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Sovereign Of The Seas by firdajan - 1:96 - CARD

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Dear friends,


After 12 years of hiatus I decided to continue with the model of Sovereign. I started it together with Doris, I´m sure you will remember her ship.  

So here is the part of history - sorry for the poor photos:








Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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At first I had to repair the colour of wales, they were too dark, an then I had to re - patinate the hull. I think the result is better than before:








Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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Thanks, Patrick.


Then I had to repair the gallion, I made the new deck on gallion... simply I had to destroy it. And to produce the new one. 




Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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Now I´m continuing with modifying of some parts of sides. Maybe sometimes it will look like in the book😉

There were many mistakes I did, I don´t hink I will repair them all, but I will try.

BTW, 1:96 is too small scale for this ship, now I know. But what can I do now....just to continue.








Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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I removed the front of the ship - and made it more flat. The model was based on Mantua plans - it was 13 years ago, there were no monographies, no researchs..... Hopefully Doris finished her model and together with two captains let us a lot of informations. 

I think now it is more better. I also changed the interior from red ( as you can see on sooner photos ) to wood. Maybe it is suitable - maybe not.

I also bought the book written by John Mc Kay.   

To be honest - the most important informations for me are about the decoration, armory and rigging. But the hull- there are a lot of questions.

The end of the stern is absolutely nonsens - anyone who has ever studies  the hydrodynamics just a little  knows that, the rudder would be ineffective for such a large ship.

Some entries on the board are useles - like companionway... etc. 

I´m also a bit confused about the other side of forecastle - were there stairs to the main deck, or not? Nobody knows... Now I have to find the solution.

I could have many more questions " why ", but I will let it be.

Sometimes I think I should to start again - from the beginning, and do it all better... but now there´s no way back💘







Edited by firdajan

Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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On 2/7/2023 at 8:56 PM, firdajan said:

I removed the front of the ship - and made it more flat. The model was based on Mantua plans - it was 13 years ago, there were no monographies, no researchs..... Hopefully Doris finished her model and together with two captains let us a lot of informations. 

I think now it is more better. I also changed the interior from red ( as you can see on sooner photos ) to wood. Maybe it is suitable - maybe not.

I also bought the book written by John Mc Kay.   

To be honest - the most important informations for me are about the decoration, armory and rigging. But the hull- there are a lot of questions.

The end of the stern is absolutely nonsens - anyone who has ever studies  the hydrodynamics just a little  knows that, the rudder would be ineffective for such a large ship.

Some entries on the board are useles - like companionway... etc. 

I´m also a bit confused about the other side of forecastle - were there stairs to the main deck, or not? Nobody knows... Now I have to find the solution.

I could have many more questions " why ", but I will let it be.

Sometimes I think I should to start again - from the beginning, and do it all better... but now there´s no way back💘







Hello Jano. Glad to see you keep building. I will definitely follow, your models are original..:imNotWorthy: Ondras


Done : President - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=90230
Under construction : Roter Lowe - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114576


Member of the organizing clubhttps://wchs-c-2023.klom-admiral.cz/en

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Thank you a lot, friends 🙂


Gallion sides are on their places already. I have to complete the construction inside, more small details I will add gradually.

All of handles are reworked too, it is maybe a small detail, but I think that now it looks much more better. And I think that the bow looks now more realistic.

Now I´m working on the hull equipment. There´s a lot of work......

Here are some photos.









Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  'Love this SO much.  Its amazing to see what can be done with card !

Edited by Snug Harbor Johnny

Completed builds:  Khufu Solar Barge - 1:72 Woody Joe

Current project(s): Gorch Fock restoration 1:100, Billing Wasa (bust) - 1:100 Billings, Great Harry (bust) 1:88 ex. Sergal 1:65




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Thank you a lot friends 🙂


druxey: I´m not Doris - she´s the one and only. As I said, we´ve  start to build this ship together, she finished her, and I stopped at he point you can see.  I will use a lot ideas from her with her permissions, but I will do a lot of things by my decisions. You will see.

Last time I was working on entries, and I added gratings. Now I choose the way of Doris ( just go to modelforum.cz and read the research )  - I think is more suitable than solutions of publishers and better than Mc Kay ( sorry ). There are some plans of 1650, and there´s Vasa, and several other shipwrecks. Of course, how it actually was ... only god knows.

Now I´m continuing with the building of the fronts of superstructures.










Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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I hope Doris is doing all right after her loss. We miss her here on MSW. 


Are you aware of the Boston Museum of Fine Art starboard side rendering of SOS that was made at the time? It's as good an idea as we'll ever have of how she looked until we can make a Time Machine.



Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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  • 2 weeks later...

druxey: this is probably the proposal of the decoration made by Anthony Van Dyck. It is also in the Mc Kay book


Fronts of the superstructures are on it´s places.  The hull of the ship is closed, finally.
It took me a while, mainly to decide how to make the back part of the forecastle.
There are some different solutions, I decided to build it by Mc Kay. I think Culver has the same solution... I think it´s not the same like on the quarterdeck, because it could be visible on Van Velde and Payne´s portraits - but it isn´t.  It´s just my opinion of course.
But....today nobody know

Now it´s the time to finish and fill in the decks.









Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 4 weeks later...

A small update... Just some windows and doors and a small attempt of making sculptures. Now I know, that´ better to make this ship in the bigger scale. sculptures, as you can see on the last pictures are about 2 - 2,5 mm wide.

I have to train a lot 😁









Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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I made some sculptures and some parts of the ship. At first I want to add most of parts of decks because of better manipulation.  Then I would like to make railing, but I have to find a solution how to make it from carton.

I´ll see, I´ll think of something.

And one more thing: where was the belfry ??? I´m not sure there was solution like Rotter or Doris has. It fits for ships built 50 years later.  Payne ( or Van Velde ) would certainly noticed so large belfry.  

Mc Kay did not include her in the plans, he also explains why somewhere in the book...










Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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GrandpaPhil: Thanks a lot ! About belfry: maybe yes, maybe not😉


Look at these pictures: One of them is  Culver´s solution.  And the another picture is the detail of the Payne´s engraving, I noticed it just recently - just look at it carefully, you´ll see the top of the belfry on the forecastle.  It´s smaller like on other models. Just enlarge the Payne´s engraving ( this is the largest image I could find ).

Maybe I´m wrong.






Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a small update.
Some kevels, cavals are done, capstan too. And, finally, the first succesfull attemt of railing😊 - now it fits. Now I have to place it all and finish the first part of railing.









Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the railing for the half of ship. Now I have to make the another half 😁





Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 3 weeks later...

The railing on the aft is placed and almost finished, I have to do just some improvements.

And, finally I made parts of the railing on the bow, now I have to fit them together an then to place them. I forget to bend the front part of it, so I had to make it twice😁

Maybe one day I will do things by the right way😉











Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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24 minutes ago, firdajan said:

so I had to make it twice😁

Maybe one day I will do things by the right way😉

Same problem here...

Great work 👍

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot, friends.


The railing on the forecastle is placed ( but not finished, there´s necessary to do some parts of decoration ( as on the whole ship😁 ), I made some stairs an the rest of railing from the aft.

And I improves some entries.

...and the show must go on....












Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 1 month later...

I´m still continuing ( slowly, but at least you can see some progress ). Some railing around the entries are finished.

Now I have a little dilemma: how to make the stairs on the poop deck.

On the Payne´s engraving and the Culver´s model they leads over the railing.

On the Van Velde´s work  they are made in the style of renaissance ( BUT.....the drawing itself is NOT dated, the date 1660 was just based by prof. Callender´s opinion. Van Velde arrived to England probably ten years later, when the ship looks absolutely different, it´s not sure he saw the ship in her original look, his drawing is probably based on Paynes engraving and he add the modern stairs. )

A lot of others models contains various other ideas ( based on the author´s taste ).

It is the same case as the belfry and the appearance of the forecastle from the main deck......nobody knows 😉











Stairs 1.jpg

Stairs 2.jpg

Stairs 3.jpg



Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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  • 2 months later...

The summer is over, I finally have time to do some progress😃

I´m working on some small pieces - some small windows, stairs, pin rails, and pedestals for caryatids.

BTW, I will only work on same smal pieces....







Finished:       Ark Royal 1588

                      Mary Rose 1545

                      Arabian Dhow

                      Revenge 1577 ( first attempt )

                      La Couronne 1636

                      Trinidad 1519

                      Revenge 1577 ( the second one )

                      Nina 1492

                      Pinta 1492

                      Santa Maria 1492

                      San Salvador 1543

                      Anna Maria 1694

                      Sao Gabriel 1497


On the table: Sovereign of the Seas 1636 - continuing after 12 years



All of them are paper models

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