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Deck furniture added except for top deck guns, lantern etc.

These will be fixed later.

Deck cleats supplied were deformed and had to be replaced.

Next step is to start hanging things on the hull.

Spotted that the channel brackets and stem pieces are plywood.

Not sure wether to replace these or paint them.

The cannon carriages and barrels are good and will be used.

The brass eyes are temporary and will be painted and fixed

with the rigging.






  • 5 weeks later...

Hi and, thanks for visiting.

Head timbers fitted.  These are all supplied laser cut

and as usual didn't fit.  All scratch built except for

pieces 138 and 133 which merely needed re-shaping.

The trimming pieces to the hawse holes disintegrated

as they were being detached from the sheet and,

as for the windshields part no. 181   -   there was only one

supplied on the sheet.  No big problem because the supplied 

part didn't fit anyway.

Compared the one third scale side elevation with the photo's supplied.

Checked to see what Mark and Sferoida did then went my own way.

This is my first build that doesn't supply full size plans.

How much is a piece of paper  ???

Next steps are   -  four guns on the upper deck then.

channels and deadeyes.

The lantern,  anchors, falconets,   ships boat

and touch up to follow.







  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, and thanks for the likes.

Channels fitted.  The plywood brackets came away from the sheet very cleanly

and needed no prep work apart from removing the laser char.

Next would be the lower deadeyes but still mulling over what to do with the chains.

Might replace with real chain as Mark's postings.

In the mean time having a go at the ship's boat.  This should be interesting.







Started on the ships   barge.

Good quality ply sheets provided.

Instructions say   --   glue false keel and frames to baseboard provided.

Then sand frames and fit planks starting from the false keel.

It then suggests you fit the first plank following the marks on the frames

closest to the base.  I went for the common sense approach.

The marks for this plank are slightly hit and miss. A5 is 2mm out this side, correct other side.

Then the keel will be fitted

Then fix up and down ending in the middle with a plank sharpened at both ends.

Once the garboard strake is fitted I will remove the structure from the base board,

trim the tops of the frames down to the top plank and fit the covering board.

After planking will be fixed the rubbing strakes and the thole pins.

Not bothering with the insides,  I intend fitting a canvas cover to keep the

rain and seagulls out.  Might paint the outside white.









15 hours ago, SIDEWAYS SAM said:

Ships boat finished

This looks pretty cool. I really like the persenning covering the boat. How did you do it?

Painted silkspan? Formed with diluted woodglue? But how did you create the awesome seam?

This technique might be applicable to the rudder in my built... Please share!


Hi Pukotred and thanks Schubbe for the interest.

The cover is lead or aluminium foil recovered (very carefully) from the tops of wine bottles.

Have been harvesting this material for years.

Not so common now because of screw tops and plastic seals.

The seam necessary because I had to use two pieces of material.

Formed by folding over one side and glueing then, superglueing down to the other side.

A very thin bead of thin superglue along the outside of the seam forms a seal.

Then three or four coats of ordinary water based domestic paint applied by  "dabbing"

with a stiff brush to give texture.

Being formed from lead it is easy to form and keeps it's shape.


Hope this helps,






On 11/28/2021 at 11:20 AM, SIDEWAYS SAM said:

Hi, thanks for visiting and all the likes.

Ships boat finished and located.

Lantern and anchors done.

These will be fixed later.

Next will be the deadeyes.







  You have a great method to make Ochre ship's boats - the Endurance has 4, and the Beagle more than that.  I'll at least so that far when I get to that point ...  But since they will be displayed open (with covering canvass bunched to one side - like they were checking each boat's provisions and equipment), more attention will have to go to how the inside looks.  Hmmmm, one might even try 'busting' these little 'Kits within a Kit' by duplicating the ribs out of thinner birch ply (like used on model airplanes), so they will look better as ribs.  False ribs can be added in between.  It would make for good practice in planking and whatnot - plus making miniature oars, rowlocks, etc.  They could be done first before starting the mother ship so later they would not represent a 'diversion' from the outfitting of the ship.

Completed builds:  Khufu Solar Barge - 1:72 Woody Joe

Current project(s): Gorch Fock restoration 1:100, Billing Wasa (bust) - 1:100 Billings, Great Harry (bust) 1:88 ex. Sergal 1:65





Hi and, thanks for visiting.

Schubbe  -  Not just wine but good German wine.

Snug Harbour Johnny  -  agree with your comments.

It was the thick ribs and one piece cover board that put me off.

I have noticed some  1/48 scale ships boat kits available.

These may be the answer. Though at £45  -  50 a pop added to the extras

already used on this build I decided to use the supplied pieces where possible.

Still mulling over what to do with the deadeyes and chains so put it off for a few days

and moved on to the bowsprit.  Photo shows basic construction.

A lot more work required.







Great job!!!  

We're at about the same point of the build. But mine is on hold as I have to build the Royal Caroline for "Der Frau" first.

Mr. Pucko



Nuestra Senora del Pilar - Occre

Titanic - Amati

Endeavour - AL

Santissima Trinidad cross section - Occre

Fram - Occre

  • 3 weeks later...

Basic lower masts temporarily located.

Started topmasts.

Parts list calls for 10mm diameter masts  -  drawings show  8mm dia.

I noticed this after the masts had been cut to length and lower chocks fitted.

My spares box is taking a hammering again.

Also mizzen mast part 318 (preformed metal) has gone walkabout.

Both problems easy to deal with but frustrating.

Really looking forward to rigging this monster.


Happy New Year,






Hi and, Happy New Year everyone.

Basic masts constructed and temporarily located.

Usual discrepancies between parts list and plans

but it all went together fairly well.

Appear to have too many dowels of one size

and not enough of other sizes.

Yards are painted black so I can use the walnut dowel

from my spares box.

It pays to plan out all materials and fittings well in advance

for this kit to make sure you have enough good quality pieces

for each stage.

Yards next then painting and fixing blocks etc.






  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and, thanks for the likes.

No real progress.

Still not sure what to do with the deadeyes and chains.

Decided to cut material for the yards, booms, boomkins and flag mast.

Seem to have a lot of dowel left over.

Either I'm missing something or OcCre have been generous.

Have put spares back in box until I find out which.

Lots of work to be done on the yards so putting off

the chainplate decision until later.







It's looking great Sam!  Nice work for sure, and you are making it look easy.  Lots of progress being made in short order, very impressive!!!!

  • 4 weeks later...

At last some progress.

Lower large deadeyes and chains sorted ready for assembly and painting.

There are a few spares provided but these bits are easy to lose.

The brass rod provided with the kit was far too springy.

Tried stretching and annealing it but not at all happy with the result.

Ended up using soft copper wire around the deadeyes and,

aluminium wire for the chains. The chains will be tweaked after assembly

and during fitting.  The lower chains will be bent to suit individual

locations.  Apologies for the "light bounce" in the centre of the photo.






  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for visiting and the likes.

At last  -  some progress. 

Lower deadeyes, chains and channels fitted.

This was my fourth attempt.

Not very authentic but I need to finish this kit

and get on to something else.

Ended up ditching the brass wire provided by OcCre

and replaced with (eventually) soft copper, uncoated.

The end result is shown below.

As I said  -  not authentic but neither is a lot of this kit.

Still some odd bits to fix then the hull is finished.







Hi, and thanks for visiting.

Swivel guns mounted, boomkins fitted.

Flagstaff and lantern in place.

Only problem was the etched brass mounts

for the swivels  -  the holes for the trunnions

were too small.  Turned a one hour assembly

into an all day problem holding the brass

whilst opening up the holes.

Also cost me a fingernail.

But we are getting there.






  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, and thanks for visiting.

Last two weeks spent on masts and yards.

I live in a Cornish cottage built  1840  and with very low ceilings.

Moving this beast about over the past two weeks

I have snapped off the fore mast twice and the main mast once.

Plus nearly lost an eye on the main lower yard

and damaged the main ceiling light.

I have already spent a small fortune on replacement parts. Enough is enough.

Stub masts have been fitted plus the bowsprit.

Length and width I can manage, height I can not.

Masts need staining and varnishing and the bowsprit will be rigged.

Then I will call it a day and move on.

This decision has not been helped by the fact that I have already got

Caldercrafts Endeavour in stock.   After the ocCre kit the full size plans

supplied are a revelation.  Plus I have the AOTS book for reference

and several very high quality builds on this forum.

The next 18 months will feel like a holiday.

There will be one more post after this showing the finished item.


Thanks for visiting and the encouragement over the last 18 months.


Best regards,






  • 2 weeks later...

This is my last posting on this build for now.

I have kept the plans and spare bits and intend finishing

masting and rigging and, maybe sails when I have

more room to work on this beast and, somewhere

to store the finished build.

Will be taking a week or so to clear and restock

my workbench and will then start on

Caldercrafts HM Bark Endeavour.

Already had a peek in the box and the plans and,

contents are miles better than the kit I have

just called a halt on so looking forward immensely 

to building it.

Have the AOTS book in stock and already trawled through

some very high quality logs on this forum.

Thanks to everyone for visiting and commenting.

This will get finished eventually but probably not

this year.


Best regards,




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