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I have edited this first post in view of my log relocation.This build did start as a modified version of the Deagostini partwork,but as you read through the log,you will discover virtually nothing remains from the kit.

  To date I have built and planked the hull.So far the only kit parts I have used are the bulkheads.These had to be reprofiled at the stern to give a 'proper' round tuck stern.The planking below the walnut wales is maple and that above is boxwood.The walnut section at the top is to be painted black(I used walnut as it is a third of the cost of boxwood).I have cut the gunports as per the instructions but I am going to 'double line'the gunports on the upper deck to reduce them in size.

 At present before I final size the gunports and add anymore detail,I am replicating the treenailing on the whole hull.After reading about the many different techniques I chose to drill 0.4mm holes then use dark wood filler.The hull was glass smooth and fully sealed before starting,and I found the process fairly simple akin to grouting tiles,although I estimate at between three and four thousand holes to be drilled!I made a simple jig to assist in marking where the frames would be.

Regards Nigelpost-1641-0-80718800-1368365628.jpgpost-1641-0-94266300-1368365677.jpgpost-1641-0-75540300-1368365739.jpgpost-1641-0-91253300-1368365781_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-06980900-1368365822_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-18527100-1368365929_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-38147500-1368365979_thumb.jpg




Currently working on Royal Caroline


Nice work you've done there, really clean and tight. Can't wait to see more.


Have you had a look at Bill Short's (modelshipwright) SOtS build?



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy




Nice work you've done there, really clean and tight. Can't wait to see more.


Have you had a look at Bill Short's (modelshipwright) SOtS build?



Thank you very much Andy.Yes I have seen Bill's log.I have to say his work is an inspiration.I remember it before the crash,I think he was up to about page sixty.I am now following his diary rebuild.

Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Nigel,


It's nice to see a Sovereign of the Seas build by DeAgostini.


Your planking looks great.


I understand you're not using everything provided in the kit. But the parts you do use .... Will you wait for all the parts in a group so you will have all the component parts and the magazine instructions together to be able to build it without interuption?


Looking forward to your progress.



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo

Posted (edited)

Hello Nigel,


It's nice to see a Sovereign of the Seas build by DeAgostini.


Your planking looks great.


I understand you're not using everything provided in the kit. But the parts you do use .... Will you wait for all the parts in a group so you will have all the component parts and the magazine instructions together to be able to build it without interuption?


Looking forward to your progress.



Hi Anja

Well I do cheat a bit in that the instructions on the Italian site are six months infront of those here in GB.It gives me a preview of whats to come and how little of the original partwork I will be using.To be honest I am changing so much that the instructions become almost redundant.

I include a few pics of progress to date.I am concentrating on one side at a time to relieve the tedium of constantly treenailing.You will notice the alterations to the upper gunports.These have been altered to accomodate the decorations.The kits supplied directions  are incorrect.I have acquired some black pre dyed boxwood strips to plank the upper hull where the ornamentation sits.This will cover all the alterations I have to make in this area, to create a more accurate representation of the original.

Kind Regards Nigelpost-1641-0-65397000-1369341543_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-93583500-1369341582_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-13046100-1369341619_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-74850400-1369341668_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-72037100-1369341701_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-54030100-1369341724_thumb.jpg

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Exceptional build there Nigel.

You must have made quite a few ships over the years? I too am building this kit, but I will be keeping closer to the magazine instructions as I don't posess the skills and knowledge that you obviously have!!

I will certainly be keeping a close eye on how you proceed with your build and doubtless there will be one or two ideas I will borrow from you if you don't mind too much.

All the best, Nat


A very big thank you for you kind comments Nat :D

I have to admit I haven't built that many,mainly because life tends to get in the way.I think the last year or so is the first time since being a teenager I have been able to devote serious time to this hobby.If you build to the instructions,you will end up with a lovely model,the quality is up there or beyond that of the main Italian manufacturers.It is only because I am aiming for a more historically accurate representation that I am using so little of the partwork.It may have been easier to kit bash Sergals kit,but that has been done before,and as I am hoping to compete in modified kit class with this model,the extra work will hopefully mean a few more points.

I don't know where you are based,but I do recommend joining modelspaces gb forum as there are alot of builds on there,including mine,that discuss all the stages involved in construction.You are quite welcome to borrow any ideas you like,I will be happy if they help your build along.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

I have had a lovely long holiday weekend treenailing :( I have completed both sides under the wales and intend to give this area a few coats of polyurethane for protection.I have also inlaid some small pieces of maple to represent the bowtie piece that joins keel to sternpost.

Kind Regards Nigelpost-1641-0-39036200-1369687428_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-35655000-1369687452_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-76664400-1369687475_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-03670800-1369687494_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-68688400-1369687519_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-93761600-1369687548_thumb.jpg

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Thanks for taking the time to reply Nigel.

I occasionally look in on modelspace but find it quite an unfriendly place!!!  The diaries seem to be full of one line "nice build" type comments?

There are one or two exceptions, yours being one of them.  I like to look at the photos of the builds and read useful guides on how to do something, I appreciate that your build is a one off custom job but at least you take the time and effort to explain your procedures.

I will continue to build my kit as per the magazine guide with one or two modifications where I feel comfortable.

I look forward to the next update, all the best NAT.


Hi Nat,

Thank you again for your kind comments.I am sorry to hear you think modelspace is unfriendly.I suppose there is alot of 'nice work' comments,but that is just builders helping each other along.Most my indepth chats on there have been by private message as not to clog each others build logs.I have certainly made one or two friends.

Some of the build logs go into each individual step and whilst I try my best to explain what I am doing,I feel that if I did this from the start I would be up to page 200 by now.I am glad that what I do write you find informative,but if you want to know something don't be afraid to ask,I will do my best to help.Are you planning on doing a build log of your own?

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-33813300-1370816136_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-02111500-1370816166_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-72155700-1370816197_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-90196600-1370816242_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-65141400-1370816269_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-92734200-1370816302_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-30839300-1370816328_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-78109000-1370816362_thumb.jpgI have nearly finished all the treenailing on the starboard side.I decided to use 0.5mm copper for the mainwales.Now as a break I decided to start work on the beakhead bulkhead.In the deagostini partwork,this is almost identical to Sergals offering.As I am modifying this model to represent the Vandevelde artworks, I decided this was best scratchbuilt.I came up with a design that incorparates the uprights for the railings for strength,as the majority of the rigging is tied off to these railings.I made three limewood formers and notched these to take the boxwood uprights.This was then glued together on a sheet of glass to ensure flatness.The front face was skinned in two laminations of 0.8mm ply and then planked with black boxwood strips I have obtained from a marqeuetry supplier.After gluing braces into the forecastle area,I removed the majority of the original bulkhead.The planking at the forecastle was slimmed down to 1mm thick from the inside.To the inside of this I laminated some more 0.8mm ply.This strengthens this area and forms a base for the uprights at the sides of the forecastle.I then mortised the remains of the old bulkhead and epoxied in the corner uprights.At the moment all the uprights are left way overlength and the new bulkhead's sides will be trimmed flush to the hull when this is bonded in place.I am going to detail this bulkhead before I actually bond it in place.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Thank you very much for your kind comments.No,I am not painting the hull,infact,I am not going to paint anything.The kit supplied ornamentation is far too simplified and inaccurate for my liking,so I am going to reproduce all this in carved Pear wood.All the black areas will be covered in the same black boxwood strip I have used for the beakhead bulkhead.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-82158400-1371079110_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-84188100-1371079128_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-18845700-1371079151_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-72310800-1371079173_thumb.jpgA small update.Having a eureka moment in bed the other night made me realise I have a small amendment to make to my new bulkhead.Van de Velde depicts the first three decks protected by a grated overdeck.I had been trying to work out the deck levels form his artwork.It came to me that deck one and three(its easier to refer to them like this)must sit slightly below the top of the hull.I therefore trimmed back the top former and lined the inside at the top with 0.8mm ply.This will later be planked with boxwood.I then cut the door and lined the top and sides,the bottom I plan to incorporate into the ladder leading up.I drilled the six gunports as indicated by the V de V artwork.these were lined with brass tube for a clean finish and will be painted black(I know I said no paint but can't avoid it this time).I treenailed top and bottom edges with 0.3mm copper but have left the rest till I sort out the prow deck height.

Working back on the hull I have fitted the uprights to the forecastle.In the photo you will see a spacer I made,one end is marked with a cross.By alternating which way up the spacer went as glued the uprights on,I prevented any vertical creep due to spacer inaccuracy.I then lined the insides again with 0.8mm ply.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline




You’ve achieved a beautiful finish on your hull, are you using the kit supplied wood or did you choose another supply to use. Also what method are you using for the treenailing and caulking?



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

Posted (edited)

Thanks David.No so far the only parts of the kit used are the bulkheads and the false keel.The hull is planked in maple below the wales and boxwood above.The caulking is plain hb pencil on one side of each plank.The treenailing was carried out after sealing the hull with heavily thinned ZAP epoxy finishing resin.I marked and drilled 0.4mm holes then covered the hull with a thin skim of dark woodfiller.This was then flated with p320 silicon carbide paper, leaving the filler in just the holes and then sprayed with polyurethane.This varnish will probably be sanded and overcoated again a few times during the build,but at the moment the hull is protected from glue drops scratches etc.On the main wales I drilled 0.6mm holes and cyanoed in 0.5mm copper wire.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-26500800-1371161641_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-18477600-1371161662_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-18280000-1371161684_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-13902000-1371161709_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-13207100-1371161726_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-60180600-1371161738_thumb.jpgI have fitted the bulkhead in place and faired the sides to match the hull.Now on to the prow.The kit prow,to be honest bears little resemblance to that of the artwork.The sides are far to deep and the grated deck is depicted as flat.To be honest this 3D nightmare has caused me a bit of headscratching,as to the best way to proceed.To remain faithful to the Van De Velde atwork the deck sits much higher at the beakhead and does not coincide with the mouldings on the outside.I figured the best way to start my jig was to glue in the supplied bulkheads for the stem.I only glued the top half of the slot allowing the ears to be sawn off later.I then profiled the top of the bulkheads and false keel to provide an acceptable curve.On top of this I glued(to the bulkhead ears only)a piece of 3mm ply which was cut out to match the supplied deck frame.The top of this ply is the bottom face of the deck.Today's work was concluded by clamping some steamed boxwood section in place and leaving overnight to dry.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-69309600-1371593522_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-08095100-1371593540_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-68297300-1371593566_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-67853700-1371593590_thumb.jpgI have to admit my patience has been stretched several times working on the prow deck.I have had numerous pieces filed in the 'recycling section' and have had to remake them.I feel I am on the home straight now,but I can't believe how long it is taking.I include some pics of as it is today.The gratings are caldercraft 1mm ones as small children could fall through the ones supplied.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


May I ask if the bowsprit is to remain central or will it be moved off-centre as I have seen other people suggest.  I say suggest as I have only seen talk of the bowsprit and not actually seen a kit with the bowsprit off-set!!

I am considering moving the bowsprit on my kit but I am unsure of the ramifications of the effect it will have on the cast decorations and rigging etc'.

Just love what you are doing with this build!!!



Hi Nat

It's my fault really,I should have mentioned this,yes the bowsprit will be offset to starboard,the central slot is for the stem extension I am going to fit.This has a hook to take the mainmast stay and will have a carving of cupid sat on a lion.If you offset the bowsprit on the standard kit,it will not interfere with the castings,but you may have issues when fitting the gammoning.If you look at my new deck you can just make out that the gammoning slot is offcenter to starboard.If you offset the bowsprit you would have to make a new deck piece anyway,so you could move the gammoning slots as well as the bowsprit hole.The reason its a common mod is that research suggests that it must have been offset.It was common practice at the time when the foremast is as far forward on the Sovereign,this was to allow the bowsprit to run past the foremast base inside the hull and be anchored properly.If you look closely at the Van de Velde artwork,you can see the bowsprit run past the stem on the starboard side.Hope this helps with your decision.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hello Nigel,


Incredible work. I'm glad you're not going to use paint. The natural colours are just beautiful.


I'm looking forward to your carvings.


Take care,



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo


Hello Anja

Thank you very much for your kind comments.It may be a little while before I get to the carving stage,but I am very much looking forward to that stage myself.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-08255500-1371845846_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-16431100-1371845894_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-35773700-1371845943_thumb.jpgOnce I had completed the grating I removed it from the jig.My method of properly bonding together the gratings is heavily thinned Zap epoxy finishing resin.I applied this liberally to both sides of the deck and immediately blasted it with a high pressure air line with blow gun.This prevents build up in the holes and when dry is rock hard.I glued some softwood to the top of the jig and when dry,cut through the bulkheads either side of the stem.After sanding off the remains of the bulkhead ears,this provided me with an inverted jig I could tack glue the grated deck to.With this upside down and the correct shape I could concentrate on the underneath.This was reduced in thickness by 1mm with a cabinet scraper.This gave the gratings their curved profile.I have now started fitting the structure to the underside using pear wood.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-24662500-1371858952_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-34114300-1371858976_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-39317600-1371859003_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-79742400-1371859025_thumb.jpgI have alot of soaking,steaming and drying to do on the prow deck so I have decided to multitask this weekend.I decided now was a good time to start on the stern mods.Whilst the partwork stern is closer than Sergal's offering it certainly not close enough for my liking.All the decorations are greatly simplyfied and some are omitted completely.Because I am going to carve my own decorations out of pear,I almost have a blank sheet of paper.The problem lies in the fact that Lely's portrait of the stern view face is,in effect in fresh air at the moment on my build.I do know the sides of the hull are too low compared to the artwork and certainly want extending back(on the kit there were a series of balconies supporting the stern face which wont be seen anyway).Looking at Busmann's book and the Payne engraving gives me a stern angle to vertical of 11.5deg.Unfortunately the Van de Velde artwork which I am mainly working to doesn't give a square on view of the stern.So the basics of the proceedure is to extend hull up and back,then slice off at 11.5 deg.I can then mark the taffrail height where it joins the hull.This in turn gives me the tops of the poop rails which will help give me my revised deck heights for the last two decks.Sounds simple doesn't it????Now I know I want the rail uprights to run thro as I did on the forecastle so drastic surgery will be needed.I decided the easiest way to do these mods would be two laminations of 0.8mm ply,as the only section not covered by the side galleries would be covered with black boxwood planking.

I first gutted the hull at the rear and then cut the hull down.If you look at my template bonded to the rear,this is where the tumblehome stops and the flat section starts.My cut followed the shear rather than the horizontal as I know the hull side is straight along this shearline.The upper inside of the planking was milled down using the dremel to give a planking thickness of just shy of 1mm.This enable the inner piece of ply to be epoxied to the hull,and the outer layer to sit flush.I will post pics of the side extensions tomorrow as all you can see is clamps!

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Whoa.... that's a gutsy move on your part.. not many people would do a tear down like that! But.... just the same, I guess if you didn't do it, you'd be forever unhappy with it.


Too late to say go for it, you've already dove right in ;)


Have fun with it :)



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy




Cheers Andy

This mod has been on the cards from very early on,I just needed to be sure in my head how to go about it.Yes it looks extreme but it is not as bad as it looks.The internals as per the partwork were a necessity to get my hull form,now that I have that I can remove and replace to suit my stern design.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-98413300-1371902184_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-10428900-1371902242_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-73543100-1371902270_thumb.jpgA small update.I have now fitted inner and outer skins to the starboard side and marked out and cut that side to shape.There are small differences in the deck heights/slopes,the biggest difference is the stern face position.This now matches the Payne engraving.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

A small update.I have completed the extension to the port side of the hull.I have finished the pear beams under the prow deck.Lastly I have made the central panel for the stern.It was a bit of a nightmare to mark out because my reference was Lely's portrait and this isn't symmetrical.I have decided the statue of King Edgar between the two pilasters standspost-1641-0-48683300-1371938663_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-73487200-1371938689_thumb.jpg in a niche.This will be carved out of pear and fits in the large hole in the centre of the panel.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-27127200-1372006397_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-10867500-1372006426_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-10197000-1372006452_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-15250700-1372006482_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-52669600-1372006507_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-97987100-1372006529_thumb.jpgI have now reassembled the stern with my scratchbuilt parts.The lower section is simply a shaped piece of lime.Now that it is redundant,the pattern has been removed completely.I have also removed some of the lower structure to allow the gunports to be fitted below the side galleries.These are missing on the standard build.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hello Nigel,


Great job on reassembling the stern.

It looks fantastic. Well done.


Take care,



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo

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