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Hi Ollie

I like you leading me on the way on this activity. Top work. :) I just got the rest of my Amati copper tiles from Cornwall Models today - no excuses for me now. Not sure about this "gore line" - seen it some coppering but not in others. I only guess it is straight flow of tiles than run from the stem to the stern to set the upper curve that runs into the waterline? Below that the copper is set by stealers into that line? This aspect confuses me... I was just going to start at the keel and work up with stealers until I hit the curve right. Where did you get the advice about the gore line?







Current Build - 

On Hold - HMS Fly by aliluke - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64

Previous Build  - Armed Virginia Sloop by Model Shipways

Previous Build - Dutch Whaler by Sergal (hull only, no log)



There are several book on hull contruction that talk about the use and style of coppering.  Underhille. Monfeld,Gardner,etc.  Most will give you a base from which to start from.  One of the books I always liked was by Milton Roth titled Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern.  An oldy but a goody.

David B


Hi Alistair.. Yes what you said sounds right in regards to this method, but i am in the deep end paddling with you mate.. Even my pictures in plans show two techniques.. many ways to skin a cat type scenario i suppose..    One shows stealers at stern and one shows horizontal, parallel plates.


I also studied Rays Diana and Pegasus, you pointed me towards and like the way it finished up.. I tended towards this method for whatever reason.. The look i think.. I like having to cut less plates. 


Also whilst my plates do not actually overlap i am visualising that they are so plates are cut accordingly.. I hope that helps you understand my choices.. Ollie


Heres a  couple of pics from booklet to show you what i mean, i will be cutting up to the top row (which is already fixed now) as i see this as being much safer than cutting the water line on the ship as advised in plans.. .. one slip and your gone..


i didnt buy the dvd but you can watch part of it on the coppering, on youtube.. (modellers shipyard)









Hi all, finished my copper plates.. adding 10 hours to log..


It was all going well till i noticed a few of plates were not holding... this could have been due to oil from fingers whilst cutting and filing... i advise sanding or scratching the back of plates to ensure a good bond..  any that seemed at all loose, i removed and re applied with scratched up back, they held well...


Planning what to do next, rudder parts will be a while.. Will probably tackle, channels, anchors, skylight and other pin rails etc.. It all should start to come together now as i have already finished many deck fittings..  Thanks for looking..  Regards Ollie









Hi Ollie, I have poked my nose in once or twice to have a look at your build, but felt I needed to add a comment on your excellent planking and plating - your Mermaid looks nice.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)


Thanks so much Ya'll :)    I have done about another 6 hours work...


Stern davits installed and channels.. Anchor holes in bow added also and miscellaneous stuff such as making the display cradle and jigs for next stages such as night heads and pin rails etc..  Moving along..  happy crafting all..






oops i somehow deleted wrong post... Thanks agin all, you are keeping me doing my best.. 


8 hours spent. Wont bother re writing all that just repost the pictures... Eamonn, its not a light just natural light coming through opening in deck.. i have been considering one of those flickering led's..    Catheads installed, false brass axles for rollers..







The contrasts of the different timbers is beautiful Ollie.. I love it !


Keep the pickies coming. ^_^  (snazzy close-ups, my set up cant go that close, I have to enlarge/crop in Photoshop! :( )


Take Care Mate



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


Thanks so much everyone. Your too kind...  I love the contrasts also and i have soon realised i dont like painting my ship..even though im painting ones side of this one.. ^_^  I would prefer to use the timbers colours to my best advantage..    Eamonn would you believe i'm taking all these pics with my phone! its 20mp..


Rod, i thought i may only build one ship and take it back up when i am older but i think the bug has bitten hard haha.. I was considering scratch building the Endeavour even if it took me many years.. But alas i am moving house and losing full access to my shed so it will be another kit build and i am leaning towards the HMS Beagle as my girlfriend is related to Charles Darwin (so she believes from records) And my grandfather was right into Darwin also looks like a great build.. also may be the  endeavour yet...



Ok.. Lots of work going on as i have had time off from business..  Adding 10 hours..


It is great to see my scratch built deck items finally start to go on deck!   Windlass installed, bowspit rail, forward hatch/comapnionway, hawse holes etc..















I just wanted to share a few other things...


I have realised how well fishing line cuts into things (like your fingers when you catch a big one) and on other contraptions i have made.. Great for this process,  Its cheap it comes in many thicknesses.. Worked a treat and took a minute.. Pull back and forth with pressure till line is at least flush with top of timber.. i did this in a vice..




Here is a few scratch items i made today..  For making the mast ring, i really recommend drilling out the centre hole first, then gluing it to something circular and metallic.. use this as a guide to shape outside of ring.. You will struggle to get it by eye thats for sure..  I made this one out of solid black bean..




I have also decide to added a flickering led that will run off a remote control, i will show you later if it all works out..  So now my cargo hatch is my opening to access batteries.. remote will activate a 4 or 8 hour timer or on/off, flicker/constant.. etc.. The batteries should last a long time.. But it will be easy to enough to get them out as hatch is secured by a very snug fit only,.. I will only light it for show occasions .. :)


Thanks again all, making hay while the sun shines, actuallty lots of rain, but the shipyard may close for other callings a week or three perhaps, there will be withdrawals no doubt..   Ollie







Hi gang.. i spent another 7 hours today.. my correct rudder parts arrived yesterday..


I finished my scratch built rudder, completed hole through hull to suit..  added hinges and copper etc... 


They move nicely and have good travel.. very happy.. took a while though.. i would have preferred to do this stage sooner, but here we are.. can move along now..    Ollie






Hi Ollie, I was reading over on Rafine's log of the Essex (right now he too is at the rudder stage) where someone mentioned that Copper was used to connect the Rudder to the Hull on Copper Sheathed Hulls, but that on Non Coppered hulls the 'black' iron bands were the norm.. as you have each side different perhaps you should pop over to the log and have a gander! (this was news to me as I would have thought copper too soft to hold the forces of a rudder! but the more I think about it the less that seems to be an issue!)

The relevant pictures and comments are # 438 to # 441  (almost at the very end of his log, certainly on the last page, at least as of right now!



From an aesthetic point of view though the Black looks better than the copper ones, perhaps you could say that you painted the copper!  :P


All The Best Mate



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄

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