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Norwegian Sailing Pram by CommodoreErie - Model Shipways - 1:12

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After having finished the Grand Banks Dory (link to build log in signature), I'm trying my hand at the next model in the series. I expect updates for this log are going to be more sporadic than I would like, because I'm slated to be sailing for most of the time from March through October, but I'll work on this when I can. 

Started with unboxing and getting a sense of the parts. I can't help but feel a little intimidated, but then the dory looked scary before I started it too. 


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In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Heh, step one and I'm already irritated. The bow transom isn't symmetrical, at least not at the top, so I attached the knee as best I could centered on the drill hole. I imagine I can make this make sense later, but for now it's annoying. 


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In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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If you aren't happy and have used white glue, an application of rubbing alcohol will debond the joint and you can re-do it. How do I know this? ;)

Edited by druxey

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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Just now, druxey said:

If you aren't happy and have used white glue, an application of rubbing alcohol will debond the joint and you can re-do it. How do I know this? ;)

Oh, I know that trick. I had to redo the risers on the dory, after all. I mean that the transom piece itself isn't symmetrical. From the notch to the edge on one side is a half inch, and just under a half inch on the other. Not enough to make a difference (I don't think), but certainly enough to annoy yours truly. 

In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started this craft six months ago with this set from models shipways. It was an excellent essential learning series. 

I am present on my fifth model while my fourth was damaged—long story. 


I look forward to how things proceed.




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1 hour ago, BMT said:

I started this craft six months ago with this set from models shipways. It was an excellent essential learning series. 

I am present on my fifth model while my fourth was damaged—long story. 


I look forward to how things proceed.




Me too, though updates here will be a bit more sporadic than I'd like. I'm going to be serving as a deckhand on the tall ship LYNX until April, and naturally won't be able to work on this until I get back. 

In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Made some progress, decided it was time for an update. I apologize for being AWOL so long. 


I'm currently working on bending the bottom and keel planks, and have attached the bottom planks. Keel plank will go on next. The stern transom knee needed a slight adjustment up to reach the keel plank, and there's going to be a small gap that I'll likely fill in with wood putty. Then it's trimming the planks flush with the transoms, and we can move on the the garboard strakes. 


Also, reposting all the pictures thus far, since I have zero clue why this thread ate the ones I had. 













In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Keel plank and bottom planks are assembled. I had to readjust the stern transom knee and fill in a gap with some wood putty (not the last time I expect to do so), but next is the garboard planks. We'll see how that goes. 

I'm probably also going to have to shave down the angle on port side of the transom to make the garboard fit nicely. Ahh well. 





In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Great start, Commodore!  I'd love to follow your progress on this.  The Sailing Pram was a fun build for me.


And great use already of the rubber bands and clips.  Have plenty of both on hand! I remember using almost all my clips at times, and plenty of rubber bands!  Sometimes I even used clips ON the rubber bands to make them even tighter! Ha! 


Carry on!



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Bluenose 1921 1:64 - Model Shipways                   Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 - Model Shipways                    Yacht America Schooner 1851 1:64 - Model Shipways

                                                                                      Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 - Model Shipways        RMS Titanic 1:300 - OcCre  (Couldn't help myself when it was on sale)

                                                                                      H.M. Schooner Ballahoo 1:64 - Caldercraft                             USS Constitution  1:76 - Model Shipways

                                                                                                                                                                                              Santa Maria Caravelle 1:48 - Ships of Pavel Nikitin

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  • 2 weeks later...

The garboard has historically been the most annoying plank for me. Was true on the dory, is still true here. I'm pretty proud of how the gain I cut turned out, and the garboard fit in place rather well. Need to repeat the process on the other side. 





In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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I made a slight change to one of the garboards at the bow (let perfect be the enemy of good again), and got the second garboard on. Now I'm letting the planks bend down to the molds again before I start on the broad strakes. 




In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little less please with the gain on the port side this time, but any mistakes and imperfections here will be covered by paint later anyway. Second strakes are on, just the sheer strakes to go, then I can attach the skeg and bilge keels.  



In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Your pram is looking great Erie! Cutting the gains is definitely an area I need practice at.

Current builds: Captain John Smith’s shallop - Pavel Nikitin
Back on the shelf: Gretel - Mamoli

completed builds:

Sea of Galilee boat

Lowell Grand Banks dory

Norwegian sailing pram

Muscongus bay lobster smack

Peterboro Canoe- Midwest

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From the current look of things as I'm bending the sheer strakes, they're going to rest slightly above the markings where the stern transom is cut and shaped. I'm trying to decide exactly how much of a  problem that is. 

In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Got the first of the sheer strakes on. I have reservations on if the fact that it's resting above where the transom will eventually be cut and shaped is an issue or not. And if it is, how can I fix it from here. 

I thought I had been careful to line up the strakes on the bevel lines of the previous one, so I'm basically trying to decide if it's my fault or not. Or if it's even a problem. Any advice would be very welcome. 


In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Hey Commodore!  It all looks really nice!  If I am understanding your concern, I think you will be good.  Whatever little sanding you need to do, plus your hull painting, will cover whatever small inconsistencies you see as the builder.  Your local admirers won't notice after it's completed.  Looking sharp.  Getting ahead of where you are at now, but you'll be there in no time... thoughts on how you are going to finish the topside/interior?



Current Projects:                                                     Completed Projects:                                                                 Waiting for Shipyard Clearance:

Bluenose 1921 1:64 - Model Shipways                   Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 - Model Shipways                    Yacht America Schooner 1851 1:64 - Model Shipways

                                                                                      Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 - Model Shipways        RMS Titanic 1:300 - OcCre  (Couldn't help myself when it was on sale)

                                                                                      H.M. Schooner Ballahoo 1:64 - Caldercraft                             USS Constitution  1:76 - Model Shipways

                                                                                                                                                                                              Santa Maria Caravelle 1:48 - Ships of Pavel Nikitin

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The curved line is where the transom is supposed to be cut, right? Checking other build logs, it looks like DonBMichigan and SkiBee had the same issue and just cut the transom line a bit higher up. I haven't done this build, but unless there's something further on that requires the transom to be at the exact dimensions of the scribed line, it doesn't look like it would cause a problem if it ends up a little taller.

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Ahhh, my apologies.  I believe I understand Commodore's concern now.  Yes, my transom was cut a bit higher than where the line was drawn, as well.


I pulled up some of my pictures I had taken and zoomed in a bit on my transom area.  Sorry if some are a bit blurred due to the zooming.  But you can see on mine, once the inwales and the quarter knees were in place, the stern transom piece (as well as the bow transom) was cut slightly higher than where their line was drawn, and it had no effect on ultimately how the rudder was placed.  From my recollection on my NSP, you will be fine.  Hope that helps.


IMG_4115.jpg.a5988b54c93e3b606f546185b2598fb8.jpg   IMG_4118.jpg.d86fb4aeedc022f844ecfd78d4b434e7.jpg   IMG_4162.jpg.767421f4f93545b0c2f02be3bcaa11ea.jpg



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Bluenose 1921 1:64 - Model Shipways                   Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 - Model Shipways                    Yacht America Schooner 1851 1:64 - Model Shipways

                                                                                      Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 - Model Shipways        RMS Titanic 1:300 - OcCre  (Couldn't help myself when it was on sale)

                                                                                      H.M. Schooner Ballahoo 1:64 - Caldercraft                             USS Constitution  1:76 - Model Shipways

                                                                                                                                                                                              Santa Maria Caravelle 1:48 - Ships of Pavel Nikitin

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I think I used the line as a guide, not so much trimmed to the line. The top and bottom part of the transom assy was tricky for me. It worked out, but it wasn’t to the plans or lines. 

All of my pictures are in my build log linked below. I just did the best I could. It looked great when painted lol. 



Edited by MajorChaos
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11 hours ago, GGibson said:

Hey Commodore!  It all looks really nice!  If I am understanding your concern, I think you will be good.  Whatever little sanding you need to do, plus your hull painting, will cover whatever small inconsistencies you see as the builder.  Your local admirers won't notice after it's completed.  Looking sharp.  Getting ahead of where you are at now, but you'll be there in no time... thoughts on how you are going to finish the topside/interior?

If you mean painting, I'm thinking copper red for the interior, white for the hull, and leave the soleboards and thwarts unpainted. 

In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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Okay, I finally got the sheer planks on. Pretty happy with how the bow came out. The sheer planks go about 2mm above the cut line for the stern transom, so I'm thinking I can raise the cut line by the same amount and be fine. I also filled in the more obvious gaps in the planking with wood putty. Next up is the skeg and bilge keels. 




In Shipyard:

1:12 Norwegian Sailing Pram


Completed Builds:

1:24 Lowel Grand Banks Dory

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