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Post 34


Diorama update


I was supposed to complete the dories by now but have had too many distractions.   Working down the punch list I now have Bowdoin sitting in the glass box [ sideways so I call pull it out etc.]   Here are some views showing where we are.


  • 556368850_bdn263BBB_2637.jpg.281ea1f1f9ecd7099ec2bf13c2518ab1.jpgHere I fixed up the collage print to fit the box.  It is just six sheets of normal printer paper scotch taped together.  I am trying not to just add another $40 to go get it blown up , but may loose that argument
  • 1112948397_bdn-264BBB_2638.jpg.f14cbb69fbb766fe29134ba98177aec1.jpgHere we see under water. The bow anchor on the beach [ poetic license as it would have been further forward] also there is an aft anchor line that runs down through the open water to water below.   The ice is both above and below the water.  I have learned that I should do ice differently underwater as it is different.   I hope to visit the Maine Maritime Academy soon to see john Gardiners model where he did work on accurately depicting different types of ice.  I hesitate to add more mixed blue color to the water. I hope to learn form artists this summer what to do to make it better next time.
  • 1721193780_bdn-265BBB_2639.jpg.9601752844d7f51373b2f1e29482bbd1.jpgHere is the bow shot.  Again, see the dark water looking down light.  The anchor shows up well.
  • bdn-266.jpg.6654ebb5827ad869b7da29099fa003de.jpgNow looking back into the light, we have active sparkling water
  • 712562043_bdn-267BBB_2643.jpg.356677302b59cc0cce7b6f976fa814dd.jpgHere is the scene.  This will be the story line. I talked about it before.  As to the figures I am at a point where I have in the past used unpainted figures and believe I shall here too.  The reason is the eye will go to the people if they are painted out and to the schooner if they are just there.  How about that for a forum discussion.  It is also another hobby area I have not yet entered, and I fear is a very slippery slope. Poorly painted figures may be worse than unpainted figures.   I bought ten and there are only a few that will be on board. I may try one to see what happens, but later.
  • 698442334_bdn-268DSC_0142.jpg.a65992cc0efc73433be95a28a6951469.jpgHere I add a close-up bow shot just because it is fun. With all the water and things, one might not notice there still is a punch list.  All Lines are now on, but several are yet to the coiled and hung.
  • bdn-269.jpg.03b678ef139ec3abff1b500b0e73f65c.jpgHere we have the proto-type dory for the last time.  The replacements are now planked and in a week should be ready to launch. These lapstrake proto types will go to an early 1902 sardine schooner I built a few years ago in the same scale or to a friends 3/16 scale Bluenose where due to scale they are the right length.




post 35


dories part 2 


I was determined to succeed where I have failed so many times before.  Or better said ... I wanted to get the dories closer to what they should be.    I remember being told by a master modeler that each time we start a new venture, we should expect to need to make 14 tries before getting a keeper.   I am somewhere in the middle of that, so I do ask for some slack.  The goal here is to spile some thin enough planks to bend at this small scale to make 16 foot [4 inch] non lapstrake dories.  Let’s see how I did.



  • 1438345658_bdn270BBB_2608.jpg.ef8b7e2d0cbf9b5bcca7c0dd41a299d7.jpgFirst of all, we look at the boat yard where the first dories in part one were made.   We need to complete them for at least a stacking opportunity on another schooner. Second, we need to work around the shop to find planks that are thin enough to bend. the bass wood cut in this photo is just too stiff.
  • 1440584582_bdn-271bowdoinoldfotoof3doriesportside54915.jpg.5130ba00db4a592b4eca2bc71deb7ca9.jpgHere we see a friendly BRHS archive cropped photo showing clearly the later 1920’s dories.  They were smooth and white with dark gunnels.
  • 1535930291_bdn-272turbocadmoldsfordories.thumb.jpg.0bc98bce73f05b1f4dde779ed1c01518.jpgSo back to turbo cad to lay out both midpoint molds and to figure out the spiling curves as best as I could.  The third point molds ended up being simple dimensions to make up.  I printed out a strip on the bottom of the sheet to lay out on a ¾ inch strip to make them all at once. All the horizontal lines on the top gave me a clew  to figure out how to get planks just more than ¼” wide that would work.  
  • 358054219_bdn-274BBB_2612.jpg.1cbec58d54a05896fcce9b6ef589c1ba.jpgAs I laid out all the molds, I added gunnels to the old dories and made up new bottoms and parts. I used 1/16” plywood to make them strong.
  • 888359602_bdn-275BBB_2613.jpg.80529de621ecb96347a8d2265086da47.jpgHere I am gluing up the transoms and stems as the gunnels set up on the old dories.
  • 1559381374_bdn-276DSC_0137.jpg.b6c9feebed7a5b00fcd4400222e957a3.jpgTo make the proper flare we need to force the lower planks around the molds.  Glue on the bow and let it set , then bend it around.
  • 659402264_bdn-277DSC_0146_01.jpg.ca7a5b181b8baa6d9f727d37b518e4ea.jpgAfter setting two planks, I learned to remove the partially build dory from the molds [ this time using masking tape to allow breakaway.  Then using every kind of clamp, I could work the top planks keeping the flare and making up the smooth[ish] joints. 
  • 889580065_bdn-278DSC_0147.jpg.e8d15691bf214f8aae7417eb18483863.jpgHere we glue to the bow stem before the bend
  • 1848139353_bdn-279DSC_0148.jpg.a360cee92f3af73859a8cf3de0b94944.jpgAnother clamped third plank.
  • 742709470_bdn-280DSC_0150.jpg.99f3083fc66f7c288526d628af3338b8.jpgAfter glazing putty and sanding and setting the four ribs on the insides, we get a coat for gray for priming.  Then more light sanding.   The first one gets its first coat of white.



  • 190301613_bdn-281DSC_0155.jpg.bb36fdd0881603db33e6bd8e75ba2b75.jpgI have added a second dory under way to bring the last of the winter gear back aboard as we are a day or so at most from sailing.  My figures only stand so I am figuring how to make his action reasonable. 
  • bdn-282.jpg.9274b27e0f65055b19783637a785f19e.jpgI am thinking of either a small line and anchor on the ice or just use the oar to hold position.
  • bdn-283.jpg.0ef428ea7ffe10dd693ba219b9776c22.jpgHere I have re staged the offloading of boxes and added two more figures.  as of now i am not going to attempt to paint the figures. One reason not to paint them is their costumes are the correct period, but they are not sealskin, bear skin etc.   I hope to encourage more support for opportunities like figure for the next diorama.    There were 6 crew plus the Greenland and Labrador Inuit and dogs all getting ready to sail.

There is more cleanup and punch lists to do, lines to coil and hang and surely repairs between now and the show in May.  I am already working on three other projects…so the beat goes on.


I will add a few more posts as we go to the show and I prepare the inevitable lecture. There will be some tours and review down at the Bowdoin college campus, where the MacMillan arctic museum display is always available.   I still plan to visit the John Gardner model at Maine maritime and will add photos here.  Finally i want to get the skipper over here and then find a way to ride on Bowdoin next summer.


Next up is back to an old build…Charles Notman to get ready for other summer shows.


All for now cheers


Hi Jon,


The diorama is really coming together!


Leaving the figures as pale white images is a technique I have seen in museums before. It both gives the observer a sense of scale and lends a "museum-like" quality to the whole image, but doesn't detract from the model. I agree if you painted them, the focus would shift from the model to the figures. Keep going!



  • 1 month later...



thank you for you r comments and support to the figures.   I am putting together the final imaging and have posting to day of the updated diorama.  I still plan to get up that way this season.  My knee is almost back to normal so it should be soon.  






Post 36


get ready for final punch list before the showing


Many of us need a little pressure before actually finishing a project.  Since my last posting I have been working on 5 projects simultaneously. I got marching orders yesterday so two of the projects need to be ready for shipping to the museum store by next Friday.  My third project is tiling the laundry and the rear admiral says we are done at the same time…oh!.  The forth project is Charles Notman summer lecture which means I need to finish the model. I have most of ratlines done.  Fifth is Aphrodite the first ship built in Boothbay is now an active log.  For the museum I am doing Bowdoin and project two is repairing two old schooners. One is a large-scale Bluenose like my project from last year and a sister schooner the Herman Zwicker.  I will have a posting on my Bluenose log to cover that work which has been fun.


To the Bowdoin.  We are getting there!


  • 2024597696_bdn-284CCC_2740.jpg.e55a3c8c1592abfc073ed0b7950113ef.jpgb 284 I took the model out of the diorama so I could complete the stand and get it already to sit on a table.  I then needed to figure out the scene detailing and work on the last few lines and things.  
  • 578951556_bdn-285CCC_2741.jpg.2aa18b6fcab302177cf979c4bda65c93.jpgb-285 turning around I found the safety line missing and I needed to tie off the 3rd dory.   I also had to wet and coil some lines a bit better.   I am still an amateur at that process, so I hope the crew’s grandchildren will forgive me. I first soak them with diluted white glue but they dry stiff. I find using a paint brush with water softens the glue and I can press and pull a bit.
  • 128058578_bdn-286CCC_2742.jpg.851c357cbdc66c33fad7d5178a1fc699.jpgb-286 I noticed while reviewing these photos the white surround for the Bowdoin bow sign is too white. I need to address that….it never really ends does it??
  • 1574190646_bdn-287CCC_2744.jpg.ca6bd9dfb79004980ed484e8a6e38241.jpgb-287 Once a year we all should clear off our desk.   I moved the diorama into this area as the light is much better.  I am done to the real punch list now.  Looking from this angle, the water is similar throughout.
  • 95409095_bdn-288CCC_2746.jpg.c0e09709ad62f8550bb787fcaf16d073.jpgb-288 Here you see what I see. Beyond Bowdoin are the two models I am fixing up for the same dead line.
  • 1755219618_bdn-289CCC_2747.jpg.2dab2ede872ed60f50b21f9cdaaa88ff.jpgb-289  Here again as we move aft, the water comes alive and the shadows extend aft on the deck.
  • 1576422585_bdn-290CCC_2748.jpg.1b144ef0499ab0aeeb08730191dd3a33.jpgb-290  I find this interesting as the water under the stern is a beautiful green. I also like the strong shadows on deck.
  • 38083976_bdn-291CCC_2749.jpg.7bf67131575f54ecf03af632dc412d35.jpgb-291 In this view the water is all the same. the light coming form behind picks up many highlights. This is opening my eyes to a whole new are of exhibiting models.  Lighting can make a big difference.
  • 1781847590_bdn-292CCC_2751.jpg.4feb481e6cc993ab18b5976f97d7472c.jpgb-292 I love this view as it depicts exactly what I am trying to show. I n the July 1 1924 photo form the mountain top they had used ash to melt the ice around the hull.
  • 406156109_bdn-293CCC_2752.jpg.ab1e1984dd65f51d41fdd29615485e28.jpgb293 Here you can see the completed diorama stand. the added layer below was painted out to match.  The glass sits on lower ledge. The light stand remains outside the glass.    
  • 85865116_bdn-296CCC_2755.jpg.62da95cdb1d6cdbc3dcc49756aeddf12.jpgb-296 Here we see a better view of the underwater beach and anchor
  • 2134744955_bdn-297CCC_2756.jpg.23db1ab68a1ff90d42655e6a6e47b482.jpgb-297 Here is a fun bow on view.  We see the bright light on the port side.  Very different from the starboard side
  • bdn-298.jpg.1364a4537d7ed8ee8ee321acb2a8a8e7.jpgb298 For all submariners, this view shows the fun of supporting a model on 1/8th inch acrylic.  We get to see the bottom.  Note the stern anchor line that goes on down through the water.  Please don't ask me to sut out for the dories.  I suppose i should but not now please. next time!!
  • 1179794969_bdn-299CCC_2759.jpg.c5402975b34f72474f931b38bc04581f.jpgB299  I leave this post with this overall view. We see 5 of the 6 crew.  Perhaps I should add the 6th figure so nobody counts.  I wish I could get some dogs and a sled

  All these views were taken with my 24 mm.   I am fixing up a few oops and taking more pictures using the 90 mm/ macro.    Then the final shots will be at the museum store in May. 


All for now



  • 2 weeks later...

thank you guys for the thumbs up. we all know that is appreciated.  


here we are on our way to the museum store in Boothbay Harbor


Post 37


We are ready to go


300 1002961322_bdn-300DSC_0182.jpg.54c481e9327dfdcb7ba45516a2ba7970.jpg switching to the 90 mm lens to get some more detail.   Our crew on board with the box needs to moved a bit forward. I suppose next time I need to cut out for dories too.

301 233357877_bdn-301DSC_0183.jpg.b9b652f7cc8802d1b6ec67740ee29f04.jpgour waiting crew member finally stood up. A little white glue helped

302   1622622831_bdn-302DSC_0184.jpg.becd0faea12433bb0bf1e61f6a54bee0.jpgI love the change in color of the water. I also have an extra anchor on the transom ready for use as they work their way out through the ice

303 1314472073_bdn-303DSC_0188.jpg.ebbd5498b3e66eed1dccca292bcf7fc5.jpghere we are looking into the sun with the water sparkling

304 80607354_bdn-304DSC_0189.jpg.8069e7364134054b968f4d4374acdbdb.jpghere we pick up and the sparkle fades and the shadows on the water stay. I like the sparkle reflection on the hull

305 1510280467_bdn-305DSC_0193.jpg.9d158c476c7f433442ae89444809eaf3.jpglooking down sun but lower to the water the water again comes alive……this fun  though I really and just trying

306 487187757_bdn-306CCC_2760.jpg.7bcb946d1d5b0f2e91077c0262331731.jpgglass box ion the car

307 1747899409_bdn307CCC_2761.jpg.2b1adf4e2a847425b954bd060322138e.jpgBowdoin in the car ready to go



Thanks Nic  I plan to visit you this year and will definitely see you in New Bedford. I am really interested in your cross section of the Morgan and am enjoying you Red Jacket build.  I am currently rescuing and old model form Maine maritime and trying to replicate Aphrodite, the first of about 6 ships built in Boothbay.



Posted (edited)

Post 38


Real Bowdoin gets planks


308 553308262_bdn-308CCC_2763.jpg.8f4e8eb25be14e5a2d6f272bbedfe478.jpghere I am on the dock in Boothbay Harbor where the real Bowdoin is getting her hull fixed up.   The steam box is cooking the next plank.

309 590249804_bdn-309CCC_2764.jpg.09157cf4b54106bbc2a9214a59fdacd2.jpgas I turn around, we see the progress on the new planking.  Some 40 frames were replaced and somewhere around 80 planks are being replaced


The Ernestina Morrisey

Before we see the new plank installed, we catch up on the Massachusetts state schooner also being completely rebuilt here in Boothbay.  I share many pictures a few months ago. Today the final caulking is being installed before the hull gets painted.  Here are come fun shots of the stern and bow

3101502317392_bdn-310CCC_2765.jpg.3749ac36950b8bdb16b514088f4fe7a6.jpg here we see the completed transom

311 405734387_bdn-311CCC_2766.jpg.e16be2d7fe8033696a23a85bc0202d34.jpglooking down we see the progress working downward to get caulking in and prime paint on

312163077766_bdn-312CCC_2767.jpg.e2f13c9e279301ab24aa76330facdc5c.jpg how about the combination of craft skills to complete all of these components.it is wonderful to see these skills are alive and well.

3131821612376_bdn-313CCC_2768.jpg.6369ebffcd1b951f7993b9cf26103960.jpg just a fun photo looking forward

314 488655889_bdn-314CCC_2769.jpg.84ae4769eb6cb1313093b717cb671952.jpghere we see the forward end of the lead keel and work up to the bow stem

315  863043840_bdn-315CCC_2770.jpg.de1cc732e538388b52a4a3d819786778.jpgthis bow stem is African hard wood and one of the only pieces reused in the this rebuild.


Back to Bowdoin…..it is time for the next plank.  

315 a-h -Here is a quick sequence of taking the plank out and setting.   They need to do more than one a day to get done and launched  wow











All for now



Edited by Jond
missed photo

Post 39



The museum


We finally made it. There is a lot more to do in set up, as Mark and Diane are two weeks from opening


316 a-d  :    these four pages are the draft for final editing and are to will be pasted on foam core as placards.  They shall try to capture the story to go with the diorama, and  will hang on a black cloth above the model[ where American flag is now] to help tell the story.  







317 1653344563_bdn-317CCC_2785.jpg.5d51242ca4ac8d7969996622d127f173.jpghere we enter and see Bowdoin.  The dock just out the window is where Bowdoin was tied up before leaving on several occasions. It is part of what makes this story so much fun

318  1786202732_bdn-318CCC_2786.jpg.77ff8af5556665612268f96ed095cbf4.jpg looking straight on one sees a kiosk where many visual items will tell of Macmillan and the trips north

319583083926_bdn-319CCC_2787.jpg.a7142b95736cb24bf83fb71cfb7137cd.jpg even with all the ambient light I see enough of the sparkle on the water to be very satisfied with the experiment to use the small spot light as part of the display

320 18892627_bdn-320CCC_2788.jpg.07c9d5bfcf56bc752dc8936612bc045a.jpgThis photo shows the two Canadian built Schooner models that I repaired for the show.  The Bluenose on the right and the Herman Zwicker on the left.  The Herman Zwicker was a resident of Boothbay Harbor for many years.  She was often on display at Maine Maritime Museum.  She is today in New York city and her sister schooner is on display in Lunenburg


There are several other models and lots of good eats near by, so come visit us this summer




  • 4 years later...

for all you schooner  Bowdoin lovers out there


in 1954 Bowdoin came to boothbay Harbor in June. The  undersecretary of the US Navy and other brass came and promoted Donald MacMillan to admiral on the town dock before he left for his last expedition north.


This week the schooner Bowdoin was here again and with a dockside dinner and other activities prepared for their first return to Labrador in many years.    See below a few shots of her on the town dock and then leaving.  Her next port of call is Shelburn, Nova Scotia on her way to Nain, Labrador.


on the dock




leaving exactly on time 12:30. EEE_1854.jpg.b08488d139d6d119e86ebef9feb28bf1.jpg


up with some sails.  rain is coming so only two. she was doing 7 knots 




and away from boothbay.  EEE_1880.jpg.ed117ee656815a48bea08188b79a5dee.jpg

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