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Looking good, John!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is a habit, not an act.

~ Aristotle 


I could carry, paddle, walk and sing with any man I ever saw. I have been twenty-four years a canoe man, and forty-one years in service; no portage was ever too long for me, fifty songs could I sing. I have saved the lives of ten voyageurs, have had twelve wives and six running dogs. I spent all of my money in pleasure. Were I young again, I would spend my life the same way over. There is no life so happy as a voyageur's life!

~ The Voyageur, Grace Lee Nute


Hey John, nice work so far! Just lost a bidding "war" on ebay last night on the MS CWM. still went for a good deal ($ 145.00 and $15 dollar shipping). New in box, oh well, I'll keep looking for something to have a nice large and detailed build after the little guy I'm on now.

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

3 hours ago, Sea Hoss said:

Hey John, nice work so far! Just lost a bidding "war" on ebay last night on the MS CWM. still went for a good deal ($ 145.00 and $15 dollar shipping). New in box, oh well, I'll keep looking for something to have a nice large and detailed build after the little guy I'm on now.

Thanks for your comments, this is a very satisfying model build. I picked this for my first wood build, because of its complexity. The challenges make the work very satisfying. Good Luck in your search for the MS kit. 

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






You are doing a great job on this. Looks fantastic so far!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is a habit, not an act.

~ Aristotle 


I could carry, paddle, walk and sing with any man I ever saw. I have been twenty-four years a canoe man, and forty-one years in service; no portage was ever too long for me, fifty songs could I sing. I have saved the lives of ten voyageurs, have had twelve wives and six running dogs. I spent all of my money in pleasure. Were I young again, I would spend my life the same way over. There is no life so happy as a voyageur's life!

~ The Voyageur, Grace Lee Nute

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I’m back! Finished the Viking Longship and I can get back to the Morgan.  Back to the micro carpentry, first task is to build the crew’s head. Issue being it’s not on my vintage plans. Thanks to Ron (ragove) for getting me a scan of his MS plans. After scale adjustments, I had a template. 


After some additional filler, trimming and sanding. I now have the crew’s head installed. Never thought building an out house to scale would feel like such an accomplishment. 😎


I am now moving on to the bitts/pin rails around the masts. The kit has metal parts for this, however the Mizzenmast bitts required repair. More micro carpentry...



Edited by John Ruy

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






I have been working on Mrs. Tinkham’s cabin. She was the wife of Captain Tinkham in 1875. When I visited the CWM at the Mystic Maritime Museum I toured the ship and captured this photo of a sign in her cabin. Very interesting story. 

Because I had no drawings for this unique deck furnishings I turned to the following site. This has been an invaluable resource. 



I captured this photo from the site and wanted to give credit where credit is due. 
Using this and the following photo from the build log at this site, I was able to create templates by copying by 50%. 

Using the templates I created the cabin. 


I have got to give another shout out to,


An excellent build log for reference. 👍

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Very nicely done! 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is a habit, not an act.

~ Aristotle 


I could carry, paddle, walk and sing with any man I ever saw. I have been twenty-four years a canoe man, and forty-one years in service; no portage was ever too long for me, fifty songs could I sing. I have saved the lives of ten voyageurs, have had twelve wives and six running dogs. I spent all of my money in pleasure. Were I young again, I would spend my life the same way over. There is no life so happy as a voyageur's life!

~ The Voyageur, Grace Lee Nute

Posted (edited)

Constitution of the Gallis Frames was not with out mistakes. Measure three times cut once applies to micro carpentry, as well. I carefully cut out all of the frames using my first one as a template. Perfect, except that first one was the shortest. Each frame gets a bit longer as the ship gets wider toward the bow. 😬



Had to get creative, given I had used up my 1/8 x 1/8 beams. So I cut them in half and laminated 1/16 sheet material to each side so I could stretch them. 😎 


Completed the racks for the oar storage as well. 👍



Touch up painting all around, another step closer to completion. 

more later...

Edited by John Ruy

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Those chains look really good. Is that what they look like in the kit or did you treat them?

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is a habit, not an act.

~ Aristotle 


I could carry, paddle, walk and sing with any man I ever saw. I have been twenty-four years a canoe man, and forty-one years in service; no portage was ever too long for me, fifty songs could I sing. I have saved the lives of ten voyageurs, have had twelve wives and six running dogs. I spent all of my money in pleasure. Were I young again, I would spend my life the same way over. There is no life so happy as a voyageur's life!

~ The Voyageur, Grace Lee Nute

7 hours ago, Voyageur said:

Those chains look really good. Is that what they look like in the kit or did you treat them?

The chains are not the chain provided in the the kit. I buy chain at Michaels Craft Stores. The large chain was actually black and I treated it with Flat Rust Enamel (Testors). The small ones are copper treated with a white vinegar and salt solution followed by ammonia vapors to create the patina. 😎 

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat





  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just realized it’s been 10 days since I have updated this build log. A lot has happened the past 10 days. On my bench that is, not in life we are still in Corona Lock Down here in Maine the Emergency has been extended into June by our Governor Virus cases still on the rise. 

I did score on an eBay buy, MS New Bedford Whaleboat 1/16. Excited 😆 snagged it for 59.00 + shipping. NIB It’ll be a great companion build for my CWM. 

Speaking of the CWM, I modified the metal DavitS from the kit by adding wood blocks to the ends. 

this will make the rigging go much easier



I also got in my order of belaying pins from MS eBay sales. 


I then went to work on the Gallis roofing. 


Edging the scribed deck lumber came out pretty good




I completed the roof mounted whale boats  with tie down mounting lumber. 

added shears to the Whale boats. More micro carpentry. 


Here is where we are so far...


next up Back Spars...


later... Happy building. 🍻 




Edited by John Ruy

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Great ship.... great build..... the photos really help a great deal...Moab

Completed Builds:

Virginia Armed Sloop...Model Shipways


Louise Steam Launch...Constructo

Hansa Kogge...Dusek

Yankee Hero...BlueJacket


26’ Long Boat...Model Shipways

Under Construction:

Emma C. Berry...Model Shipways



Cleaned up and reorganized the bench. Ready to start Mast and Spars. This looks a whole lot different than the Revell Construction Plastic masts. 
Thank you all for your likes and comments. Keep up the encouragement I will need it in the coming months. 

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Started working on the Morgan’s masts today. My MS New Bedford Whaleboat has started consuming my time. Thought I would take a break from that And get back to the CWM. 

Slow and steady as she goes... Had to start over on the three lower masts. Must remember to measure three times and cut once. 😎


tomorrow is another day...

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat





  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

186 hours into the Charles W Morgan and the Masts are complete. I have spent the last 20 hours on the building of these three Masts. Marine Model Company’s metal details were an enormous help, although they did require considerable filing shaping and drilling. 

Lower mast material supplied was raw dowel needing sanding to proper taper. Topmast we’re pre-tapered, however still requiring a lot of sanding. 

Using four grades of sand paper facilitated a more refined smooth surface. Lots of calibration with parts to achieve a proper fit. 


Metal Fair Leeds were provided, however none of the holes were clear for rigging. Lots of slow hand drilling required. 



It’s all about detail when it is time for running rigging. 👍


Main Mast Fair Leeds and pin rail. 

Fore Mast Fair Leeds and Pin Rail. 


Mizzen Mast Fair Leeds with Fife Rail below. This will be a lot of fun to rig, Looking forward to that. 😆


Whale watching hoops also provide in this kit. 

On to standing rigging starting at the bow. I will also start building yards arms. 

More later... Happy Modeling and Stay Safe out there, these are crazy times. America will get through this and be stronger than ever before. ✌️

Edited by John Ruy

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Hi John,


Really nice work. It’s wonderful to see what quality a model can be made with the older less sophisticated kits. Photoetch and laser cut are nice, but a little time and craftsmenship can produce equally and often better results. I think the the satisfaction would be much greater in the building. She’s gonna be a beaut! 

My daughter and her family until recently lived in your neck of the woods. They were in Cumberland, Me. Until her husband had to relocate for his job. Nice country and great people up there.



Member: Ship Model Society of New Jersey


Hi John,

I just ran into this log and am very impressed.  I am thinking of my next build as I am a few months... maybe away from finishing my current build.  I live about an hour away from Mystic and was thinking the Morgan should be my next build since it is in my back yard.  I would be doing it from scratch so I will need to procure a set of plans, most likely from the Mystic museum but they see to be overly expensive.  I will follow along and use this log as a guide as it is well done.  Keep up the nice work.


2 hours ago, toms10 said:

I would be doing it from scratch so I will need to procure a set of plans, most likely from the Mystic museum but they see to be overly expensive. 

Thanks Tom for your affirmation It is very encouraging as I hone my craftsmanship on this Vintage Kit. The plans I have in this kit are copies of the 1939 plans used to restore the CWM. I too think she is a beauty. 

Stay in touch and I would be glad to share the plans with you once I have completed her. They are very yellowed and a bit tattered, but would only gather dust for eternity. I would love to see you get some use out of them. That is if you can wait a while, not sure how long it will be to completion although she has been coming along quite steadily as I have nowhere to go right now. Cheers 🍻 733654B5-51A8-44B5-8130-6A1ACCAB6A37.thumb.jpeg.d112045a5c30a63099d3b1ceef823bb2.jpeg

Gallery Photos of My Charles W Morgan 

Currently working on New Bedford Whale Boat






Hi John,

I would appreciate the plans when your done.  I am definitely in no hurry.  I am only on the just getting into the rigging on my Leopard.  I have the masts completed but still need to make the spars.  The standing rigging is only about 1/3 complete.  I am going to add sails so I am sure that will take a bit.  You will finish before me I am sure.  Speed is not in the formula for me.  Keep up the good work.  I am definitely going to pull up a chair and follow.  Your log is excellent.


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