area where the curved section of the hull met the flat area. (See photo below). Aside from this touchup, I like the way the hull came out.

Again, as stated earlier, I am glad I added the filler wood at the various points near the stern and bow. It made the planking so much easier. 

After a little tidying up of my messy work area, I should be good to go to start the 2nd planking layer.


Bow Section planking into the keel



Middle area was easy to plank!



Both sides came out pretty even.



Stern area bending was the most difficult 

(The stern keel (stem) piece is not glued in. I found it easier to over extend the planks and then file down until the stern stem fit in tight. I will do the same for the 2nd layer of planking)





Area of hull where I had to add a little filler on both sides.



Thanks for visiting and for the "likes"




  • 1 month later...



Happy New Year!


A small (perhaps boring :) ) update.

I'm in the middle of the 2nd planking layer. So far so good.

I'm only able to get 1 plank on each side done per evening spent on my model.

Slow going, but almost done!

I will do the final sanding after all the planks are in.








Thanks for visiting!



Posted (edited)

On a side note,

My wife gave me a nice Christmas gift to add to my workshop.

A small Proxxon Lathe!

I'm excited to try this out.


She also added on some accessories;

a 3 jaw chuck, a drill chuck that fits on the tailstock, and some chisel tools



Edited by fmodajr

Nice Frank - I also have that Proxxon lathe - really like it. Let us know what you think of those chisels. I need new ones - I bought some super cheap one on Amazon - real junk




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





12 hours ago, md1400cs said:

Nice Frank - I also have that Proxxon lathe - really like it. Let us know what you think of those chisels. I need new ones - I bought some super cheap one on Amazon - real junk



Hi Michael,

Thanks for your input!

I will let you know about the chisels when I have a chance to use them.



  • 2 weeks later...



I finally finished the second layer of planking.

I am in the process of sanding down the planks, but I am nervous about sanding it too much.

This hull will be painted (an off white below the waterline and a dark blue above). I am worried that if I sand too much, I will lose the edge detail of where a plank abuts another. I did chamfer the edges of each plank, so hopefully when I paint, I will not lose the planking detail.








When I went to glue the stern stem piece to the model, I noticed that the stem didn't extend all the way up to the underside of the upper deck, so I fitted an extension piece.



Stem attached to the stern of the model




My next step is to get the model back onto a temporary stand, draw the waterline and paint the hull.


Thanks for visiting,






Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the "Likes"!!


I wanted to make a temporary stand for the Reale that I could use while I worked on the rest of the model. I also wanted to make sure that whatever holes I put into the keel would be the same holes used for the finished display stand I would make at a later date.

In addition, I wanted this stand to be sturdy enough to make sure that both sides of the top deck of the model were level.


The first step was to counter bore 2 holes into the keel, so that a brass pin would fit tightly.




Next, I counter bored the same size hole into two pedestals that I purchased.


On the bottom side of the pedestal, I drilled a hole that fit a steel insert for a threaded screw. (A friend of mine had these)


I then drilled a clearance hole into a nice heavy aluminum base that I had.



I screwed the pedestals into the base and slip fit the top onto the model with those brass pins.

The model can still be lifted off the pedestals if needed.



While I had it on the kitchen table, I set the height for the waterline and drew it on both sides of the hull, using this home made tool



My first mate, Han Solo, keeping an eye on me making sure I did a good job on the water line!!




My next few days will be spent sampling different shades of paint for below the water line and above.


Thanks for visiting




Edited by fmodajr

Frank, I just got done reading through you build log. Wonderful job your doing. I can tell already that it will be spectacular when finished.


Your mate Han looks very intent on making sure you get it right. LOL


 Did you set that cat trap (a cat trap is any piece of paper that's on a floor or any other flat surface) for him? Pet him once for me. I miss having a cat.


I'll be following along.



31 minutes ago, Shore thing said:

Frank, I just got done reading through you build log. Wonderful job your doing. I can tell already that it will be spectacular when finished.


Your mate Han looks very intent on making sure you get it right. LOL


 Did you set that cat trap (a cat trap is any piece of paper that's on a floor or any other flat surface) for him? Pet him once for me. I miss having a cat.


I'll be following along.



Thank you for your kind words Reed!

We adopted Han a year ago. He was an abandoned cat. He always hangs out with me while I work on my model in my work room.  He stays out of my way while I'm working, but after I call it quits for the night, he has to walk around my work table inspecting my progress!! Lol!


The Real de France is a beautiful ship. Hopefully I can do it justice!


Thanks for visiting,



Ciao fmodajr,

congratulations for your Real de France shipyard is coming very well, I also realized the usual model three years ago, I bought only the Corel construction plans and in three years of work I managed to finish it, in the construction plans of Corel there are some "errors" that with the help of friends from Venice  very experienced galleys I corrected the errors reported in the drawings of Corel,

The Real de France was one of the "representative" ships of Louis XIV, the "Fleur de lys" was the "sister" for this there are many constructive analogies, the monograph of Delacroix is very precise and you will be very "useful" during the realization of future works,

I will follow your work, if you like, I have a lot of photos and information about Real de France that may be useful for you,


I live in Florence and to communicate using the google translator, unfortunately my English is not the best for which I must use this tool, we hope you work well !!!


greetings and good sawdust








Lupo nero


finished models  Carrack Santa Maria by luponero - scale 1/50 - diagrams of Adametz   


models under construction Athenian triere of the 5th century B.C  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25956-athenian-triere-of-the-5th-century-bc/ 


  San Giovanni Battista 1598 by luponero - Medicean galleon  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25930-san-giovanni-battista-1598-by-luponero-medicean-galleon/                                           





Ciao Luponero,


pleasure to meet you and thank you for visiting.

My wife and I have been to Florence twice. It is a beautiful city.

My parents were born and raised in Orsogna, a small town near Pescara in Abruzzi!


I would love to see some of your photos and I would very much like to learn from you what the “errors” are in the Corel kit plans, so that I could try to fix these errors, before i get too far into the build.


Your help would be greatly appreciated.


I hope this post will translate into Italian correctly for you to understand!






Ciao Luponero,

piacere di conoscerti e grazie per la visita.
Mia moglie ed io siamo stati a Firenze due volte. È una bella città.
I miei genitori sono nati e cresciuti a Orsogna, una piccola città vicino a Pescara in Abruzzo!
Mi piacerebbe vedere alcune delle tue foto e mi piacerebbe molto imparare da te quali sono gli "errori" nei piani del kit Corel, in modo che potessi provare a correggere questi errori, prima di arrivare troppo in là costruire.
Il tuo aiuto sarebbe molto apprezzato.
Spero che questo post si traduca in italiano correttamente per voi da capire!

Hello Franco,

the pleasure of getting to know each other is mutual, as I am very pleased to give you information for Reale, which I started doing in March 2013 and ended in April 2016, as you have already seen the model is very nice and complex, I will report photos in the gallery I will call "Real de France"

are those of the model almost finished, I saw that you finished the part related to the plating very well, you'll see that the realization will lead you to the construction of many "repetitive" pieces that make up the galley structurally, which was a "long ship".

La Real as basic coloration has blue, red and white, (which will later become the national colors of the French flag) the decorations are in "baroque" style on the part of the stern area are shown the French sculptor decorations Pierre Puget, visible at the Musée de la Marine in Paris.

For now you have not made the "errors" that probably Corel has reported in the plans of construction (probably to make differences compared to those deposited at the museum and which are in scale 1/75), you have the monograph of the Fleur, where they correctly reported the "two" boats and the sizes and hoists instead of the "violin blocks and simple" construction details still far from the point at which you arrived now,

I bring back some pictures of Royal decorations at the Paris museum,




maybe you can be "stimulus" even if for now you think that considering the complexity is not possible, because you'll see that during the construction of the works you will be kidnapped by the beauty of this ship and you will want to make it as beautiful as possible, you'll see ...

to hear from us




alias  luponero

Lupo nero


finished models  Carrack Santa Maria by luponero - scale 1/50 - diagrams of Adametz   


models under construction Athenian triere of the 5th century B.C  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25956-athenian-triere-of-the-5th-century-bc/ 


  San Giovanni Battista 1598 by luponero - Medicean galleon  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25930-san-giovanni-battista-1598-by-luponero-medicean-galleon/                                           





Hello Fabio!


Thank you for the museum photos above and I am looking forward to you posting your photos on your log.


thanks for all the help,



Hello Franco,
you are doing well, for what I can do there are no problems, eventually if you need material and information you can send me mail from my profile,
with regard



Lupo nero


finished models  Carrack Santa Maria by luponero - scale 1/50 - diagrams of Adametz   


models under construction Athenian triere of the 5th century B.C  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25956-athenian-triere-of-the-5th-century-bc/ 


  San Giovanni Battista 1598 by luponero - Medicean galleon  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25930-san-giovanni-battista-1598-by-luponero-medicean-galleon/                                           





Hi Frank, with my model built on 2013 I also have no memory of particular mistakes on the plan, but honestly I did not always follow the Instructions.
Have a look at my log into the signature,  I hope you can find something useful for your good work.



Current Projects :

  - 74 gun ship (aft cross section) - scale of 1:54
  - Lugger "Le Coureur" - scale of 1:42


Previous Builds :

  - Reale de France

  - Triton Cross Section

36 minutes ago, Gimo said:

Hi Frank, with my model built on 2013 I also have no memory of particular mistakes on the plan, but honestly I did not always follow the Instructions.
Have a look at my log into the signature,  I hope you can find something useful for your good work.



Hello Gimo!

Thank you for your post and for pointing me to your excellent Reale de France scratch built model. It is beautiful.

It will be nice to have another reference to follow and get ideas from as i progress.

Thanks again for your help



Posted (edited)



Just a small update.

After figuring out and drawing the waterline, I taped up the line in order to paint the hull.




I mixed up some Titanium White and Warm White (about 50/50) and painted below the water line. (4 Thin Coats)

As usual, i'm sure that the photo's don't correctly show the color result of the mixing as it actually is, but it is pretty close. (Someday, I'll need to take a photography course!!)







My next step will be to mask all the deck areas and the water line and paint the blue I have selected above the water line. (The Blue, White, and Red of this ship is supposed to represent the colors of the French flag)


Thanks for visiting,



Edited by fmodajr
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and thanks for all the "likes".


Continuing on:

I masked off some more of the model in preparation of the painting above the waterline.





After trying many samples of different shades of blue, I settled on a blue called "Thunder Blue"

The color is actually a little bit darker looking than what came out on these photos.






The red shown here is actually darker and richer than the photo shows and feels right alongside the Thunder Blue. (The photos seem to make things brighter!!)


The model is back on the temporary stand and I'm excited to begin working on the topsides.



My first mate (Han Solo) making sure I study the "Fleur De Lis" plans more closely before I continue!








A question for anyone that could help.


I came across these photos on the web. Does anyone know what this tool is called? Or where I can buy one? Maybe it was home made?

I think it would be very useful in making sure both sides of my model is aligned correctly.








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